

The interns had just been told about what Cristina had done: operate instead of Dr. Burke, who had a tremor. Now, the tension in the locker room was clear, as Helena braided her hair.

"Maybe she'll be on look but don't touch patrol too, at least I'd have some company..." Izzie said as Helena looked at her sternly.

"Whatever she gets I hope it's bad, really bad." Alex opinionated, making Helena call out his name, sternly.


"She made a mistake, we all..." Meredith started.

"A mistake? She was gonna let Burke, Burke with the shaky hand, operate on my father."

As Cristina came in, the silence and tension grew, George staring at her. "Would you stop looking at me like that?" She asked, opening her locker. "It's creepy and makes you seem like you haven't been fed."

All the interns left he room, except for Cristina, Helena and Meredith. "How's it going?" The blond asked.

"How's what going?"

"You are Burke, are you ok?"

"We're existing in total silence."

"He's not talking to you?" Helena joined the conversation. "Cause that's not fair to you. I know it might not feel like it but you did the right thing."

"I'm not talking to him either."

"I'm sorry, are you ok?" Meredith asked.

"Stop asking me that."

"We're making an effort here." The blond explained.

"Please don't." Cristina added, just as Bailey barged into the room.

"Rounds started thirty seconds ago."

As the girls rushed after their resident, they entered George's father's room.

"Hi mom." The boy greeted, earning himself a hug.

"Hi, Mrs. O'Malley." Helena smiled at the woman.

"Oh, Helena. Come here." She hugged the short girl too, speaking up once she pulled away. "I put out some breakfast in case you kids haven't eaten yet."

Suddenly, George's brothers came into the room. "Hey, ready for the big day, pops?" Quickly, they got distracted by the breakfast. "Food!"

As Dr. Hahn entered the room, she spoke up. "Ok people, let's make this quick, I have a day. Which of the interns is mine?"

"It's either me of Helena." Alex spoke up. "He's family and she's a candy stripper."

"I'm ready!" Izzie spoke up.

"Pick me, pick me!" Ronny and Jerry mimicked, earning them a smile from Helena as she shook her head, looking down.

"Guys, this is serious!" George ordered.

"Yang." Bailey picked, several 'what's' coming from all intern's mouths, except for Helena, aware of why their resident chose her. "Dr. Hahn, Cristina is very good with cardio, I'm sure you could use her for the day. What are you waiting for, Yang? Present the case."

"Harold O'Malley, 63. Diagnosed with esophageal cancer and severe aortic regurge. Is scheduled for an aortic valve replacement this afternoon." She spoke up.

After leaving the room, the interns complained, behind Bailey.

"Dude I wanted this surgery and she hands it to Yang. I haven't had a cardio case in ages." Alex huffed.

"It's not a case, it's my father." George answered.

"It's a double standard. Yang does something wrong and she gets rewarded, that's fair." The blond complained.

"It wasn't a reward, just wait." Helena said, knowing about their patient for the day.

As they arrived at a door, Bailey turned around. "If you three thumb suckers don't stop whining, I swear I won't show you what's behind this door. And trust me, you wanna see what's behind this door."

As they opened the door, a man spoke up. "Excuse me doctors, you're gonna have to wait a few minutes."

"He's gotta pee. Every five minute, he's gotta pee." Another man complained. They were conjoined twins.

The men kept bickering as they entered the bathroom, all interns having their mouth open and Helena smiling widely. "I told you."

"Now, which one of you thinks Yang got the better case?" Bailey asked them.


After presenting the case, the interns leave the room.

"I'm calling it, it's mine." Alex spoke up.

"I have two brothers, I feel their pain." George argued.

"Well, I know the case back to back, I helped admit them last night." Helena told them.

"Zip it, all of you." The resident complained.

"We're on the case, right?" Alex asked.


At that, Helena giggled, high-fiving George enthusiastically.

"Stevens, you are to..." Bailey started.

"Look and not touch or speak or breathe, I got it." The blond completed.

"So this is the crack team." Mark approached them.

"Yes, feel free to take one." The resident told them.

"Lee, I haven't worked with you in a while." He smirked at her, charmingly, making her smile, her small dimples popping out.

"Ok, Lena, Izzie's shadowing you today." Bailey told her, making the girl's smile fall slightly. She didn't enjoy this new and uncomfortable dynamic.

"Sure." The blond answered as the two followed their attending for the day.

"Thanks for picking me, or rather , Dr. Sloan." The short girl spoke up, the man looking at her with softness in his eyes as Izzie trailed behind them.

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