

"What the hell is this place?" Turok asked seeing a building that said Waste managing service.

"Thats just a cover story for this place." Tom said using an eye scanner to get him and his family in.

"Welcome back General." The man at the front desk said.

"Section 51 please." Tom said before they went down on a large elevator.

"Wow." Turok said as they entered a large room with tons of books as well as a fish tank or at least it looked like one giving its large size and oddly enough there were four open books in front of it.

"Turn the pages please." A male voice said.

"Huh?" Turok said confused making Sean and David chuckle.

"Who said that?" Newt asked.

"Abe show yourself fish face." Sean said before an aquatic humanoid person appeared in the fish tank making Newt hide behind Mara who giggled while Turok look surprised before Sean turned the pages on all four books.

"What the?" Turok said confused.

"Four book at once every day." Broom said behind them.

"Grandpa!" The Twins said in unison rushing to him making him laugh as they hugged him,

"Oh my goodness look how big you've grown." Broom said.

"Hello Trevor." Mara said hugging him.

"Hello Mara." Broom said before looking at Newt. "Ah and this must be the newest addition to your ever growing family." Broom said making Newt wave and smile.

"Uh is someone going to explain this?" Turok asked confused.

"Turok meet Trevor Broom a very old family friend of ours." Sean said.

"Abe here was discovered alive in a secret chamber of St. Trinian's founding hospital, Washington. His name was taken from this inscription stuck to the side of his tank." David said showing it said Icthyo Sapiens April 14, 1865.

"Hey isn't that the..." Turok tried to say.

"The very day Abraham Lincoln died." Broom said.

"Hence the name Abe." Sean said.

"Somehow I cant say I'm surprised since Normal went out the window during World War 2." Turok said making Broom chuckle.

"Oh my boy you have no idea." Broom said before leading them down the hall. "During the second war Joseph and I formed the Bureau of Paranormal research and Defense. Tom and his old team had a lot of missions with us during those days before they rose through the ranks with such ease due to their unique skills and leadership." Broom said before coming to a large door.

"Whats behind that?" Turok asked.

"This my boy is the reason why the Bureau was born." Broom said before inserting a device and opened the door and walked in.

"Ugh." Turok said seeing all the cats.

"What don't like Cats Turok?" David asked.

"Not saying I don't just not this many. Who's room is this?" Turok asked making Sean chuckle before handing him a comic book with a Red skinned man with trimmed horns and a tail.

"I hate those Comic books." A male voice said making Turok look up and widened his eyes before looking back to the comic and the person seeing the exact same similarities.

"No way." Turok said.

"Long time no see boys." The man said.

"Yeah long time Hellboy." Sean said.

"You have got to be kidding me." Turok said laughing.

"Turok meet Hellboy who's like a brother to us." David said.

"Whats with the hair David?" Hellboy asked seeing it was cut short military style. "Finally joined the army?" Hellboy asked making David snort.

"Yeah no thanks. I just look better this way." David said running a hand through his hair.

"Bullshit you look like your nearly Bald." Sean said before David pulled him into a headlock making Hellboy chuckle.

"Some things never change." Hellboy said.

"Hi Red." The Twins said.

"Well look at you girls. Not the two little twerps I remember." Hellboy said jokingly.

"Be nice." Mara said.

"I was just kidding. So what brings you guys back here?" Hellboy said putting down his weights.

"I asked them to come by for a while since they haven't been here for nearly 10 years. Plus perhaps Sean and David can make you grow up a little." Broom said making Hellboy sigh before an alarm went off.

"Well maybe some other time. Time to go to work boys." Hellboy said.


"Seriously a fucking dumpster?" Sean asked as they traveled to a museum where the unknown monster was.

"My thoughts exactly kid. One sheet of glass between them and us." Hellboy said.

"Story of my life." Abe said.

"Oh like you care." David said cleaning his weapons.

"Ugh. Outside I could be outside." Hellboy said.

"You mean, outside with her." Abe said.

"Huh?" Sean said.

"Don't listen to him and don't get psychic with me, fella." Hellboy said.

"Nothing Psychic about it. You're easy." Abe said.

"I highly doubt that." Turok said putting on his Trench coat.

"Nice jacket kid." Hellboy said.

"Belonged to my dad before the incident." Turok said.

Soon they entered the Museum where other agents were waiting for them.

"1900 hours, an alarm was tripped. A large entity, type 5, reported. Very Aggressive. Six guards dead." An agent said.

"I thought we checked this place? Fakes and Reproductions." Hellboy said.

"Apparently not everything was fake." Broom said with Tom and Lane by him.

"Hey Sam." Hellboy said.

"Long time no see Red." Lane said.

"The entity is still in there. Video surveillance shows a 16th-century statue was destroyed. St. Dionysius the Areopagite." Broom said.

"Who wards off demons." Sean said.

"Exactly. The statue however was hollow." Broom said.

"A reliquary?" David asked.

"A prison. The Vatican deemed its occupant dangerous enough to include it on the list of Avignon, of which, by the way, we hold a copy." Broom said.

"Perfect job for these babies." Hellboy said holding large bullets filled with various ingredients to kill certain monsters. "Alright boys lets go in and say hi." Hellboy said as he, Sean, David and Turok went inside before the doors closed on them sealing them inside.

"Ugh." Turok said seeing the dead and half eaten bodies of the guards.

"Abe we're going to need some more info on this one." Sean said.

Hellboy was walking around with his weapon out before a trial of slob dropped down in front of him making him look up.

"Boys over here." Hellboy said making them look up.

"Oh my good lord." David said in disgust as the creature was eating one of the dead guards.

"Hey, Stinky. Kitchen's closed." Hellboy said but it ignored him. "What you having? Six library guards, raw, plus belts and boots. Man you're going to need some heavy fiber to move that out." Hellboy said.

"Not funny." David said.

"Red, I found something." Abe said on the comms. "This entity's name is Sammael, the desolate one. Son of Nergal, brother of..." Abe tried to say.

The creature known as Sammael dropped the body in front of them.

"Ugh." Hellboy said in disgust before Sammael dropped down in front of them. "Listen Sammy, I'm not a very good shot, but the Samaritan here uses really big bullets." Hellboy said before it faced them.

"Oh god." Turok said in disgust.

"So what do you say we work this out in a nice, peaceful..." Hellboy tried to say before it tried to run away. "Oh crap." Hellboy said. (Man he uses that phrase a lot in the movies)

Sean and David held him in place with their chains while Turok took hold of his head with his allowing Hellboy to shoot him in the face killing him.

"Thats, it for you Sam." Hellboy said putting his gun away. "Nice work kid." Hellboy said placing a hand on Turok's shoulder making him smirk.

"Red you need to hear the rest of the information." Abe said.

"Nah we got him." Hellboy said.

"No, listen to this. Sammael, the desolate one, lord of the shadows son of Nergal, hound of Resurrection." Abe said making them freeze and Hellboy frowned.

"See I don't like that." Hellboy said as they turned around and sure enough the body was gone.

"Fuck." Sean said before he came back and attacked them throwing him and David into a wall while tossing Turok into a display case and threw Hellboy into the door before throwing him out the window and fell on the ground.

"Crap." Hellboy said.

"Child." A male voice said making him look in front of him seeing a bald man. "All grown up I see." The man said.

"That voice." Hellboy said recognizing it.

"It was the first lullaby you ever heard, my son. I ushered you into this world. I alone know your true calling, your true name." The man said.

"Name this." Hellboy said picking up his gun and aimed it at him only to find him gone. Just then Sammaeal dropped down with Turok under it and Sean and David trying to pull him off. "Out of the way boys." Hellboy said about to shoot him but it's long tongue latched onto his arm burning him. "OW!" Hellboy said before Sean kicked him in the face hard throwing him into the wall.

"You ok?" Sean asked.

"Yeah I'm alright." Hellboy said before getting behind the dumpster. "Here it's a tracking bullet crack the pin." Hellboy said making Turok do just that and handed it back to him and noticed something latched on his arm.

"What the fuck is that?" Turok asked making Hellboy look at it.

"Oh crap." Hellboy said before Sammael attacked them again just as Hellboy pulled it off.

"The hell is that?" Turok asked.

"Let me go ask." Hellboy said tossing him the thing making Turok growl in annoyance before Hellboy shot it with the tracking bullet.

"Turok report back to the others we've got this!" Sean said as the three chased the thing.

Later (The rest is cannon from the movie)

"Screw this." Hellboy said using the rail line to fry Sammael with ease before it burned to death.

"I'm fire proof your not." Red said using the flames on his stone hand to lite a Cigar. "Sean hows David's arm." Hellboy asked since David got hit by a car before he came down into the subway.

"I'll live. Where are you?" David asked.

"Don't worry about it. Tell Father I'll be back soon." Hellboy said before ending his transmission.

"Huh. Wonder whats thats all about?" Sean said.

"Maybe it has something to do with what Abe said." David said before they headed back to Broom and the others.

"Ah there you boys are. Wheres Hellboy?" Broom asked with him was a bald man smoking a Cigar and Sean and David already didn't like him.

"Don't know. Who's this?" Sean asked.

"Ah this is Tom manning he oversees the agency." Broom said.

"So how many escapes this year alone? Five." Manning said.

"Back off." Sean said but David held him back as he walked away.

"Don't worry he's always like that." Broom said.

"Professor. They were here." Abe said using his abilities to see what happened making Broom widen his eyes.

"Who was?" Turok asked.

"Abe has an ability to see past and Present timelines. Kinda like Vibe does when he touches certain items." Sean said before Abe showed Broom everything.

"Professor." Abe said.

"I'm alright." Broom said before groaning holding his back.

"You alright." Sean asked in concern making him sigh.

"Yes but once you reach a hundred years old like me you feel the effects. I'm old boys theres no denying that." Broom said.

"Maybe you need to Retire." David said.

"Your Grandfather wouldn't so neither will I. I just need to move around less." Broom said walking off outside making Sean sigh.

"Grandpa Joe might not have ever retired from the Army but he's not like him." Sean said.

"What do you suggest?" Turok asked.

"I think its time I make some arrangements." Sean said.


"What the hell are we doing here?" David asked seeing they were at Psychiatric hospital.

"This is where Hellboy ran off to." Broom said before they came to a stop and got out seeing Hellboy talking to some woman with white skin black hair and dark eyes.

"Who's that?" Turok asked.

"That my boy is Liz Sherman. She has similar abilities as you boys involving fire." Broom said.

"I'll go get him." Sean said as he David and Turok approached him as Hellboy looked let down.

"What took you boys so long?" Hellboy asked.

"Trafic." David said making him chuckle a little.

"Come on man lets go home. Theres someone there waiting for you." Sean said making him raise an eyebrow before sighing as he went with them. Turok looked at Liz who looked back before they all left.


"Oh ho ho." Hellboy said holding Junior up who laughed at his uncle figure. "So this is the famous little guy I've heard so much about." Hellboy said before handing him back to Diana who smiled. "Hopefully he ends up like his old man and..." Hellboy tried to say.

"Ah don't curse in front of him." Diana said making him chuckle before sitting down so Sean and Abe could patch him up.

"Well I see you are growing up a lot but I still worry about you." Broom said.

"Me?" Hellboy said confused.

"Well I wont be around forever you know." Broom said.

"OW! Could you both be a little more careful." Hellboy said to Sean and Abe with the former chuckling.

"Dude my son is tougher then you." Sean said making him roll his eyes. "How long was that thing latched onto your arm?" Sean asked looking inside the wound.

"I don't know about five seconds maybe more. Why?" Hellboy asked.

"Well." Sean said pulling an egg out of his wound. "Five seconds and three eggs." Sean said.

"Didn't even buy me a drink." Hellboy said making Sean chuckle before looking at the egg under a microscope.

"Hmm. Well the good news is that these things need a certain environment in order to Breed. A dark humid environment." Sean said.

"And thats good how?" David asked.

"Theres an old abandoned subway right were Red killed that thing. Tomorrow we'll go back and search the place for any more eggs." Sean said.

Soon they left the room.

"Hey Broom what was Abe talking about earlier?" Sean asked.

"Oh yes I didn't tell you. You during the second world war your grandfather and I were sent to an island off the cost of Scotland. It's actually how we found Hellboy in the first place. Anyway this man named Rasputin tried to awaken Ogdru Jahad." Broom said.

"The seven gods of Chaos." Sean said.

"Yes. Thankful your grandfather and I stopped them and he was sucked into the portal that released Hellboy into our world." Broom said.

"So how can he be back?" Sean asked.

"I believe you know the saying Death is only the beginning. In any event I believe he intends to continue his work about releasing those gods. We must do everything in our power to stop them." Broom said.

Next day

The hospital Liz was at was destroyed due to her blacking out and burning the place to a crisp.

"How many buildings does she need to burn down? She belongs here." Hellboy said to his father with Sean, David and Turok in the room.

"No offense Red but the choice should be her's." Sean said.

"What if I could bring her back? I do have a way with people." Turok said.

"Tell you what kid you bring her back here and I'll owe you big time." Hellboy said.

"Well go on." Sean said making Turok chuckle and left the room.

"Sean let me ask you something do you find it odd that Liz suddenly had a Relapse out of nowhere when she hasn't had one in months?" Broom asked.

"Actually yes but nature has a funny way of doing things." Sean said.

"Oh yeah?" Hellboy asked.

"Take us for example. We didn't want to be Ghost Riders at first and yet here we are doing what we do best." Sean said.

"Yeah true." Hellboy said as Broom left.


"Son of a bitch." Sean said as they entered an abandoned tunnel where Abe sensed the other eggs.

"Why cant our jobs ever be simple?" David asked making Hellboy chuckle.

"Theres a pulse." Abe said pointing to a wall. "There. A cistern on the other side." Abe said.

"Theres no way in." An agent said before Sean and David used they're flaming chains to cut the down the wall making in crumble apart.

"You were saying?" Sean said before they entered the next room.

Hellboy lifted a man hole cover off the floor revealing a large underground tunnel full of water and bugs.

"We lead a charmed life." Abe said making Sean snort before breaking some glow sticks and threw them down.

"Here you are doctor." Hellboy said handing Abe something as he took off his armor to go explore under the water. "This should cover your tail fin. Reliquary. Straight from the Vatican. A bone from St. Dionysius. Looks like a pinkie." Hellboy said.

"Remind me why I keep doing this?" Abe asked.

"Rotten eggs and the safety of the world." Sean said.

"Ah." Abe said before diving in.

"Sorry sap." Sean said making Hellboy chuckle.

"This doesn't look like Army hair." David said looking at a mirror on the wall. "Be honest Red what do you think?" David asked.

"I'm thinking about doing it myself." Hellboy said making Sean burst out laughing making David growl in annoyance.

"Man what is taking him so long?" David asked about Abe.

"Dude it's not that...Easy?" Sean said seeing a man in black armor similar to Reznov's. "Oh hell no." Sean said as he and Hellboy ran after him.

"Hey wait up!" David yelled running after them but he got separated from them. "Guys where are you?" David asked on the comms.

"Sit tight David we're on him." Hellboy said as they entered a boiler room and found an assortment of masks in the room and a picture of Sammael.

"Hmm." Sean said reading the text on the page before they turned around and saw Sammael. "I thought you said you killed him?" Sean said before he pounced Hellboy. "Well Shit." Sean said.

Minutes later

"Damn you look like hell." Sean said finding him bleeding.

"Been there done that." Hellboy said before they saw their communicators were blinking showing Abe was topside. "David we're getting a signal from Abe we're on our way back." Hellboy said.

"Yeah yeah." David said before seeing the same guy from before drop down making David aim his pistol at him. "Don't fucking move asshole." David said as the person turned something on his suit making David fire at him but his bullets bounced off the chest and when he hit him in the stomach dust came out. "What the hell?" David said before he rushed at him and started stabbing him while David fired at him again.

Hellboy and Sean heard the shots.

"David." Sean said as they rushed to him.

David fell down groaning holding his stabbed stomach while the person heard Sean and Hellboy rushing towards him making him turn the thing on his chest in the opposite direction and fell down dead.

"David!" Sean yelled rushing to him.

"Ugh this sucks." David said sitting up as his wounds healed and looked at his attacker. "Finally." David said.


Abe was in a healing tank due to his wounds from facing the hell hound while the other two agents were dead eaten alive.

In the room with Hellboy, Sean and David with the later having been bandaged up from his wounds was Tom Manning.

"He'll make it." Manning said as he smoked a Cigar. "Not everyone was so lucky. We had two agents die tonight due to you running off." Manning said making Sean and David frown at him.

"Not now, Manning, please." Hellboy said.

"My problem with you is your reckless. These men trusted you to lead them as a team. Where were you?" Manning asked.

"I knew those men better then you did." Hellboy said.

"Oh I see well that makes it better." Manning said.

"Ah shut the fuck up." Sean said.

"Easy. I stopped that thing." Hellboy said.

"Yes, you did. It's what you do. It's why we need you. You have an insight. You know monsters." Manning said making Hellboy, Sean and David frown.

"What are you trying to say?" Hellboy asked.

"This whole thing is a farce. Because in the end after you've killed, after you've captured freak out there theres still one left. You." Manning said making Sean stand up.


"Welcome back." Broom said to Liz who smiled as she hugged him.

"It's only for the weekend professor then I'm on my way." Liz said.

"Oh Turok your brothers just got back..." Broom tried to say till Manning was thrown out of the room through the glass and he looked terrified out of his mind.

"Why you worthless little!" Sean yelled before Hellboy held him back.

"Calm down. He's not worth it." Hellboy said as Manning ran like hell.

"Well he must have really said something to piss him off that bad." Turok said.

"Hey Turok." Sean said.

"Liz?" Hellboy said.

"Like I said Red I've got a way with people." Turok said making him chuckle.


"His name is Karl Ruprecht Kroenen. Reznov told me he used to be his old teacher hence the similar armor design." Broom said as he and Sean inspected the body.

"Broom we need to talk real quick." Sean said.

Minutes later

Hellboy was in his room before Sean entered.

"Red come on lets go." Sean said making him raise an eyebrow.

"Go where?" Hellboy asked.

"Broom gave me permission to take you out of this place for a while. I know a place you'll love to see." Sean said making him chuckle before they both left.

Elementia nation

"Damn." Hellboy said as they stood in the hidden Leaf village of the Elementai nation after they exited the portal. "So this is the place that got merged with Earth Realm." Hellboy said.

"Yup. Come on I'll show you to one of my favorite eating spots." Sean said.

Back at the agency

Broom had found a few scraps of paper before he managed to find a copy similar to the words on the paper.

"Sebastian Plackba, number 16. Moscow." Broom said. "Hmm If I recall thats Rasputin's mausoleum." Broom said in thought before hearing ticking and turned and saw Kroenen walking down the steps making him widen his eyes. "I see the puppet but where is the puppeteer." Broom said.

"Very good Professor Broom." Rasputin said behind him sitting in a chair.

"It was you. The scraps of paper Liz's sudden relapse and return." Broom said.

"Bread crumbs on the trail. Like in a fable. They both distract him and guide him exactly where I need him." Rasputin said.

"Moscow." Broom said.

"His destiny. And the last clue will be left by the late Professor Broom. You raised the child. Nurtured him. So in return I will permit you a brief, brief glimpse of the future." Rasputin said showing him the future of the world in destruction with Hellboy having his horns fully long and a flaming crown on his head. "If only you had him destroyed nearly 80 years ago none of this would come to pass. But then, how could you have known? Your god choses to remain silent. Mine lives within me. Every time I died and crossed over a little more of the master came back with me." Rasputin said showing moving tentacles inside his skin.

"He disclosed to me the child's true name. Would you like to know it?" Rasputin said.

"I know what to call him. Nothing you say or do will ever change that. I call him...Son." Broom said before placing his cross on his stand. "I'm ready." Broom said waiting for his end.

"It will be quick." Rasputin said. Kroenen soon approached Broom and stabbed him through the neck killing him.


Sean and Hellboy soon came back to the agency and saw lots of agents running around to Broom's room.

"The hell?" Sean said.

"Something's wrong." Hellboy said.

3 days later

Broom's funeral was held with Tom and his team carrying the coffin into the van before it drove off. Hellboy stood on top of the building watching while holding his father's cross.

"He hasn't spoken to anyone in three days. Not a word. I've never seen him like this." Liz said to Sean and David. "Have you?" Liz asked.

"He's seen us like this before when our parents were thought to be dead 10 years ago. Losing a parent is not something easy. Don't worry he'll bounce back soon he's a lot tougher then you think." Sean said taking a drink from his flask.

Hellboy was looking over the book that showed where he needed to go to.

"Hey." Sean said entering the room.

"Hey. This is the last thing Father was doing before Kroenen killed him." Hellboy said looking at the book.

"Rasputin's Mausoleum. Don't worry Red we'll get back at them for this." Sean said.

"So when do we leave?" Hellboy asked making Sean smirk.

"Now." Sean said


"This ancient Text shows Sammaeal will keep coming back like a Hyrda's head. Kill one and two more will come back." Sean said as they flew in a plane.

"We'll have the nail them all at once including all the eggs." Hellboy said.

"And when we do no bullshit." David said placing some high tech grenades down.

"Double-core Vulcan-65 grenades." Manning said.

"Pull the pin and watch the fireworks." Turok said.

Soon they landed and got on the road.

"Spark to big red. Do you read me? Come in?" Liz said on the Radio as Hellboy was in a crate to avoid surveillance.

"Sparky? Which one of you idiots came up with that name?" Hellboy asked.

"Hey." Turok said offended making Sean and David laugh before they came to a stop.

Hellboy kicked the door off and jumped out.

"Sebastian Plackba, number 16." Hellboy said as they entered the place.

"Forget it. We're never going to find Rasputin's Mausoleum." Manning said already complaining and telling them they should leave.

"Either you shut the fuck up or I'm going to shoot you in the face." Sean said.

"Come on boys lets go ask for directions." Hellboy said leading them away.

"Where they going?" Manning asked.

Hellboy was using a compass to lead him to something till they came to a grave which Sean and David opened and Hellboy jumped down and took off the top of the Coffin. Soon he pulled out some kind of pendent and started chanting something and the body came to life.

"This is Ridicules. I run this show, not him." Manning said getting on everyone's nerves. "This guy is nothing but trouble and a bad influence. Ten minutes we're out of here." Manning said only for Turok to punch him in the stomach.

"Shut it." Turok said.

"Hey guys." Sean said as they approached hem with the now living dead body on Hellboy's back.

"Sixty feet further, comrades." Hellboy said in a Russian accent. "And three rows in." Hellboy said regularly.

"What the hell is that on his back?" Manning asked.

"This is Ivan. Say hi Ivan." Hellboy said only for him to point the way and call him a red monkey making Sean and David chuckle. Soon they found the Mausoleum. They walked down a lot of stairs along the way.

"Ivan says there's a whole network of tunnels down here." Sean said as they got to the bottom.

"We should be fine just so long as we don't separate." Hellboy said before giant walls came out of the ground.

"You had to say something." David said.

"Hey Turok you alright?" Sean asked.

"Yeah we're fine." Turok said.

"We'll try to meet up later right now keep moving forward." Hellboy said as they all separated. Hellboy's group which consisted of Sean, David Manning and another agent came to a large bridge.

"Ask your buddy how far this thing goes." Manning said before Hellboy pushed one of the rails down and it went down far.

"How you doing up there, Ivan?" Hellboy asked and Ivan just made insults making him sigh. "You mind holding him this guy is so negative." Hellboy said handing him to the other agent. Just then the door behind them closed and Manning rushed to it.

"Hey. Hey. HEY!" Manning yelled before the room started moving its gears. "What the hell is that?" Manning asked.

"Something big. Let's move." Hellboy said.

"No, no, no! Stay put!" Manning said as he stood next to the other agent. "Stop! You three listen to me. I'm in charge. We're going to go back. You can take that door apart!" Manning yelled.

"Whatever it is, it's coming for us. Now, gotta move forward." Hellboy said.

"Let's go." Sean said.

"STAY PUT!" Manning yelled making them sigh. "And you I am not afraid of any of you. We go back!" Manning said before something hit him the agent and Ivan making them scream as they fell to their deaths.

"Well shit." Sean said before seeing the thing that hit them was coming back. "Oh shit MOVE!" Sean yelled as they rushed to the other end just in time as the door closed.

"Stupid fucking..." David tried to say till they heard old music playing. "You guys hear that?" David asked.

"That is some really old music." Sean said before they traveled through a tunnel filled with sharp edges. Hellboy saw Kroenen and pulled out his pistol before David's hand got cut deep.

"Ow." David said making Sean and Hellboy look at him and back and saw Kroenen was gone.

"Nice going dumbass." Hellboy said before he stopped the music. David sighed before turning around and Kroenen was right in front of him and tried to slash him.

"Oh fuck!" David yelled jumping back before Sean wrapped him up in his chain as did David before Hellboy started punching him in the face.

"You killed my father. Your ass is mine!" Hellboy said before punching him so hard he flew into a wall when Sean and David unwrapped him. Kroenen soon let a few Raspy laughs. "What are you laughing at you Nazi son of a...Whoa!" Hellboy said as the floor turned out to be a trap and went away. Sean and David got out of the way but Hellboy held onto the edge. Kroenen was about to slash Hellboy when Sean appeared behind him and kicked him down getting him stabbed by the spikes down below having dust come out of him.

"Red care to do the honors." Sean said making him chuckle and picked up a large gear.

"Thats it for you pinhead." Hellboy said dropping it on him killing him without question. "Now lets go fine the others." Hellboy said

Turok, Liz and the other agent soon came to the nest.

"Oh my lord." Turok said seeing thousands of eggs and more monsters.

"Turok ready your Grenades." The other agent said.

"Guys we need some help here." Liz said on the comms before banging was heard from above. Hellboy was smashing the ground with his fist.

"Coming for you kid." Hellboy said as he continued to smash his way through.

The other agent was about to pull the pin when he got tackled and started screaming when they began to eat him. Hellboy soon dropped down along with Sean and David who were in their Rider state and started killing the monsters but with each one killed two more appeared from the eggs. Liz was about to rush in.

"Liz no!" Turok yelled.

"They're going to kill them! Do something!" Liz yelled.

"What am I supposed to do if I kill them I'll just be making it worse." Turok said.

"Hit me!" Liz said.

"WHAT!" Turok yelled confused before he just did that and her entire body was engulfed in blue flames and soon a massive fiery explosion occurred that destroyed the monsters and the eggs before everyone was knocked out.


Sean woke up slowly with a groan before seeing Red was chained up in a wooden container with his stone hand having a metal circle with some kind of engraving on it.

"Red wake up!" Sean yelled making Hellboy do just that and saw Liz on some kind of table and struggled to get out.

"And I looked and beheld an angel. And in his right hand, the key to the bottomless pit." Rasputin said making Sean and Hellboy look at him and glare as he turned to them. "These were the words I heard as a peasant boy in Tobolsk." Rasputin said as David and Turok woke up.

"Oh what the?" Turok said before seeing a giant stone. "The hell is that?" Turok asked.

"This my young friend is the key to the end of the world." Rasputin said making Sean groan in annoyance.

"Cant we go one week without someone trying to destroy the world just once? Please." Sean said

"The door sent by the Ogdru Jahad so that they might at long last enter our world." Rasputin said.

"You are the key, the right hand of doom. Your stone hand. What did you think it was made for?" Haupstein said.

"Smashing your ugly face for starters." Sean said trying to get free.

"Open the locks." She said.

"Yeah right like he'd ever..." Sean tried to say till she hit him in the face with a hammer making him growl.

"Silence." Haupstein said before Sean spit blood in her face before she rubbed it off. "Imagine it. An Eden for you and her." Haupstein said.

"No." Hellboy said.

"No? In exchange for her soul then?" Rasputin said before looking up. "Open the door." Rasputin said.

"No." Hellboy said.

"As you wish." Rasputin said getting closer to Liz.

"NO! NOOOOOO!" Hellboy yelled as he took her soul away. "Liz!" Hellboy yelled as Rasputin approached him.

"Her soul awaits on the other side. If you want her back open the door and claim her." Rasputin before Hellboy tried to attack him but couldn't. "Your true name is inscribed around the locks that hold you. You cannot break them no matter how strong you are." Rasputin said.

"The Eclipse has begun." Haupstein said making him look up and sure enough it was.

"Your true name say it!" Rasputin yelled taking the cross out of his hand. "Become the key." Rasputin said throwing the cross away next to Turok who was trying to get out of his restraints.

"For her." Hellboy said.

"Anung un Rama." Rasputin said.

"Anung un Rama." Hellboy said before his restraints were broken and when they were Hellboy's horns grew and a flaming crown was seen on his head before he approached the stone and inserted his stone hand into it and soon enough it shoot a beam into the sky freeing the gods of chaos from their prison. Turok got out of his restraints and grabbed the cross.

"Open the final lock." Rasputin said.

"Hellboy remember who you are!" Turok yelled throwing him his cross and he caught it and it burned on his palm. Haupstein tried to smash his head only for David to kick her feet and Sean killed her by smashing his foot into her skull making her brain splatter everywhere.

"Believe me I've lived long enough to know not a tear will be shed for this world." Rasputin said.

"You have a choice Red. Your father gave you that." Sean said.

"No you don't! Open it!" Rasputin said before Hellboy grabbed his horns and tore them off ending the ritual. "No. What have you done!" Rasputin said before Hellboy stabbed him in the stomach.

"I chose my family." Hellboy said before Sean used his power to burn him alive along with his master who was inside. Liz's soul returned to her body. "Come on boys lets go home." Hellboy said.


"Sean what are we doing here?" Hellboy asked as they walked into a building.

"You'll see." Sean said as he opened a door to a room.

"Look I..." Hellboy tried to say but froze when he saw who was inside.

"Well, well, well. I was wondering how long it would take you to come here." Broom said sitting in a chair and in the room were two old men one who was bald and in a wheel chair and another who was old with Grey hair white skin and dark eyes.

"Father?" Hellboy said in disbelief.

"I'm always ten steps ahead Red." Sean said making him look at him.

"How?" Hellboy tried to say but then it hit him. "You little sneak you planed this. You placed one of those LMD replicas in his place." Hellboy said remembering one of his old ideas from when he was a kid.

"You really think I would let him die like that? I don't think so. This is a retirement home." Sean said pointing to the old men.

"Frank Woods and Alex Mason." Hellboy said recognizing them.

"Long time no see monkey." Woods said making him chuckle.

"Sean made it a point that it was indeed time for me to Retire. So from this point on you'll be taking orders from him since Manning is no longer around." Broom said.

"That I like." Hellboy said.


Sean, Hellboy, Abe and Liz soon appeared on the watchtower.

"Glad you could make it." Superman said floating down to them along with the rest of the league.

"Oh things definitely just got a whole lot more interesting." Hellboy said.

"Welcoming to the Justice League Red." Sean said.

Chapitre suivant