
A new routine


*Beep Beep Beep!*

I slammed the alarm that was on my bed stand hard, not wanting to hear the noise, since it was five in the morning.

But since I asked Alabast to train me, he gave me a strict schedule to follow. Wake up at five, start doing stretches, head out for a kilometer run, and do thirty push-ups.

It wasn't too bad, since the time I would get back would be around close to six, giving me enough time to do the push-ups, and a nice shower.

But, focusing on now, I began to do some basic stretches. To be honest, it hurt like hell, I didn't even know that this kind of pain existed.

It was like I was being pulled apart, yet I was still whole. It was even worse when I tried to stand and pull my leg up.

I felt like I was about to tear it off my own limbs, until I heard the sound of coughing. Looking back, I saw my mom looking at me with a confused look.

"Uh…. mijo, what are you doing?" I was staring at her, with my upper body raised, while my lower was flat on the ground.

"Just uh…just some yoga." I replied, laughing nervously, she stared at me with a raised eyebrow for a second, but then smiled.

"Good for you, I'm glad your taking this city a bit more seriously, even if we can't buy any implants." She sighed, I was about to ask her if she wanted to join me on learning how to fight.

But I saw her eyes glow yellow, she then groaned out loud and ended the call, trudging to the kitchen to make herself some coffee.

"Dave, mijo, I'll be coming late tonight, a colleague of mine just died, so I have to take his shift." She finished making the coffee, and drank from the pot.

"So, you'll have to buy some takeout, after you get out from school." She then made her way towards me, giving me a quick kiss on the head.

"I love you mijo, so stay safe, and have a good day." She then quickly left with the jacket in hand, leaving me alone in our home.

I only sighed as she left and stood up, getting my shoes and clothes to head out for a run. Once I was done, I made sure to lock the door and began to start jogging.

As the time passed, I finally ran around the street. I was already panting, while sweat dripped from my brows.

I had to admit, besides the stretching, this was worse. I could barely move my legs when I trudged back up the steps, they felt like they had weight on them.

After passing through the door, I could barely keep myself standing and landed on the floor fast first.

"How does he do this?" I groaned to myself, dragging my body across the floor, only to remember the last thing I had to do.

"Fuck!" I began to place my arms to the side, pushing myself up, it didn't take long for me to be exhausted, barely doing the third push-up.

I collapse, breathing like I didn't have any air for a long time. My arms ached, my legs screamed, and I was about to be late.

I forced myself and got in the shower, wiping off the sweat I had made during the routine I just did.

Once done, I grabbed my school uniform and began to make my way to my class. Arasaka academy, it sounded nice since it was made by the founder, but the people, they were too high on the horse.

I was already on my way to the subway, when I saw something in the ally. It was a corps, and a silver snake widening its jaws to take in the corps.

It soon devoured the whole thing, spitting out the body. Its eyes and arms were gone, including the slots behind the neck.

It glance at me, hissing a warning before slithering away. I could only look at the corps in pity, walking away from it.

"Guess Cobra struck again." I muttered, shivering when I remembered the corps.

In my opinion, I didn't like him, not one bit. He gained too much attention fast, catching the eyes of the corpos.

Some even began to try and catch one of the snakes that he has spread out through the entire city, hoping to catch one and locate him.

But with how advanced they are, it's practically impossible. The snakes are too slippery and dangerous.

I was unlucky to be close to one of them when a group of corpos tried to capture it. I can still remember it like it was yeasterday.


I was on my way back home, walking from city center. I had missed the subway after leaving the orientation to the academy, and mom was busy, so I had to walk home.

I had to cut through the streets in order to get to the next subway station, but ended up walking into a large ally, where I saw a group of Araska grunts chasing something.

I was curious on what it was, so I began to follow them. Making sure I stayed a good distance away, we soon arrived in the northern part of night city.

I was exhausted at the chase, but I did have a good laugh when I saw them struggling to catch it.

Hell, even a few malestrom grunts began to chase it as well. Causing a fight to break out between the groups.

But what I didn't expect was to feel something sharp against my neck. I froze when I felt it, cold, and something dripping onto my neck.

"Hush child, seeing that you are not one of the pursers, I won't harm you, but…" I soon saw him, the black mask blocking his face, and his wrist close to my neck.

"A warning shall suffice." A scream was heard behind him, he moved to the side and what I saw, made me freeze in place.

Multiple snakes were on both groups, ripping them apart. Some began to pull in opposite directions, the sound of bone and flesh being ripped apart was heard.

I could see the wires and bones in the arms and legs being exposed, some tried to struggle, but they just pulled harder.

"N-No, I-i don't want to die-" The person didn't have the chance to beg, before being pulled apart, its head being pulled off.

Its spine was being pulled as well, with some wires were seen. A woman was kicking and screaming from the snakes piling on her.

"G-get off me, get the fuck off mmph!" The snakes began to slither down her throat, one by one, squirming in her stomach.

She began to scream and claw at it, feeling the pain as they began to rip her from the inside.

Soon, I saw something slowly poking, her stomach was growing too big. It soon bursted like a water balloon, her blood and guts sprayed in the air.

Some landing on my face, I then saw something that was by far the worst form of torture.

The man was screaming with the snakes using their fangs as knives to carve into his back, he was being held up by some of them on a wall.

They began to slowly carve piece by piece separating the flesh, only to find some plating.

"Carve it all, then swallow it later." He called out, the snakes all nodded, slowly replacing their fangs to small saws.

As I heard the sound of the saw cutting the platting, the man began to scream louder. The platting must have been connected to the nerves, having him feel the platting he removed.

What's worse, I think he has an implant that is keeping him alive. The amount of blood that he lost was supposed to kill him, but I think it is being used against him.

As soon as the snakes reached the spine, the began to carve the meat around his ribs, breaking them and pulling them back.

Soon, his entire back was exposed, his ribs fully pulled back, spread out like wings. What's worse, the man was still alive, he was still whimpering from the pain, and a small crowed had gathered around me.

I didn't realize that Cobra had left, only staring at the display of horror in front of me.

I could hear some people barfing to the side, while others held their hands on their mouth with fear in her eyes.

"Cease your futile attempts, for I will come for you all." The message was written with the victims blood, warning anyone who tried to chase the snakes.


I ended up shivering at the memory and pushed it out of my mind, stepping off the subway to make my way to class.

"Well, time for another day at the prestige academy." I sighed, pocketing my hands and making my way to my first class of the day.

(A/N) Hey, hey, sorry for not uploading it last night, I had an emergency to take care of, but here it is, and sorry if it's short, it's my backup plan if I don't have time to write out the two thousand words.

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