
Chapter One

I couldn't think straight as I anxiously stared out my cab window. The driver was going far too slow for my liking but I held my tongue. I'd learned over the years that biting off the cab driver's head will only get you left on the side of the road yelling a string of curses at a disappearing cab while strangers looked at you as if you're crazy. I personally didn't give a damn what the people or can driver thought but today was different from all those times.

I heard about the plane crash as soon as it'd happened but didn't think twice about it, that is until he never showed up at my hotel room. I'd waited up all night but he never showed up and I knew something must have happened. The next morning his face was on the news with the others. They were then found two days later in the middle of the woods. One of them dead, Lexie Grey, he'd told me about her before. She had seemed like a nice woman and I was sad when I saw that she was dead.

As soon as I saw that they were transported to a hospital in Boise I went right there but no one would let me inside to see him. His coworkers were there, none of them knew about me and I knew he wouldn't want them to learn about me like that. I stayed in the waiting room, waiting for any news on his condition. When I asked a nurse about him once she went to go and get one of his coworkers. That's when I had to leave and went and hid upstairs in the maternity ward, pretending to waiting for news on an expecting mother or something. In a way it was funny.

Now he was back in his home city, Seattle, a patient at the very hospital he works at. He's been here for almost a week now and I'm just getting here. I was mad at myself for not getting here sooner but things happened, things that I wish weren't.

"Miss?" The cab driver's voice broke me from my thoughts. I realized that he'd pulled up to the hospital I needed: Seattle Grace Mercy West Hospital. Personally I found it to be mouthful, I would always joke with him about it.

"Thanks." I threw money at him before grabbing my bag and rushing inside the hospital since it was raining. I ignored the looks people gave me as I weaves through the halls. I knew that I must have looked horrible but I didn't care. Show me someone who looked good after a three and half hour plane ride which you had after spending hours earlier at a hospital arguing with people who were supposed to be there for you through thick and thin. You could say that today had been a bad day.

"Excuse me!" I nearly yelled when I reached a desk where nurses and doctors were working. My outburst caught the attention of an older man with ginger hair, he wore dark blue scrubs and a lab coat, a lot like the one I used to wear.

"What can I help you with?" The man asked me as he set the chart in his hands down to give me his full attention, something that I knew was impossible in his job unless you were a patient.

"I'm looking for a patient, he was brought in almost a week ago," I explained.

"What's his name?" He went over to a computer to search the name.

"Mark Sloan." As soon as the name left my lips the man seemed stiffen and his eyes widened as he looked at me again. He seemed to be looking me over more closely now. I peeked at his hospital ID and saw his name was Owen Hunt. He'd told me about him, said he was a trauma surgeon in the army and was a nice guy.

"Can you tell me where he is?" I raised my brows at him when he kept quiet.

"Third floor, room three fourteen." He informed me and I didn't waste any time before hurrying off. I didn't have the patience to wait for an elevator so I ran to the first stairwell and hurried up the flights of stairs. I wasn't paying close enough attention and ended up colliding with someone and falling back down a few of the steps and hitting my head on the railing.

"Oh my God!" A woman exclaimed as she hurried over to help me up. I glanced up to see that she looked around my age, maybe a little older. "I'm so sorry, are you okay?"

"I'm fine." I brushed her off and got back on my feet. I felt a sharp pain in my head I touched my forehead only to wince, when I pulled my hand away there was some blood. At the sight of my blood the woman seemed to panic more. I noticed she was wearing light blue scrubs, an intern or resident.

"You're bleeding, here let me take care of that for you." She offered.

"It'll be fine." I hurried past her and continued up to the third floor. Once I was there I kept my eyes glued on the room numbers until I spotted the one Owen had given me. The room had glass walls so anyone could see inside. Slowly I made my way into the room and looked over the man lying in the hospital bed.

He was hooked up to different machines and I saw that his heart rate wasn't stable and I could tell just by looking at him that his breathing was labored. He was paler than I was used to seeing him, he just had a sickly look to him overall. His brown hair had more gray to it than the last time we'd seen each other too. I sat down in the chair next to his bed and took one of his hands in mine as tears filled my eyes. I'd never seen him so broken before.

"It's alright Mark," I whispered as my tears escaped my eyes and rolled down my cheeks. "I'm here now."

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