
ch 7


"Was that a human scream?" Sakura asked as a loud scream echoed through the forest of death.

"Noooo, that was the cry of the rare yellow screeching beetle, said to have a scream identical to that of a human… of course it was a fucking human you retarded bitch," Naruto responded sarcastically.

"Shut up Naruto-baka! There's a reason Sasuke-kun has our heaven scroll," the pinkette said quieter than normal, obviously even she could lower her voice if the situation called for it.

"Two things Haruno… one, Sasuke has our scroll because I couldn't be bothered to argue with a useless banshee like you… two, you just told anyone who was eavesdropping on us which scroll we have… so the next time you decide to speak, use that brain you're supposed to have before opening your mouth," the blond responded.

"For once I agree with the dobe… so just shut up Sakura," the raven haired boy stated before she could attempt a retort at the blond.

After a few seconds the vampire pulled out a coin, and tossed it in the air, letting it spin before catching it on its way down and slapping it to the back of his hand and checking the result, "tails, the eavesdropper dies," he claimed before he flickered out of existence, only to reappear with the head of an Ame-nin in his hand, complete with a broken rebreather, "well that was annoying… he didn't have a scroll."

"If he didn't have a scroll then why did you kill him?!" Sakura nearly screamed out.

"Because the coin said so."



"Huh? What do you mean 'because the coin said so'?" she asked in confusion.

"I decided to leave certain people and kill certain others, the rest get a coin toss, if the coin lands on heads, they live, if it lands on tails, they die, simple enough."




"A Vampire."




"That is the sort of monster I am pinky, or did you forget that you where the one who asked me?"

"Both of you shut up, we need to think of a password in case we get separated," Sasuke claimed.

"What do you have in mind?" Naruto asked.

"When asked 'nin machine' answer 'a large amount of loud enemies is the friend of the shinobi, hide and remain silent, a shinobi must understand the proper time, when the enemy is tired and ill prepared'," Sasuke stated, receiving an 'Okay' off of Sakura.

"And I'll say 'fuck you Uchiha', got that?" Naruto said in both Sasuke and Sakura's minds, receiving a smirk and nod of confirmation off the black eyed boy, which stopped the pinkette from shouting at the alternative.

When all was said and done, a cut appeared on Naruto's cheek, just a couple of seconds before a large tunnel of wind struck the trio head on.

When the wind died down, it revealed only one person, the one who had, quite literally stood in the centre of the attack and come out completely unscathed, Naruto.

Peering just over his sunglasses, his now scarlet coloured eyes bore straight into the (obviously fake) black eyes of team 7's attacker. The person was tall and wore a pale grey top that went down to their knees while a pair of slits at the sides allowed the person to move unhindered, and skin tight black pants. Over their long, black hair was a conical straw hat with a single tag with the kanji for 'evil' written three times.

"So good of you to finally show someone else's face, Orochimaru."

"Interesting, I'm surprised you know who I am and even more surprised that you aren't running for your life yet," the stranger stated before removing their hat and ripping off their face to reveal pale white skin and yellow, slitted eyes.

"You can thank Kabuto for that," the blond responded calmly as he continued to stare into the traitors eyes.

"Kabuto? Did he betray me?"

"No, he didn't betray you, I just read his mind," Naruto informed the snake, earning a couple of blinks in shock when he finished in the snakes mind(1).

"I see, regardless of that, I'm surprised at how calm you are facing one of the Sannin."

"Please, a mere human like you could never hope to defeat a monster like me," the vampire claimed, earning a glare off the pale man.

"I am no, mere human, I am immortal, I will continue to live long after you have shrivelled up and died of old age, brat!" Orochimaru ranted with hate clear in his eyes.

"And how many millennia do you think that will take? Because I'm immortal, while you are just an insignificant spec trying to cheat death," the blond claimed with amusement lacing his voice.

"HOW DARE YOU MOCK ME!" the Sannin shouted before a snake shot out of his throat and opened its mouth to reveal the tip of a longsword, which quickly extended and impaled the blond between the eyes.

"Haha, so this is the legendary Kusanagi, I have to say that I'm impressed at the speed it can extend… have you ever thought of using it to snipe your enemies from afar?" Naruto asked in curiosity, earning a look of shock off the traitor.

"What?! How are you still alive?"

"I thought I told you, I'm immortal," the blond said before gripping the blade and jerking his head to the side, resulting in him losing nearly a half of his skull, which regenerated in a matter of seconds.

Free of the impalement and unaffected by the poison coating the weapon, Naruto ran forward at inhuman speed before launching a punch at the Sannin's face, which was promptly dodged.

Quickly swinging the legendary blade at the blond, Orochimaru wasn't surprised when he succeeded in amputating his enemies head and quickly swallowed the blade and snake, but couldn't hide his shock when a new head simply regenerated from the boy's body.

Of course, Naruto decided to take advantage of that shock and promptly landed a rib shattering blow on the snakes torso, which proved to be next to useless as the pale skinned man simply regurgitated… a new body from his mouth, leaving only an empty sack of skin in his place.

"I must admit, your skills are severely down played in your profile, it states that you are merely genin level, yet that hit felt closer to a Kage level blow," Orochimaru stated "Even though I've never felt a Kage hit that hard, hell even Tsunade can't hit that hard."

"Are you forgetting that I can read your mind Hebi-teme?" Naruto reminded the traitor, eliciting a small growl off the Sannin.

"Sen'ei Tajashu!(2)" and with that cry, countless snakes shot out of the Sannin's sleeves and proceeded to charge straight at the blond, who merely stood with a smirk on his face as the countless poisonous serpents bit into his skin.

"Is that all? I was expecting something a little more… impressive," the black clad genin stated with boredom clear in his tone.

"Not quite," Orochimaru claimed as he appeared in front of the blond, before slamming his fingers into Naruto's stomach while shouting out "Gogyō Fūin!(3)"

"And exactly what was that supposed to do?" was the genin's response, before he effortlessly overpowered the snakes and with a simple action, backhanded the Sannin through a tree(4).

"What?! Impossible, I cut off the Kyūbi's chakra, he shouldn't be so strong without it!" were the thoughts running through the snakes head as he steeled himself against the pain coursing through his body.

"Did you honestly think I rely on Kyūbi's chakra? You truly are deluded," the Sannin heard right next to his ear, causing him to jump away and put some distance between him and the impossibly powerful genin.

"Mandara no Jin(5)!" Orochimaru called out as he fell to his stomach and countless snakes spewed out of his mouth, before they swarmed around the immortal psychopath.

When they had surrounded the blond, every last one stretched its jaws open, revealing the tip of a longsword in each mouth, which quickly shot forward and impaled the blond from every angle.

"You know if you don't start taking this seriously, I'll just have to kill you without getting any satisfaction from this fight," was Naruto's response to the assault.

"Dammit! I wasn't planning on showing this yet, but I don't think I have a choice," quickly forming four handseals, then clapping his hands together, Orochimaru used a technique that earned a psychotic laugh of the blond.

"You know Edo Tensei! Why the fuck didn't you use it before?! It might at least make things interesting," Naruto shouted out as three coffins rose from the ground, labelled Ichi, Ni and Yon(6).

After fully erecting from the ground, the three coffins slid open, to reveal the Shodaime, Nidaime and Yondaime Hokages.

The Shodaime had long black hair and was wearing a dull, brownish red, samurai style armour with a black shirt and pants underneath, while a hitae-ate was wrapped around his forehead.

The Nidaime had short, spiky white hair and had small red streaks and his cheeks and on his chin. He was wearing a blue version of the Shodaime's armour and his hitae-ate extended down the sides of his face down to his jaw line, effectively framing his face.

The Yondaime had spiky blond hair that went down to his shoulders while a pair of bangs framed his face. He was wearing a typical Jōnin uniform underneath a knee length white trench coat with red flame designs licking the bottom, while he wore a standard Konoha hitae-ate over his forehead, which in turn, kept his hair out of his eyes.

Their skin was also pale and cracked, while their eyes lacked any spark of life.

"So then Naruto-kun, do you honestly think you can defeat four Kage level ninja at the same time?" the snake sannin asked mockingly.

"Of course I can, otherwise I wouldn't have let you resurrect them in the first place."


"Save it father, I don't want to listen to your excuses, just sit still so I can enjoy destroying you," the vampiric blond said interrupting his biological father before he could continue.

"Naruto I,"

"I said shut it… I don't care that you sealed the Kyūbi inside me, I don't care that you had no other choice, I would have done the same thing… I hate you for trusting this worthless village with the truth, if you hadn't then I might have had a normal childhood instead of the hell I was put through! By the way, did you know that your last student has actively tried to kill me on several occasions? And all because you were too stupid to keep the truth a secret!" he shouted at the stunned Hokage.

"Naruto I…"

"Hey hebi-teme, can you please make him shut up already, it is beginning to grate on my nerves," he asked the stupefied scientist, who mechanically took out a trio of kunai's with paper tags that were covered in seals, before plunging the blades into the reanimated corpses skulls, turning their skin back to a healthy colour while removing all traces of individuality from their minds.

Before the Sannin could register what happened, Naruto had already struck the Yondaime with enough force to send him through two trees, before a large dragon made out of water struck the vampire.

When the attack cleared, it revealed a soaked blond standing in exactly the same spot as he was when he was hit. After performing a quick series of handseals, the Shodaime forced several trees to grow, which quickly twisted around Naruto, before clenching together, creating an audible crunching sound as every bone in the blonds' body was crushed.

After the trees clenched, the Yondaime walked back into the clearing, before a single fist smashed straight out of the dome of wood, quickly followed by a second one that, in conjunction with the first, ripped the prison open to reveal a completely unharmed blond, who promptly vanished, only to reappear with his outstretched palm erupting from the red armour that supposedly protected the Shodaime. In the outstretched palm was a single paper tag, covered with seals.

Upon the removal of the seal, the Shodaime's skin began to dry out, before turning to ash and blowing away, revealing the random individual that was used as a sacrifice to resurrect the former Hokage.

"Heh, one down, three to go," Naruto stated with a cruel smirk.

Upon the destruction of the Shodaime, the Yondaime withdrew a single three pronged kunai with the Hiraishin seal drawn on the handle, before launching himself in the air and throwing it at his son. With a few handseals, the single kunai multiplied into over a hundred, before littering the field with countless focal points for the legendary technique that destroyed armies.

Watching his father, Naruto wasn't surprised when he felt his throat get cut before he noticed the man disappear, afterall, that was why he was given the nickname, the Yellow flash.

Ignoring the minor pain that occurred with each strike, most of which were in non-lethal areas, it didn't take long for the vampire to pick out the pattern the man was using, and striking where he would appear next.

Orochimaru couldn't believe it, not only had the brat eliminated the Shodaime, but he also managed to catch the yellow flash, something that was considered impossible, and worst of all, was the fact that the brat had managed to pierce the seal that kept the soul anchored to the body, at the rate things were going, it seemed entirely reasonable to believe that the blond could actually possess the strength to kill him.

Upon the destruction of the Yondaime, all the kunai that littered the floor disappeared in puffs of smoke.

"Two down, two to go," Naruto claimed before disappearing and landing a kick on the Nidaime's head, knocking said ninja through a tree in the process.

After a couple of seconds, a large torrent of water emerged from the trees and threatened to crush the blond, who simply jumped onto the wave and began to skate using chakra to support his weight, before reaching the end of the river and with a forward flip, landed a crushing heel drop on the former Kage's head.

Before the Nidaime could recover, Naruto lifted him by the neck, before piercing the corpse's stomach with an outstretched palm and after a couple of seconds of groping around, found the kunai and seal, which he promptly removed, destroying the Nidaime as well.

"Three down, now it's only you Orochimaru."

"SHIT! SHIT! SHIT! Damn you, I will not let you win, I'M the invincible one!"

"And yet you have thrown everything you have at me, and I've come out unscathed."

"Not quite everything brat," and with that thought, the snake sannin gathered an enormous amount of chakra, before erupting into a large mass of white flesh, that quickly expanded and took the shape of a colossal, eight headed snake, with eight spike like protrusions fanning from the base of the body instead of the typical single tail.

Opening a single mouth, it revealed the sannin's upper body, while the rest simply merged with the titanic snake.

"DO YOU SEE NOW?! WITH THE YAMATA NO JUTSU(7), I AM A GOD!" the deranged genius screamed out before launching the Kusanagi at the blond.

"Please… I have escaped the Shinigami's clutches, defeating a mere fake god is going to be easy," Naruto claimed before catching the blade and slithering up it like a snake. Upon reaching the Sannin, he gave a single sharp tug, that ripped the sword out of the traitors mouth, before taking the handle and with a single almighty swing, cut off the other seven heads with the extended blade.

Retracting the blade, Naruto grabbed the snake summoner by the throat before placing the sword to the man's throat and saying his final words to him.

"Do you know what I find ironic? That you spent your whole life trying to learn every jutsu in existence so you could become invincible, and you where beaten by someone who didn't even use a single jutsu," and with that said, the blond vampire sliced through the traitors neck, dispersing the giant snake and allowing the corpse of one of the greatest geniuses Konoha had ever produced to fall to the ground as the last of its life left it.

When he had finished draining the S-class criminal of all his blood, Naruto simply picked out a scroll and after a quick application of chakra, burned a storage seal on it(8) before sealing away the body of the traitor.

"Now then since I've already killed Orochimaru… it's time to kill Kabuto," he said to himself in a sing song tone, before walking away while whistling a tune to himself, completely unconcerned with what his 'teammates' where doing.

Konoha was in a state of emergency, ever since it was discovered that Orochimaru had infiltrated the exam, everyone was running around trying to think of how to stop the madman.

Everyone had heard about the appearance of a giant, eight headed white snake in the forest of death, but since the people who saw it all ran away almost as soon as it appeared, no one noticed it getting decapitated, then dissolving.

Of course, there was one person who wasn't too worried.


"Just let me worry about that, however I believe we should just let things be and everything should be fine," "after all, the only person in the forest who could force my old student to use a technique like that is Naruto, and I'm pretty certain that Naruto can at the very least force Orochimaru to flee," the aged leader finished in his mind.

"Dammit… I just hope you know what you're doing Hokage-sama."

Over the next couple of days, if you were to listen closely enough, you would hear a chorus of 'tails' followed by screams as Naruto slaughtered whoever he came across.

Team 7 was beyond pissed. They had lost Naruto on the first day and STILL hadn't found him.

They had ended up getting blown away by the wind and had decided that they didn't want to risk getting crushed by the falling trees, so they kept their distance from whatever fight was happening back there.

That thought had been further solidified when that enormous eight headed snake appeared, there was no way they were getting in the way of something that looked like it could hold its own against a bijū.

When everything had calmed down, they went to see if their teammate was still alive, and lo and behold, he had vanished into thin air, and they had been trying to find him eversince.

Of course the corpses littering the forest weren't helping matters either.

"Dammit! If Naruto is killing teams based on a coin toss, then how the hell do we keep finding dead people?!" Sakura almost screamed in frustration.

"He must have just come across a large number of teams," Sasuke claimed, though in reality he was thinking along the same lines as his teammate.

"Hello Kabuto," came a call from a certain blond when he saw the white haired 'genin's' team.

Both other members of the team were wearing the same style of clothing as Kabuto, with the only differences being that their clothes were black and included a facemask and a bandana to cover their entire head. One of them was wearing a pair of clear spectacles, while the other was wearing a pair of small, round sunglasses.

"Oh Naruto-san, what are you doing here?" was the surprised reply from the spy.

"Oh, you know, the usual, hunting for scrolls, trying to have some fun and oh yeah, killing spies," he claimed before unsealing his gun and shooting each member of the team in one of their kneecaps, resulting in each losing half a leg.

"W-what! Naruto-san what are you talking about?"

"It's really very simple Kabuto, I know that you were a spy for Orochimaru, after originally being sent to spy on him by Akasuna no Sasori," the blond explained before he walked over to the member of the team that wore clear glasses and clamped a hand on each side of the ninja's head.

"So you're Misumi, capable of bending and stretching in inhuman ways…" he stated, much to the spies shock, before a cruel smirk made itself known on his face, "let's see if your skull can do the same," and with one sharp crunch, the genin's head was reduced to a sagging mass of flesh and fractured bone.

"Next up Yorai, capable of draining a person's chakra to replenish his own… let's see how you handle an infusion of Youki," after saying that, he grabbed a hold of the head of the one wearing sunglasses, before beginning to inject some of Victoria's chakra into his system. The effects were immediate, the victim started screaming in agony and received an exponential increase in strength, nowhere near enough to even budge the vampire, but more importantly, his skin began to bubble and burst at the foreign energy as it supercharged the man's cell growth, effectively acting as an accelerated cancer, until Yorai's body was reduced to nothing more than an oversized lump of dead cells.

Having just witnessed Naruto's sadistic tendencies, Kabuto was beginning to worry, especially now that he discovered Naruto's ability to use Youki.

"Now it's your turn to die Kabuto, let's see, you are a med-nin, so how about I kill you with an autopsy," he asked out loud as he walked towards the downed spy, who quickly formed a chakra scalpel to cut the blonds' Aorta, "if you think I'll die that easily, then you have another thing coming," the blond stated before pinning Kabuto to the ground with a series of kunai.

After using a tiny amount of Kyūbi's chakra to disrupt the medics chakra control, he proceeded to form chakra scalpels of his own, he then began to remove the white haired boy's shirt, leaving said spy shirtless, before tracing a thin cut down the centre of the chest. When he had finished the cut, he proceeded to create incisions at his shoulders and waist.

After slowly peeling the skin and flesh back, earning screams of pain off the medic, he pushed his gloved hand under the cartilage that stopped the ribcage puncturing the spy's internal organs, before removing it with a harsh jerk, effectively forcing the white haired genin to black out due to the pain.

Having noticed Kabuto losing consciousness, Naruto proceeded to use a medical technique to restart the boy's brain, bringing him back to the world of pain that he now lived in.

After Kabuto had been awoken, the blond proceeded to use his chakra scalpel to dissect one of the white haired genin's lungs, pulling it open and caressing the microscopically folded flesh to invoke even more pain in the human's body.

Of course, the torture didn't last long before Kabuto died of a combination of blood loss, oxygen deprivation and nervous overload, which in turn made the blond just a little upset.

As he was doing that, a team from Iwa was watching in revulsion. They knew who that monster was and more importantly, they knew from watching him dispatch the Konoha team, that they were no match for him.

"Dammit, just how evil is that guy?"

"I don't know, but you do remember what he said about them being spies for Orochimaru right?"

"Who cares, he's pulling something out his coat," the last one stated, causing them to look and see… a coin.

"Heads, you live, tails, you die," the blond stated calmly before flipping the coin into the air and catching it, "tails, I kill you," he claimed looking straight at the Iwa genin.

They didn't stand a chance.

Sasuke and Sakura weren't too happy, they were in the middle of looking for their temporary teammate when the team from Oto showed up and started attacking them.

"Dammit Sakura! Do I have to do everything?!" Sasuke shouted as the Pinkette stared in shock.

Why was she staring in shock, it was because her precious Sasuke-kun was losing… again.

"Zankūha!(9)" an Oto-nin with spiky black hair shouted as a pair of tubes in his arms ejected a powerful gust that cut the Uchiha several times while forcing him back into a rock.

"SASUKE-KUN!" came the cry of the pink haired banshee, before she was struck down by a punch from the girl on the Oto team.

"Shut up you pathetic excuse for a konoichi," the girl with long black hair hissed at the useless fangirl, "looking at you I can already tell that you spend more time on your looks than your skills, you wouldn't last one minute in the real world!"

"To be perfectly honest, I can't believe these two are really this weak…" the Oto-nin that struck Kabuto stated in distain.

"I couldn't agree more."

Whirling around the Oto team came face to face with the fedora wearing blond, who was currently giving his 'teammates' a look of disappointment.

"So the final member of the team finally shows himself," the spiky haired boy stated, "I hope your more of a challenge than those weaklings."

"Of course I am," Naruto replied next to the genin's ear, before tapping him on the back of the neck, effectively knocking him out.

"What the…?" the bandaged one started, only to get knocked out by a blow to the stomach.

"Hey, girl… I'm feeling generous, afterall it is always fun to watch the Uchiha get taken down a peg, anyway take your teammates and leave… the next time we meet I might not be so nice," Naruto stated, genuinely grateful for the entertainment.

"H-hai!" the girl stated before quickly grabbing her teammates and leaving the area.


"You two stop being so pathetic and get up, we're heading for the tower," Naruto ordered the duo.

"What do you mean heading to the tower? We only have one scroll," Sakura asked in confusion.

"Haruno, I have enough of each scroll to pass ten teams," he responded before beginning to walk away, with team 7 following him.

It didn't take long to reach the tower and the trio still had 32 hours until the end of the second test.

Upon reaching the tower, they entered through one of the doors, and immediately found a plaque that essentially said, if your weak, train your body, if your dumb, train your mind.

Naruto quickly unsealed all the scrolls he had collected during the second test, and opened one earth and one heaven, revealing a summoning seal, which he promptly threw to the floor, to reveal their old academy instructor Umino Iruka.

"Hey guys, I guess you made it huh?" the scarred Chūnin stated as he noticed who he was talking to.

"Yeah, anyway, what do I do with these?" Naruto asked pointing out all the spare scrolls he had collected, causing Iruka to go wide eyed.

"Naruto… where did you get those?"

"Um, oh just off some people I killed," came the nonchalant response.



"You killed people? Are you alright?"

"Iruka-sensei, I got my first kill on the mission to wave, and just so you know, I'm happy doing my job," Naruto explained with a smile that brought doubts into the Chūnin's mind.

"Anyway… I guess I should congratulate you guys, have you figured out what this plaque says?"

"If your weak, train your body, if your dumb, train your mind" Naruto explained quickly before walking past his former sensei, "I'm going to explore, see you around."

And with that the blond was gone.

( (1) This is Orochimaru we're talking about, I doubt he would be too surprised by hearing voices in his head.

(2) Many hidden shadow snake hands

(3) Five element seal

(4) Considering the fact that the trees in the forest of death are about as thick as the Hokage tower, getting hit hard enough to get launched through one is gonna hurt no matter how durable you are.

(5) Myriad Snake Net formation

(6) 1,2 and 4 for those who don't know any Japanese

(7) Eight branches technique

(8) As far as I can tell in canon, Orochimaru burns a seal on Naruto with chakra alone, Minato burns the Hiraishin seal on the Iwa nin that injures Kakashi when he first uses Chidori, and Danzō burns a seal on Sasuke in their fight, so I'm taking as it is possible (but difficult) to create seals using only chakra.

(9) decapitating air waves )

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