
When working, always bring a snack.

As I drove to the district for Pacifica, I noticed that the more I drove south, the more neglected the buildings were.

Some had paint peeling off, while others had some wooden boards to block anyone from entering.

After arriving at the edge of the bordar district, I made sure to park my car in an ally. And since it was close to where people tried to steal, I had some of the snakes cover it.

They began to change as well, blending in with the surroundings. And soon, the car was no longer visible.

However, if someone tried to get too close, they wouldn't have any time to say anything.

I didn't want to bother on trying to charge in, so I looked for a ladder on one of the buildings to climb.

I did find one that was further in the ally, but the ladder was too high. Since some one decided to have it raised.

I didn't let this small set back hold me back, I had the snakes head up, and lower each other like a rope.

Once I gripped onto the makeshift rope, they began to pull me up, but not before the ladder began to creak and groan.

I looked up and saw that the bolts that held the ladder was rusted, the bolts began to pop off, so I quickly swung the rope forward, planting two of the snakes into the stone.

The rest of the snakes fell with the ladder, I was panicking at first. Since the noise it was going to make could alarm the people down below.

The snakes were quick to adapt at the situation, coiling themselves into springs. As soon as they barely touched the ground, they dampened the speed and force of impacted.

Only letting out a small noise, that sounded like a peace of metal creaking. I sighed in relief at what happened and composed myself, turning to face the entire district of Pacifica.

Looking at the district, it looked nice. But looking closer, I could see that some of the buildings looked worse for wear.

Especially the mall that was near the ocean, I could see large scraps of metal and discarded appliances near the entrance.

While the hotel that was off to the left had many wooden planks covering the windows. I could tell this was going to be a bit difficult since I was new, but I can't disappoint my first client.

Before I descended, I noticed a third building nearby, this one was less neglected than the other two.

Sure there were some broken glasses, but there were people there. To be specific, African American, and they were coming and going from what looked like a market.

Seeing this, I was tempted to go towards it to see if the target was their, but I'd be stupid if I just went in with my suit.

I decided to send in my snakes to scout the place, while I sat on the ledge of the being. While waiting, I decided to see through one of the snakes eyes, wanting to see if I could find any information.

The second I could see, a flood of voices invaded my ears. The voices of men, women, and children were heard.

"Brotha, I'll take a pound of pork, and a pound of cow."

"Mama, look, I found this, can I buy it?"

"Sista, what do you mean the girl I'm seeing is cheating on me?"

"You know the rules, you try to bargen, you drop the iron." The conversations were random, and it was difficult to see where each voice was coming from.

Until I heard a conversation that was talking about someone, I strained to look at where the voice was, and had the snake follow the person.

"I can't believe we can't just grab him from the animals, it can do us wonders for capturing him." Said a man, who was walking with a woman.

"Jason, you know we can't do that, we had an agreement with the animals, we do not mess with them, they won't mess with us." The man now named Jason scoffed.

"So what? We can take them, we are net runners, the best in the city. T'chiri, we must go for the man." T'chiri raised her hand, and the man stayed silent.

"We have our orders Jason, besides, if we go to the abandoned mall, we would be risking our people." Jason wanted to argue, to support his idea, but after hearing they would be risking the civilians, he sighed.

"I'm sorry, but with how our territory is, we barely have enough money." T'chiri placed her hand on Jason's shoulder.

"I understand, but patience brother. Everything will be fine." As the two of them walked away, I disconnected myself from the snake.

"So, the abandoned mall, that makes my job a little easier." I said to no one but myself, since I now knew the location, I just had to deal with this so called gang.

"Who calls themselves animals for a gang?" I questioned while descending from the roof, as my foot touched the ground, the snakes all began to descend one by one.

"Well, time to find the target, and maybe grab a snack along the way." I muttered and entered the Pacifica district.

As I walked through the district, I had my mask removed. Not only to attract attention, but to blend in with the corpo workers that walked around.

Sure there were barely any other corpo's in Pacifica, but when you look rich and carry little to nothing, the rest of the people will steer away from them.

And that is what happening for me, the people did stare at me. But seeing me have a serious look, and with no items on me, they all steered away from me.

A woman was brave enough to approach me and wore a sultry smile. She wore a loose tank top and exposed her cleavage, and a pair of hooty shorts.

"So, what'll it be for me to have you as my sugar daddy?" She giggled while tracing her finger on my suit.

Seeing her finger trace the lines, I had the urge to slap her. But I only moved her hand away and gave her a polite smile.

"Sorry, but my standards are too high for you, try to be more elegant, then I can look your way." Hearing my reply, she gasped and wanted to slap me, but her friend rushed up and began to pull her away.

"I'm sorry about her, she doesn't know when to close her legs." The girl tried to argue with her friend, but her friend placed her hand on her mouth.

"Sheesh, no matter the year, they're still some people willing to open their legs for cash." I said and shook my head before making my way to the mall.


Inside the mall, broken glass and appliences were scattered on the floor. The sounds of metal and grunts bounced through the empty hallways, and in the center of it, were large figures with impossible physic.

Their arms were thick as metal poles, their legs were the same. Many implants could be seein on their arms and legs, and gym equipment could be seen around them.

"Hey boss, how long do we have to keep protecting the client?" Asked a man, the boss, who was a woman just grunted while bench pressing.

"Until….he….says…..he's…..good." With each bench press, she kept lifting the metal bar with a bit of a struggle.

Soon she placed the metal bar on a stand, sitting up and wiping her brow. The sound of someone clapping was heard, and all the animals turned to the source.

A man was sitting on the edge of the second floor, clapping at what the woman had done. He wore a black suit and dress shirt, with a red tie.

He wore a mask that covered his entire face, no eye holes were seen. Finally, two rings were on each hand, reflecting the moon light.

Every single one of them grabbed their iron, or a heavy object to use as a weapon. Preparing themselves for a fight against the intruder.

"Who the fuck are you?!" Asked the boss, who had her gun aimed at the intruder.

"Just a solo merc, looking for his target." Said the man with a distorted voice, the man the began to walk down the stares, both hands in the pockets.

"So, if you would be so kind to direct me to where he is, I have plans for tomorrow." The gang member kept their weapons trained at the man, but began to relax, laughing at the man.

"Y-you want us ti show you where our client is?" Asked the boss while laughing, some had to kneel down, laughing too hard.

"Yes, is their a problem?" Asked the man, this caused them to laugh, after a few more seconds, they all calmed down, some even wiping the tears away.

"Sorry bud, but that ain't happening, not while the client had hired us." Said the woman, she then raised her weapon up, and the rest followed suit.

"Well shit." The few with guns pulled the trigger, and bullets began to fly, piercing the man.

The bullets tore into the man, ripping the suit and mask. Each bullet sent the man a step back, until his back landed on the stairs.

Once the bullets stopped, the woman then approached the corps, dragging a large hammer with both hands.

"And just for good measure." She raised the hammer high, slamming it onto the man's head.

The sound of metal being dented was heard, and the woman sighed. As she began to make her way back, the rest of the members also returned to what they were doing before.

"I have to admit, all of you to use melee weapons." The entire gang all looked back at the supposed corps, seeing the man begin to stand.

It was difficult for him at first, since his limbs were bent at odd angles, but soon realigned themselves.

The bullet holes that were on his suit began to knit itself together, and finally, the mask was intact, not a single scratch was on it.

"What's worse, that did hurt, guess the caliber is much larger." He said and dusted his suit, as he was distracted, the woman rushed up to him, leaving a small blur behind her.

The hammer was close to crushing him from head to toe, but the man simple raised his hand. Stopping the hammer, underneath him, the ground cracked.

"Even your strength is impressive, what do you even use?" Asked the man while tilting his head.

The woman could only stare in shock, this man, no, this, thing was still standing, even after all the bullets that pierced him, and with two swings from a hammer, he was still standing.

The woman stared at the man, the mask blocking the man's face, she could only stare at something that was not allowed to live.

"You bastard, just die, just die, die die die die die die die!" She swung her hammer over and over, wanting to kill the monster in front of her.

But no matter how much she swung, no matter how much the hammer struck the man, he would not buckle, his legs wouldn't give up.

All he did, was block each attack with his hand, staring at the woman with the black mask.

"Don't just stand there, help me kill him!" She shouted to the rest of her members, they all soon rushed forward as well.

One was able to tackle the man onto the floor, and began to throw punch after punch, the floor behind him also cracked from the force, but he was thrown off.

"How rude, I wasn't done obser-." The man was interrupted by another member kicking him in the head, sending him flying into the wall.

A large dust cloud formed on where the man had crashed, before the dust could settle, the entire gang began to unload every bullet that they had.

Shotgun, SMG, LMG, and pistols, all aimed at one man, all being fired at one man, and all unloaded at one man.

Once the firing had stop, the target rushed from one of the empty stores, panic in his eyes.

"The fuck is with all the shooting?! Did you deal with whoever it was?!" Shouted the man, but before one of the gangsters could answer, something flew out of the dust cloud.

The man that was shot, got behind one of the members and stuck something on their neck. Before the rest could do anything, the man rushed to the next member and did the same.

"It's impressive that you have great strength and speed, but if you can bleed, it's enough for me." Soon all of the gang members were on the floor, their life drained from their eyes.

The leader and the target were staring at the man with fear, seeing how he took out the entire gang in a few seconds.

"How?! We shot you and hit you with the toughest material, so how the fuck are you still alive?!" The man could only chuckle at first, but it soon turned into a full on laughter.

"W-what's so fucking funny?!" Shouted the target, the man sighed and pushed his hair backz

"What's so funny? Simple." The man turned towards the target and raised his arms.

"I'm not here." The man began to step forward, only to slowly break down into snakes.

The man and leader of the gang began to panic at what was happening, only for the target to start running.

The leader that stayed behind began to smash the snakes, only to miss each time. The snakes slowly began to coil around her, restricting her movements.

She pulled and tossed the snakes away, but more kept coiling around her. Biting into her skin, pain shooting through her entire body.

The only she saw left was a pair of black shoes with the head of a snake, and her ears picked up the voice of a soothing voice.

"Your sacrifice, won't be remembered." Something cold touched her head, and the sound of a gunshot was heard.

The target himself was running away, trying to navigate through the abandoned mall. Yet at every corner, snakes could be seein blocking his path.

All hissing at the man, widening their hoods. The man shrieked in fear and continued to run, it was all he could do at this point.

He ran up the stairs to get to higher ground, reaching the roof of the abandoned building. Then, he jumped down a chute, hugging himself tight and preparing for the impact.

Once he landed on the floor, a sickening crack was heard. Followed by a scream of pain, yet the man still continued to flee.

He pulled himself out of the chute, crawling with his bare hands on the ground, breathing heavily.

"I'm so close, so close to escaping. Just have to reach the door." He whispered while dragging his entire body across the floor.

Before he could reach the door, someone one stood in front of him. The man slowly looked up, seeing a man with grey hair, with black at the tips.

"So, how was the fall." Asked the man, the target could only smile and have a hopeful look in his eyes.

"I hope my companions didn't treat you too harshly." Hearing this, the target widens his eyes.

At the same time, multiple snakes appeared slowly closing on the target. Out of desperation, the target clung onto the man, with fear in his eyes.

"W-what did Rouge pay you? I c-can dou- no triple!" He pleaded, the man only shook his head and knelt down.

"It's bad for a merc to accepts bribes, just be glad that I'll use your implants for good use." The snakes coiled around the targets legs, slowly dragging him back into the mall.

As the target was being dragged into the mall, the man pulled out a small box of fried fish. He bit into one and hummed at the taste, slowly eating the rest.

"Man, I really need to do this more often now."

(A/N) Hey hey, sorry for being late, had to take the time to polish the rough edges, so, what do you think? Is it better?

If so, leave a comment and some stones, peace.

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