

"Whoa what do you mean a ship was attacked?" Sean asked Lane.

"I mean some giant animal just outright attacked a ship that was gathering fish and only one man survived the whole thing and guess what he said attacked them?" Lane said.

"Oh please." Sean said.

"He said Gojira." Lane said.

"Ok lets get something straight here." Sean said showing a hologram of the world. "Godzilla is nowhere near that location. He's still in the Pacific ocean for gods sakes." Sean said.

"Thats where the attack took place." Lane said.

"Ok look lets just investigate this incident first before making assumptions. I doubt Godzilla is behind this." Sean said. "But first I need you to pick up an old friend of mine who's an expert on Radiation accidents." Sean said pulling up a file.

"Who is he?" Lane asked picking up the file.

"His name is Nick Tatopoulos an expert on radiation mutations. Find him and pick him up and bring him to the site." Sean said making him nod and left.

"You sure Godzilla didn't cause this?" Reznov asked.

" I know for a fact that he doesn't just attack ships out of the blue like that. No this is something else." Sean said.

Later Panama

"Sean." Nick said approaching him on the pier.

"Nick long time no see man." Sean said shaking his hand.

"Yeah. You mind explaining to me what I'm doing here?" Nick asked as they made their way through a crowd of reporters.

"Yeah just watch your step." Sean said. "GET THESE PEOPLE OFF THE PIER!" Sean yelled as they got past them all. Nick noticed a lot of radiation counters to look for Radiation.

"What is all this some kind of spill?" Nick asked.

"Not exactly." Sean said.

"Look accidents and spills are not my fields." Nick said.

"I know that." Sean said.

"You know you've interrupted a 3 year study of the Chernobyl Earthworm." Nick said.

"Oh don't start on that shit." Sean said.

"Look because of a man made accident the earth worms are 17% larger." Nick said.

"Sounds big." Sean said.

"They're enormous thats what I'm trying to say I take samples and I study them." Nick said.

"Great heres your sample study it." Sean said getting up a ladder.

"What sample?" Nick asked making Sean smirk.

"Nick spin around." Sean said making him do that and widened his eyes when he saw he was standing inside of a footprint.

"No way." Nick said before heading up the ladder. "I was standing inside of a footprint." Nick said.

"Yup." Sean said.

"Is that one of those Primordials?" Nick asked.

"I asked Monarch and they said they've never seen one like that before." Sean said.

"I told them this is not your field, but they never listen to genius." A female voice said making nick look at her.

"Nick this is Elsie Chapman, of the national insatiate of paleontology." Sean said.

"Those were footprints right?" Nick asked her.

"Yes." Elsie said.

"Did anybody see what made them?" Nick asked.

"Actually, no such luck." Elsie said getting a better look at him.

"It all happened so fast no one knew what happened till it was over." Sean said before a jeep pulled over by them.

"Elsie." A man said rushing to them.

"Yeah?" Elsie said.

"The tape's in. The French finally released it." The man said pulling up a video of the ship that was attacked.

"This is a Japanese cannery ship that was attacked and sunk near French Polynesia." Sean said.

"What happened?" Nick asked.

"Thats what your going to tell me." Sean said. "Oh uh by the way this is Dr. Craven you'll be working with him as well." Sean said before Craven sneezed in his hand and held out his hand to Nick before he saw his mistake.

"Oh sorry. Summer cold." Craven said.

Later Great Pedro Bluff Jamaica

"So let me get this straight you and Sean went to the same college 11 years ago?" Elsie asked Nick.

"Yeah. I was pretty surprised that a 13 year old was in the same class as me. We pretty much had the same ideas so we got to know each other over the year we spent in college before he, Reed and Susan graduated early." Nick said.

"Hey cut the chatter we're here." Drake said as they came to a stop seeing the damaged ship on the beach. Lane then noticed a few men on the ship.

"Who the hell are they?" Lane asked.

"Relax Sam they're with an old friend of mine inspecting the thing for anything out of the ordinary." Tom said.

"Where do you find these people?" Lane asked making him chuckle.

"Being a five star general has its perks." Tom said making him scoff in amusement.

"Jesus Christ." Sean said inspecting the damage.

"Theres no record of anything in Monarch that could do this." Packard said looking over the data.

"We might be dealing with something new." Sean said.

Nick was looking over the ship and found some flesh on the metal and took some samples with him to see if he could find what this was.


The group was in the air aboard the Forward Unto Dawn heading for a military base.

"General, we just got a report of three fishing trawlers going down." Hudson said.

"What makes you think it's related?" Lane said.

"Trawlers were pulled under, sir." Hudson said surprising the others.

"Jesus Christ the thing's only 200 miles off the American eastern seaboard and we don't even know what the hell it is." Lane said.

"Theropoda Allosaurus." Elsie said.

"What?" Lane asked.

"A type of enormous reptile we believed died out in the Cretaceous period." Elsie said.

"Look I'm no expert on Dinosaurs but even I know that's not true since this thing is way to big to be a lost Dinosaur." Lane said.

"He's right." Sean said.

"What about the traces of radiation?" Nick said getting their attention. "The radiation isn't an anomaly it's a clue." Nick said.

"Well don't tell me what it isn't, tell me what the hell it is." Lane said.

"Well, what do we know? It was first sighted off the French Polynesian Pacific. That area has been exposed to dozens of nuclear tests for decades." Nick said.

"Hence the radiation." Sean said.

"More than that. I believe it's a mutated aberration. A hybrid caused by the fallout on these islands." Nick said.

"You mean like your worms?" Sean asked.

"Yes. We're dealing with an incipient creature. The dawn of a new species. The first of its kind." Nick said as they looked at a map.

Meanwhile at New York

By the pier an old man was getting ready to fish when two homeless men saw him.

"Hey Joe! Going to fish in the east River?" One of the homeless men asked.

"I hope so. But you never know. This could be my lucky day." Joe said.

"The only thing you'll catch is a cold." The homeless man said laughing.

Joe soon casted his bait out and waited and not 10 seconds later his bobber went down.

"Hey. I got a bite." Joe said before it went down really deep. "Boy do I have a bite." Joe said before his line was going out very fast and a little small explosion went off in the water.

"Don't let up on him, Joe. You got a big one, baby. Hold on to it." The other homeless guy said before Joe's poll was pulled out of his hands and something approached the pier and pair of spikes soon emerged from the water as it made it's way to the shore and Joe ran for his life as it destroyed the pier.

Close by the residents close by heard a low rumble sound before something came out of the water with boats covering it's upper back before it mades it's way on land with the boats dropping down.

"Watch out!" A civilian yelled as the boats dropped all around them.

The creature made it's way through the city literally destroying the streets around it.


Global tech vehicles arrived outside the city in New Jersey where a command center was established.

"Sargent Hicks." Lane said.

"General." Hicks said approaching him.

"Any word from the Mayor's office?" Lane asked.

"Yes, sir. They've agreed to evacuate the city. They've called the National Guard." Hicks said.

"Evacuate Manhattan? That's over 3 million people. Has that ever been done before?" Elsie asked.

"No." Sean said.

"Where is the creature now?" Lane asked.

"Thats the problem sir after it attacked it just disappeared." Hicks said surprising them.

"I don't understand how can something that big just disappear?" Nick asked.

"He probably returned to the river." Elsie said.

"I doubt it. I mean look at the place this is a place it can easily hide. He's in there somewhere." Sean said looking at the city.

"He's not wrong." Lane said before a news footage of the attack came on. "This thing almost looks like Godzilla." Lane said.

"With a lot of different features though." Sean said inspecting it from what could be seen. "Head's bigger spikes are larger on the shoulders and walks like a regular dinosaur." Sean said.

"Zilla." Hellboy said.

"Catchy." Sean said.

"Name aside I want to know why it's here and what its doing right now." Lane said.


"Hold on you're telling me, in an election month I evacuated this city for nothing?" The Mayor said. "Do you realize what this evacuation will cost the people of this city?" The Mayor asked.

"We've been monitoring all the waters around the island and as far as we can tell, this thing has not left the area." Lane said.

"Yes but you don't know for sure." The Mayor said.

"We have a strong reason to believe it may be hiding in a building in the restricted area." Lane said.

"But you don't know for sure!" The mayor yelled.

"Listen dumbass." Sean said getting in his face. "We cannot give the all clear till each and every one of these buildings has been checked." Sean said.

"Uh yeah about that." Sarge said walking in.

"What is it Sarge?" Lane asked

"We might have a problem." Sarge said.

"Oh terrific more good news." The Mayor said.

"We've run into an unexpected development." Sarge said.

Minutes later

"What the hell?" Sean said as they entered the subway only to find that something tunneled underneath the place.

"Delta squad was checking one of the buildings when they saw the floor was gone and found this. We realize he could be outside the city." Sarge said.

"Great. How many tunnels lead off the island?" Sean asked.

"Only 14 he hasn't used any of them." Sarge said.

"Good have'm sealed up." Lane said.

"Uh how exactly sir?" Sarge asked.

"I don't care. Just make sure the damn thing doesn't leave the island." Lane said getting him to run off while Delta squad looked around.

"You know he's not some enemy trying to evade you. He's just an animal." Nick said.

"What are you suggesting?" Lane asked.

"Well when I looked for Earthworms I knew that the best way to get them was not to dig them out but to draw them out. All we need is to find what he wants and he'll come to you." Nick said.

"Hey look at this." Cole said seeing a few fish flopping around.

"Wait a second didn't all the ships he attacked all have fish?" Sean asked.

"Yes." Lane said before he saw where he was going with this.

"I got an idea." Sean said.


The armed forces were soon preparing a trap for Zilla.

"Drake where are they now?" Lane asked.

"Delta Niner, where is the convoy?" Drake asked.

"They have just entered the city." Delta Niner said as 12 dump trucks containing fish came in.

"Sure hope this plan works." Lane said.

"I'm sure it will." Sean said.

Minutes later

The soldiers waited patiently for Zilla to come and take the bait but nothing was happening so far.

"The hell is taking him so long?" Packard asked.

"This isn't some regular enemy of ours this is an animal." Sean said.

Nick was looking at the bait when he spotted the manholes and an idea came to mind.

"Hey Sean I think I see the problem." Nick said on the comms.

"What is it?" Sean asked.

"It's these manholes. Their blocking the scent of the fish." Nick said.

"I see. Get a team out there and take them off." Sean said.

"Got it." Nick said getting a team to do just that.

"This better work." Lane said.

"Relax Sam." Tom said.

Nick went to a manhole and uncovered it. Once he did a loud rumbling sound could be heard and then Nick saw the ground was cracking as if something was making it's way over to him. Nick looked down and some slob nearly hit his face before Nick ran back just as Zilla surfaced from the sewers roaring and making his way towards the fish.

"Sir you better see this." Hudson said showing footage of Zilla making his way towards the fish.

"Holy shit." Lane said.

Zilla finally arriving at the fish went down and started eating the fish.

"Sir we've just lost communications." Hudson said.

"Get us back online." Lane said.

"Damnit kill the thing." Eiling said.

"Sargent fire at will." Tom said.

"Copy that sir." Hicks said before his men fired at Zilla who roared as the bullets bounced off him and he ducked when missiles came at him and hit the building behind him. Zilla roared as he made a run for it.

"Hicks the hell is going on?" Lane asked.

"He's gone sir." Hicks said making Lane sigh.

Sean and a few others arrived at the site where Nick gathered some blood from Zilla.

"Well that went well." Sean said.

"Well at least I got a blood sample." Nick said.

"Tell me what you find. I've got to give a report to command." Sean said.


Nick went into a drug store and asked for a few pregnancy tests.

"Thats some Harem you must have." A female voice said making Nick look behind him seeing a woman with white skin blond hair and blue eyes.

"Audrey?" Nick asked.

Nick and Audrey soon went back to his tent before Nick had to take his findings to the generals while Audrey stole a tape on Zilla.

"Ok our plan worked mostly however this time we need him in a more open area. Central Park is the best option. We should be able to take him down." Lane said.

"Uh General we might have a bigger problem." Nick said.

"What do you mean?" Sean asked

"Well in the blood test I took I found out he's pregnant." Nick said shocking them all.

"Excuse me?" Sean said in disbelief.

"Are you saying theres another one of those things out there?" Packard asked.

"Uh no I believe he reproduces Asexually. It explains why he's gathering so much food. It's not just for him it's for his young and they're going to wake up hungry." Nick said.

"You got to be fucking kidding me." Sean said.

"Uh boys." Hellboy said turning up the volume on the TV showing the news had the intel on Zilla along with the Tape that Nick was supposed to have making everyone look at him.

"Did you go to the press with this?" Sean asked.

"No. I swear I don't know how that got to them." Nick said.

"They mentioned you by name damnit!" Eiling said.

"Wade calm down. Nick was there anyone with you that might have taken the tape?" Tom asked.

"Well there was...Oh my god Audrey." Nick said in disbelief.

"Audrey. Your old girlfriend?" Sean asked.

"Sean I swear I had no intention of telling anyone about this." Nick said.

"I believe you." Sean said before sighing. "Look right now we've got work to do so we can settle this later." Sean said.

"Fine." Eiling said.

Tom went to his tent and pulled out his phone before calling someone.

"It's me. I think the situation has uh become more dangerous. I need you to do something for me." Tom said.

Nick was outside the base looking around before Audrey approached him.

"Audrey why would you do this?" Nick asked.

"You never said it was off the record." Audrey said.

"I shouldn't have to. Theres a reason not everything is revealed to the press now you've caused a panic in the country." Nick said.

"Nick theres something I have to tell you. I lied. I'm not a reporter. When we broke up I thought I could make it out here. I just didn't want to tell you I'm a failure." Audrey said making him narrow his eyes at her.

"And you thought that made it okay to steal my tapes?" Nick asked.

"No. It was a terrible thing to do. I never should've don't that." Audrey said making him sigh.

"Good luck with your career. You have what it takes." Nick said getting into a taxi and drove off.

Nick was supposed to be heading for a lab nearby but saw he was going somewhere else.

"Hey hello." Nick said before the doors locked and they stopped. "Hey let me out of here." Nick said before the window in the back opened revealing a man with tan skin brown hair and brown eyes.

"I'm afraid I cannot do that." The man said.

"Who are you?" Nick asked.

"Agent Philippe Roache. General Tom Kruger contacted me to come and pick you up." Philippe said.

"Why you?" Nick asked.

"Tom and I are old friends. He wants you to take out the nest and asked for my assistance." Philippe said.

"I still don't see why?" Nick said.

"My country is responsible for this creature and we want to take care of it before it becomes to much a threat to the world." Philippe said.


A second Trap was set for Zilla in a more open area.

Vasquez was on top of one of the buildings when she looked down and Saw Zilla walking past them.

"Hicks he's heading right for you." Vasquez said.

"Copy that." Hicks said getting his men ready when Zilla finally arrived and roared before slowly approaching them.

"Holy shit." Drake said.

"Wait till he enters the Park." Hicks said as Zilla slowly approached the area. "Come on." Hicks said before Zilla roared into the air. "Damnit! He's leaving! Fire!" Hicks yelled as the soldiers fired at Zilla as he made a run for it.

"DAMN!" Lane yelled.

"Captain Blade you have to stop that creature." Colonel Grim said.

"Roger that Colonel we're on it." Blade said. (Army Men Captain Blade here Look him up or watch the video game for PS2 Army Men air assault 2)

Zilla ran away from a group of attack helicopters as they fired at Zilla.

"Fire!" Sarge yelled as a pair of missile launchers fired at Zilla but he dodged and headed for the helicopters.

"Evasive maneuvers." Blade said as they avoided the missiles. "Target is in the clear and headed towards the West Side Highway." Blade said as the soldiers continued to fire at Zilla but he soon jumped over the tanks and into the water.

"Sorry sir he got away." Sarge said.

"Don't worry. The Navy has a little something there waiting for him." Tom said.

Underwater a small group of Submarines chased Zilla.

"We're locked on sir." The captain of one of the Subs said.

"Make final preparations prepare to fire." Tom said.

Two of the subs fired at Zilla but they missed and ended up chasing him till he managed to get past one of the subs and it was hit by the torpedoes.

"Damn." Shepherd said.

"Sir it looks like the target is heading back for the city." The captain said.

"Do not let it get here understand." Tom said.

"Ay sir." The Captain said as the last two subs went after Zilla and had him cornered. They fired they're torpedoes and hit him dead on.

"Direct hit." Tom said getting everyone to cheer.


(The rest up to this point is cannon so if you don't know the movie which is Godzilla 1998 look it up and watch it)

"You mind explaining to me why you haven't let anyone back into the city?" The Mayor asked.

"We're sending in search teams to find the body." Lane said.

"The thing is dead. What are you waiting for?" The Mayor asked.

"General we need to search for the nest." Elsie said.

"We've been over this." Lane said.

"Lane if Nick is right we'll have a bigger situation on our hands." Sean said.

"Guys you need to see this." Hellboy said showing the news footage of Madison Square Garden of hundreds of hatched baby Zilla's.

"Oh jesus christ." Eiling said.

"Get me the air force." Tom said.

Minutes later

"You heard me! Let me spell it out for you! I want you to blow up Madison Square Garden!" Tom yelled on the phone.

"That should get the job done.

Minutes later

Nick, Philippe, Audrey and Animal were outside the building just as it blew up from the missiles fired at it.

"General we've got good hits." The pilot leader said before his group flew off.

Suddenly however a low rumble sound was heard and from the wreckage of the building came Zilla who roared into the air before looking down seeing his offspring all dead before looking at the group and growled.

"General we may have a situation here." The pilot said.

"What do you mean? You did take out the nest right?" Tom asked.

"Sir it's Zilla. He's still alive. And it looks like he's chasing a group of civilians." The pilot said.

"Damnit." Tom said.


The group drove to the Brooklyn bridge and soon Zilla got caught in the suspension cables.

"Sean it worked. He's caught in the suspension cables do it now!" Nick yelled.

"Got it." Sean said as the pilots flew by ready to attack.

"Target in sight." The pilot said before each of them fired two missiles each. "Two away." The pilot said as they hit just as the group got past the bridge and to safety. Zilla roared into the air in pain.

"Direct hit but the target is still moving." Hudson said.

"Well circle around and fire again." Lane said getting them to do just that firing at Zilla with two missiles each before they hit him making him roar in pain before collapsing to the ground and died.


"I really wish we didn't have to do this." Sean said.

"I know son but we had a job to do." Lane said.

"Well it's not over yet. We still need to go back and check to see if any more eggs are left unhatched." Sean said.

Back at Square Garden

The building was a mess with fire and electricity firing off. But int he shadows however a lone egg remained slightly moving.

Chapitre suivant