
The Lost World

Sean was driving his motorcycle to his Grandfather's mansion before he parked and got off.

Walking inside he saw Tim and Lex.

"Sean!" Tim said rushing to him as did Lex.

"Hey guys." Sean said messing up Tim's hair.

"You here to see grandpa?" Tim asked.

"Yeah Cathrine called me. Do you know whats going on? Is everything ok?" Sean asked.

"Well not exactly." Lex said looking up as a group of board members from Ingen walked down one of whom Sean despised more then anyone.

"Hello cousin." Ludlow said.

"Get out of here you two." Sean said as the two siblings left. "Peter, What the fuck are you doing here? Here to antagonize the old man like always?" Sean asked glaring at him.

"Must you always think so low of me?" Ludlow asked.

"I don't know you tell me? You fired a hundred good workers just to save money in gramps company like an arrogant asshole. Two of whom killed themselves since you ruined their lives and then I had to offer the others a job in my company to prevent the same thing." Sean said.

"They were easily replaceable and nothing but cannon fodder." Ludlow said.

"How the hell gramps puts up with your dumbass I don't know but Ingen..." Sean tried to say.

"InGen is my responsibility now." Ludlow said.

"What the fuck are you talking about? What did you do to Gramps?" Sean demanded.

"Nothing I assure you. I've merely taken control of the company. And in time I'll do the same to yours." Ludlow said walking past him only for Sean to tightly and painfully grab his left arm making Ludlow grunt in pain.

"Not on my fucking watch you fucking prick. You do anything to gramps and make no mistake family or not I will do to you what I did to Billy Russo 10 years ago." Sean said before letting him go as he walked away. (For those who've seen the Punisher series on Netflix I will be using that in this story at a later date since it gave me a great idea for a flashback arc to use a month after the incident)

"This is exactly why I transferred the responsibility of the park to you a month ago. I knew my nephew was greedy but I didn't think he would go this far." Hammond said in his bed with Cathrine by his side.

"Well he won't ever get the right to claim the park now. But something tells me thats not why you called me down here." Sean said.

"Yes. Do you recall when Diana said I was taking advantage of the dinosaurs when you both first came to the park for a first look?" Hammond asked.

"Yes and you mentioned something about Site B." Sean said.

"Yes well Site B was a nursery site where we originally nursed most of the animals before bringing them to the park. Isla Sorna is the name of the island only about 80 miles away from the park. After you visited the park the first time a rather disastrous hurricane came and destroyed the facility on site B. There weren't any fences or anything like that on the park containing them." Hammond said.

"So basically now they live away from the original facility in their own selected areas?" Sean said.

"Yes and by god there flourishing. Thats one of the million questions I want the team to answer." Hammond said.

"What team?" Sean asked.

"Well..." Hammond said sitting up with Cathrine helping him up. "I was hoping that perhaps you and your brothers including Hellboy would go to the island and document the animals. I fear that Peter will eventually pillage this island like the first colonists did when they arrived in America. Public opinion is the one thing I still have but in order to gain that kind of support I need you and your brothers to study these animals before Peter gets the chance to take them all away." Hammond said.

"I dont know Gramps I got a lot on my plate here and the world is still recovering from Destiny last week. Who's the name of the photographer by the way?" Sean asked.

"He came to me I want you to know this." Hammond said confusing Sean.

"Who did?" Sean asked making him laugh a little.

"Leave it to you my boy to have associations, affiliations even connections to some of the most famous people in the universe and others." Hammond said.

"Wait a sec you didn't call..." Sean tried to say.

"Your friend has covered wars and photographed incidents before reporting them to you which you solved in days or hours." Hammond said before Sean pulled out his phone. "Its to late he's already there." Hammond said making Sean sigh.

"You sent Frank West to the Island alone?" Sean asked.

"Sent is hardly the word my boy. He couldn't be restrained. He told me all about your time in High school. How you helped each other in annoying or difficult situations." Hammond said getting a glass of water.

"Gramps why didn't you tell me this earlier?" Sean asked rubbing his temples.

"I thought I would have had more time before this happened. This is the only way to protect those animals." Hammond said.

"Alright. I'll get the others geared up." Sean said leaving.


"So who's this Frank West guy anyway?" Hellboy asked.

"He's a friend of mine from High School. Known him for years. Covered war stories and other incidents before reporting them to me. If he's on that island he's getting tons of pictures for the old man." Sean said as the gear needed for the trip was getting put together.

"So who's Ludlow?" Turok asked.

"My dumbass cousin. He fired a hundred hard working people just to save money and two of those people killed themselves. We've never gotten along." Sean said packing everything in the trailer.


The group soon drove on the island looking for Frank West.

"GPS tracker shows he should be somewhere around here." David said before something started moving.

"Uh." Hellboy said before a group of stegosaurus appeared by them.

"Holy shit." David said.

Turok went to get a closer look to take some pictures. As he did he failed to notice a man with white skin blue eyes and black hair next to him making the person turn and smirk before.

"HELLO!" Frank yelled making Turok jump and fall on his back making Frank burst out laughing.

"What the fuck man!" Turok yelled.

"Sorry kid I just had to do it." Frank said before climbing up and saw Sean. "Hey buddy. Took your sweat time getting here." Frank said. "Hey David." Frank said.

"Hey West." David said.

"You guys got some food or something I'm starving here." Frank said jumping down next to them.

"Hey Frank." Sean said handing him an apple.

"Thanks. So what took you guys so long?" Frank asked.

"Why didn't you tell me you came all the way out here?" Sean asked amused.

"Fair enough. So wheres the rest of the equipment?" Frank asked.


The group was traveling down to the trailer.

"Man these photos are going to win us everything and plus it will probably make your dumbass cousin back off from trying to take these dinosaurs off the island." Frank said looking at his photos.

"You mind telling me why you didn't tell me about this sooner?" Sean asked.

"Oh come on. How the hell do you say no to taking pictures of Dinosaurs?" Frank asked.

"I'm not saying you should have said no. I just like to know what my friends are doing and making sure they dont get in over their heads if your little zombie experience is any indication of that." Sean said making him roll his eyes.

"Which of course you used the evidence I found to find the government was seriously fucked up and had it reorganized from the ground up." Frank said.

"True and found a cure for the Zombie virus. Still hard to believe Zombies of all things were real in this world." Sean said.

"Oh shit Fire!" Turok yelled making them widen their eyes and rushed to the camp site. Hellboy got a tank of water and slowly started pouring it on the fire.

"No don't do that the animals will get spooked if you do. Use dirt." Frank said.

"Who the fuck started the fire?" Sean asked before the trailer opened revealing the twins and Newt.

"We just wanted to make dinner you know." Sarah said making Sean sigh.

"These two still get into trouble?" Frank asked David.

"Well they did take down Nasty Norc." David said shuddering from the memory of being a statue for a day.

"Why didn't you tell us not to come here?" Dawn asked.

"The fuck are you talking about?" Sean asked.

"Exploring the world. Rushing off into danger. Where do you think they get it?" Frank asked setting up equipment.

"Don't go teaming up on me like you guys did when they were babies." Sean said.

"Well they're here now so theres nothing we can do." Hellboy said.

"Yeah I know." Sean said.

"Frank do you know where most of the Dinosaurs are?" David asked.

"Yeah sure I can show you guys...What the hell?" Frank asked seeing a group of choppers in the air.

"The hell are they doing here?" Hellboy asked.

"It says InGen on the side of that chopper. Looks Ludlow started early." Frank said.

"Ah crap." Hellboy said.


The mercenaries InGen hired caught several of the Dinosaurs easily and put them in cages.

"So this is Ludlow's idea. He's going to take the animals back to the mainland and use them for attractions like the park." Sean said not amused.

"Only difference is I doubt he's going to treat them with humility like the old man does. Got an idea or are we going in guns blazing?" Hellboy asked.

"Nothing so dramatic Red. Turok lets go. The rest of you head back." Sean said as he and Turok went through to the camp to free the Dinosaurs.

Thankfully there was no security in the area where they were holding the Dinosaurs. Once inside Turok and Sean were freeing the Dinosaurs one by one till they were all freed. Sean headed back to the others while Turok went looking around for any remaining Dinosaurs and he did. He found a wounded T Rex hatchling.

"Easy there now." Turok said calming the infant down before freeing it and carried it back to the car where Frank was at.

Frank was waiting for Turok when he heard some noises and saw Turok with the infant.

"Kid are you out of your mind?" Frank asked.

"He's got a busted leg man. Come on lets go." Turok said getting in the car.

"Man your nuts." Frank said driving back to the Trailer.

Roland and the other mercenaries looked at the locks till Roland spotted something.

"It cant be." Roland said in disbelief.

"What is it Roland?" Ludlow asked.

"Theres only one person I know who can break locks like this. And he taught his son the same thing." Roland said throwing the destroyed lock away.


"Lane you copy? Lane?" Sean said on the radio but only got static. "Shit." Sean said trying to adjust the frequency.

"The hells wrong with it?" Hellboy asked.

"I don't know. Maybe we're just to far away from the mainland to get a good signal. I'll try contacting the other island." Sean said before Frank came in.

"No lectures please since this was not my idea." Frank said as Turok came in with the infant Rex.

"Oh Turok come on man." Sean said in disbelief.

"He's hurt what do you want me to do let it die?" Turok asked before using his power to heal the broken leg before the car was thrown off the ridge.

"Mommy is very angry." Sarah said making them tense up before Sean looked behind them seeing the male T Rex behind them roaring at them. The Female was on the other side growling at them.

"Hang on I got this." Turok said as he and the Infant walked out of the trailer. The parents approached Turok before he placed a hand on their heads before saying something in Native American Language making them look at him with soft eyes before the female licked his face making Turok chuckle before they left with their infant.

"What the hell was that?" Sean asked in disbelief.

"Connecting with the animal spirit. My dad taught me how to do that when I was five." Turok said before the trailer slowly slipped off the ridge.

"WHAT THE HELL! Who forgot to put in the breaks?" Sean asked.

"Oops." David said sheepishly.

"Turok." Roland said approaching him along with the others.

"Roland?" Turok said surprised before approaching him.

"You've grown." Roland said pulling him into a hug making him do the same.

"Yeah well its been nearly 9 years." Turok said.

"You know this young man Roland?" Ludlow asked while glaring at Sean and his group.

"Of course. He's my godson. His father Wolf Stone was my most trusted friend. I trusted him the same as I do Ajay." Roland said.

"Well your godson just ruined this operation for us." Ludlow said.

"Hey you had no right to take these animals off the island." Turok said glaring at him.

"Turok calm down now." Roland said.

"Extinct animals have no rights my boy. Best you learn that now." Ludlow said.

"Oh you mean like you had no right to be born." David said. Dieter approached Turok.

"You got a problem?" Turok asked.

"And I found you didn't I slave?" Dieter asked before Roland punched him in the face hard busting his nose.

"Say that again and see what happens." Roland said not amused.

"Look enough of this. The only place left to call in an evac is by the base not far from here. It will take at least a days walk maybe less if we hurry now." Sean said.

"I hate to break this to you but theres a problem with that." Ludlow said.

"Oh and whats that dip shit?" Frank asked.

"Velociraptors. Our intel shows they've nested around the area." Ludlow said.

"Then Turok will clear the path for us. You saw how he connected with the T rex family. So this will be no problem for him." Roland said making Turok smirk.


The joint group soon headed towards the communication center.

When they went to take a break Dieter went to take a leak which proved to be a bad idea since a group of Compys attacked and killed him.

"Where's Dieter?" Roland asked.

"I don't know. Last time I saw him was when we took a break." Turok said.

"Mr. Ashburn if you would be so kind as to come with us and help find him." Roland said.

"Yeah sure. Red your in charge." Sean said to Hellboy before they went off to look for Dieter.


Hellboy looked after the group as they stopped for the night. Soon he saw Sean, Roland and Turok.

"So did you guys find him?" Hellboy asked.

"Just the bits and pieces the Compys didn't like." Turok said before pulling out a map. "Ok the station is about 30 minutes away from here so we'll start up in the morning." Turok said.

Sean went to find his sisters along with Hellboy.

"So tell what exactly happened nearly 9 years ago?" Roland asked Turok making him sigh.

"A group of black ops troops came in and eradicated everyone since a high level terrorist was there without any of us even knowing. My entire family was killed. I survived because of a certain event." Turok said showing the blue flames of the Ghost Rider state.

"Your one of the Ghost Riders?" Roland asked in surprise.

"Apparently. I set out a path of vengeance on the ones who wronged me. A year and a half ago I teamed up with HYDRA and COBRA since at the time I thought that Tony Stark was responsible for selling the weapons that killed everyone I knew in Hope. I found out from Sean that the bullets were planted there to make it look that way. These guys were smart to remove the evidence. Whoever killed everyone is someone high up in the government." Turok said before the ground shook.

"Oh hell." Roland said as the Rex family arrived before one of the mercenaries screamed seeing the Rex family making everyone run away.

Turok went after the female when she chased Sean and his group while Roland tried to kill the male only to find that his bullets were missing.

"Damn!" Roland said.

Turok got to the Female and calmed her down before she walked away.

"You're going to have teach us how to do that eventually." Sean said making him smirk.

The group soon went towards the communication center before a group of raptors ambushed them.

"Easy now. Easy." Turok said placing his hand on the leader of the pack's head making it purr before making sounds to make the others back down before escorting them to the station.


The group soon called in for an extraction.

Roland tranquilized the male while InGen arrived to secure it.


Sean, Hellboy, Frank West and Turok arrived at the docks in San Diego where Ludlow was about to make a speech about his success when the boat carrying the male crashed into the docks.

"Oh Crap!" Hellboy yelled as they ran away before it could hit them.

The group soon made their way on the ship.

"What are you doing here?" Ludlow asked Sean as he arrived in the bridge.

"Oh shit." Sean said.

"Wheres the crew?" Ludlow asked.

"They're dead if thats any indication." Sean said before someone unlocked the cargo hold and let the Rex out who roared into the air making Ludlow widen his eyes in shock and fear.

"If anyone dies that blood is on you." Sean said.


Sean and Frank went to get the Infant that Ludlow had taken away from the island while Turok led the Male back to the boat.

"Shot it tell them to shoot it." Ludlow said before Seeing Sean and Frank with the Infant making him rush after them. "Where are you going! I want that Infant!" Ludlow yelled as Sean and Frank jumped into the water before he heard the baby growling making him go into the cargo hold seeing the infant. "There you are you worthless little." Ludlow said before the male and Turok came.

"Oh Ludlow." Turok sang in amusement as the male roared at him.

"Wait." Ludlow said before trying to run up the stairs but tripped and screamed in pain as the male bites down on his leg before placing him down next to the infant who jumped on him killing him as he screamed in pain.

"Aw so cute." Turok said before the male lifted his head up so Turok could get on the top of the boat.

Hellboy with a tranq gun in hand fired a tranquilizer at the male who roared before falling asleep with the infant alongside.

"Nice work Red." Sean said soaking wet along with Frank.

Next morning

"And there we have it theres first good look at the cargo ship with both the Rex and the infant inside. Admiral Briggs has made it a priority that there not be another incident as both cruisers from the Republic and the Covenant guard the cargo ship." A reporter said.

Turok was in Roland's home seeing the news.

"Well done Turok. Your father would be very proud of you." Roland said making him smirk.

"We now go live to Sean Ashburn Kruger. The CEO of Global tech as well as the Grandson of John Hammond the CEO of InGen." The Reporter said.

"My Grandfather made it a dream to make Jurassic park to remind us of how small we all are unlike our friends from millions of years ago. These creatures require our absence not our help to survive. So as of right now site B is herby quarantined from the public. However my allies from both the Covenant and the Republic have decided to make another decision in the name of these ancient creatures." Sean said confusing the crowd of reporters.

"Today we have found a planet that is nearly identical to Earth during the time when Dinosaurs ruled the Earth for millions of years. We call the planet by the first original continent. Pangea. As of right now we have decided to release any and all ancient species onto this planet from Earth from both the Dinosaur age as well as the time during the ice age. With this decision we will have the chance to study these creatures from a small space station over the planet. We will learn so much about these creatures that will either be proved or corrected in years to come." Sean said getting the crowd to applaud for him.


Travis Ashburn sat in his medical bed still armless and legless from his encounter with his hated nephew. It burned him inside by how successful he was and whats worse was his sister and brother in law were still alive.

"I would give anything to make that brat pay." Travis said.

"Oh really my old friend." Lex said walking in with a suit on.

"What do you want?" Travis asked.

"Why to help a common friend who hates someone more than I do." Lex said showing cybernetic enhancements making Travis grin

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