

Sean woke up from his bed before turning to his right and smirked seeing a familiar naked red head next to him. Sean turned her over so she was on her back reveling the red head to be Erza with a content smile on her beautiful face.

Its been a month since her realm merged with EarthRealm. Things have been decently calm since then with the extra amount of heroes.

Just then his phone rang making him sigh while Erza woke up with a yawn as he answered his phone.

"Lane this better be good I'm not a morning person." Sean said making Sam chuckle.

"Well for this you will be. Last night in the ocean a small earthquake moved some landmass up forming a small island." Sam said.

"And this interests me how?" Sean asked.

"It wasn't the only thing that got pushed up kid. A large spacecraft also pushed up and if our scans are correct life forms are on board." Sam said making him raise and eyebrow.

"I'll be right there." Sean said ending his call and sighed.

"Something wrong?" Erza asked sitting up flashing her breasts at him.

"Uh that depends on your definition." Sean said making her raise an eyebrow.


"What the hell?" Sean said seeing the large downed space craft in the center of the island.

"My first words exactly." Sam said inputing some commands on the screens.

"Has anyone else gotten word about this?" Sean asked.

"We kept this quiet. But don't expect it to stay that way forever." Talbot said.

"What is this thing?" Sally asked.

"I can answer that." A female voice said one that Sean and Sally recognized. They turned and saw a woman same age as them with black hair and dark blue eyes and white skin.

"Yukari?" Sean said surprised.

"You know this woman?" Sam asked.

"Duh she went to school with us. What are you doing in the island?" Sean asked before a pilot came behind her holding his family jewels making Sean and Sally sigh.

"You haven't changed at all." Sally said making her grin.

"Says the woman in a harem with him." Yukari said making her blush and stutter while others laughed making Sally growl at her.

"Ok seriously what are you doing here?" Sean asked making her get serious before reaching into a bag she had and handed him some notes.

"Do you recall that old story from when we were in school of legends descending from the heavens?" Yukari asked.

"How can I not? You were obsessed with that story...Wait a second is that why you're here?" Sean asked.

"This proves a theory. People believed certain legends were born but I think this ship actually proves they came from another planet." Yukari said making Sean and Sally raise an eyebrow.

"She might have a point." Wonder Woman said.

"What makes you say that?" Sean asked.

"Well Superman and his cousins are considered legends and they came from another world and so do J'ohn and Hawkgirl." Wonder Woman said.

"True. Alright lets move. Talbot you and the others stay here till we give the all clear." Sean said as he Sally Yukari and Diana entered the ship.

"Somehow I knew he was going to do that." Sam said as they kept watch.

"Damn." Sean said as they entered the ship seeing it was in top condition.

"How long do you suppose this has been down here?" Diana asked.

"Thousands of years give or take." Sally said seeing all the advanced technology before a hallway was seen and Sean sensed something was behind it. Sean walked towards the door.

"Hey what are you doing?" Yukari asked before Sean pried opened the door with his bare hands before the room lite up and he widened his eyes.

"Uh girls...You might want to see this." Sean said getting their attention. They walked to the room and widened their eyes as well. Inside the room was a large number of people human like in pods with yellow glowing liquid.

"My god." Yukari said as they walked around.

"Sean we've got another uninvited guest but she claims to know you." Sam said on the Comms.

"How can I not know that dumbass?" The Female yelled and Sean raised an eyebrow.

"Put her on." Sean said having him do just that. "Julia?" Sean asked.

"Who else?" Julia said making Sean chuckle.

"I'm surprised you came all the way out here." Sean said.

"I invited her Kruger she needed to see this." Reznov said.

"My superiors asked me to come and investigate since I've got ties to your company." Julia said.

"I thought I was your friend not a connection." Sean teased making her roll her eyes in amusement.

"Care to explain who she is?" Sam asked never once hearing of her before in his 2 months fully working with the Company in Military projects.

"Her name is Julia Mactavish the younger sister of the famed Soap Mactavish from SAS." Sean said surprising Sam having had business with Captain Mactavish before on joint ops with the British.

"Your his sister?" Sam asked surprised.

"I take it you've met my brother right?" Julia asked amused. "He would have been here since you know each other from past ops but he's busy right now so they asked me to come." Julia said before walking into the ship.

"Surprises all around." Sam said making Reznov and Talbot chuckle before Reznov spotted something on the radar.

"The hell?" Reznov said.

Julia walked into the ship and was surprised by finding Sean in the room with the aliens in pods.

"Ok what the hell?" Julia said.

"Don't look at me." Sean said before seeing numbers on the pods before stopping at number 1. Now this alien was a woman with white skin and purple hair. She was also naked in the pod before Sean pressed a button and she was released from her pod and fell out before Sean caught her and placed his jacket over her to cover her.

"Over here." Sean said getting the girls to walk over to them.

"Is she ok?" Sally asked.

"Give her a minute here she's regaining consciousness." Sean said as the woman slowly opened her eyes showing they were brown before looking at the others.

"Who are you people?" The Woman asked before sitting up making the jacket fall off her making her yelp before covering herself.

"Easy now you've just been released is all." Sean said.

"What is this place?" Sally asked.

"My people are called Sekirei. Each and every Sekirei in stasis has their own unique and special abilities. I was placed in charge of protecting them. My name is Miya Asama Sekirei number 1." Miya said.

"I don't suppose you have some clothes to put on for yourself?" Julia asked.

"Found some." Yukari said coming back with some black clothing. (Discipline squad clothes)

"Thank you." Miya said as Sean turned around as she got dressed. Sean put on his jacket once she was done. "Now how did you find us?" Miya asked.

"By chance an earthquake occurred that pushed this island up from the bottom of the ocean where this ship was. That was last night." Sean said.

"Lets get the others out so we can get ready to transport this ship to the main facility." Sally said.

Soon numbers 2-5 were out of their pods.

Number 2 was a woman named Matsu a Brain Sekirei. She had white skin red hair and brown eyes.

Number 3 another woman named Kazehana a wind type Sekirei. She had white skin dark purple hair and dark eyes and was a bit flirty with Sean when she first saw him.

Number 4 another woman named Karasuba she and Miya were similar both being very skilled with a sword. She had white skin light grey hair and grey eyes.

And last number 5 a man named Mutsu and like Miya and Karasuba he was also a sword wielding Sekirei though not on the same level as them. He had white skin silver hair and grey eyes.

"Ok now lets just see if we can wake the others before..." Sean tried to say.

"Uh Kruger we've got a problem." Reznov said.

"What is it?" Julia asked.

"Looks like HYDRA has picked up on the island and sent a small fleet to capture the island. Radar shows at least three battle ships approaching the island. We don't have the right amount of fire power to hold them off and the others are to far away to get here." Talbot said.

"We might not need them." Sean said looking at the awakened Sekirei.

"Son theres no way you and Reznov can take them all down alone." Sam said.

"I wasn't referring to just us. Lets just say we found a rather interesting finding inside the ship." Sean said.

"Not even a few hours and already I get to see some action." Karasuba said grinning.

"Are you five up to the task?" Sean asked.

"Do you really need to ask honey?" Kazehana said grinning at him making him chuckle.

Minutes later

It only took a few moments but Miya and the other Sekirei took down every agent of HYDRA without even trying save for one vessel to get intel.

"Holy shit." Talbot said amazed.

"Looks like those legends you were told were true after all." Sam said to Yukari making her grin.

"Don't let it go to your head." Sean said before Reznov Julia and Kazehana came back with the former of the three grinning when he took off his helmet. (Remember he has the gear of the assassin from the first Hellboy movie)

"Whats with the grin?" Karasuba asked.

"Oh we got some really good intel. Guess where one of HYDRA's bases are?" Reznov asked.

"Oh this I got to hear." Sean said.

"One of them is in Sokovia led by Dr. List one of HYDRA's top heads." Reznov said.

"Ever since HYDRA went dark locating them has been difficult this could be a real good lead for us." Sam said.

"What is HYDRA exactly?" Mutsu asked.

"HYDRA is a rogue Nazi science division from the 1940's formed to conquer humanity. We assumed Captain America stopped them all by stopping the Red Skull HYDRA's leader but that wasn't true. He somehow got away along with some of his top allies such as Barron Strucker and Zemo. If we capture this base we can learn more about where their operations are." Sean said.

"Well then count me in." Karasuba said grinning.

"Not alone you guys aren't." Sean said making her blink in confusion.

"Let me guess HYDRA is more dangerous then these guys right?" Kazehana said looking at the dead and captured agents.

"These guys are clearly recruits. A few months ago Red Skull had his lackeys infiltrate Lex Corp to control a project on the carrier designs he stole from us. If those things got to the right altitude millions of people would have been killed. Since that failed they've gone dark for the past 2 months." Sam said.

"So we need backup right?" Matsu asked.

"Yup." Sean said before a transmission came in from his grandmother. "Cathrine what is it?" Sean asked.

"The Red Claw she's been captured. The Courts have decided to have her executed within a few hours. You should probably get her to get any intel out of her before that happens." Cathrine said.

"Right. Get a few carriers here to help transport the ship to the main Global Tech building." Sean said.


"So she wouldn't say anything?" Batman asked.

"Nope. Doesn't matter without her now her organization will fall apart." Sean said as many of the worlds heroes watched and witnessed as the Red Claw was about to be executed. She was strapped to a table with tubes attached to her arms.

However before they could begin she laughed.

"Before we do begin there is one thing you should know. With my death you Sean Ashburn Kruger will unleash a monster on the world. One only I can control." Red Claw said grinning at him.

"What does she mean by that?" Diana asked concerned.

"Stop." Sean said getting them to move away from her as he tried to enter the room only for the Red Claw to somehow get out of her restraints and put her executioner in a headlock before Superman burst down the door while other heroes and soldiers barged in.

"Stand down you have nowhere to go." Talbot said.

"Oh I'm not running away. Like I said with my death you have unleashed a monster." Red Claw said before pulling out her captives hand gun...


Everyone widened their eyes when she actually shot herself in the head.

"WHAT THE HELL!" Reznov yelled in shock.

"What the hell did she mean by we unleashed a monster?" Sam asked.

"I have no idea but she made sure thats what happened." Sean said.

Days later

"So everything is set?" Talbot asked.

"The League the Avengers the Defenders The X men and everyone else is ready." Sean said.

"You don't seem to happy about this battle." Sam said.

"I keep going over what Red claw said before she killed herself. Whatever she was talking about I really don't like it." Sean said.

Meanwhile in Star City

A man from the Police Department was in an alleyway talking to his wife on his cell phone when he heard noises above him and looked around till he saw a Ghost Rider or at least thats what it looked like but this one seemed different.

"Can I help you with something?" The Officer asked.

"Yes as a matter of fact you can." The Rider said before appearing in front of him making his eyes widen when he saw this was no ordinary rider. This one had a black skull and instead of the regular flames or the white ones this rider had black flames and you could feel the Evil power flying off him in waves. He had black leather pants with black combat boots a black shirt and a leather jacket that was boiling.

The Rider tore off his left arm making the officer scream in pain before the Rider twisted both his legs and smashed his right hand.

"But your a Ghost Rider. Your supposed to be one of the good guys." The Officer said not understanding the situation.

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