
A Choice Or A Trick?

Koleinn arrived just in the nick of time and he stood before Sighvatur, he knew he could not defeat him but he could not let Tyr die. 

He was thankful for the decision he took because if he did not come here then Tyr would be dead. 

He did not even know if he was alive currently but he had faith that he was not too late. 

He braced himself and instructed the men under him to charge forth and the battle started. 

Tyr had done an excellent job in making them question themselves so they were easier to cut down. 

Kolbeinn did not have the luxury of trying to win over their hearts like Tyr.

Sighvatur could not believe how badly this war had gotten but he blamed himself because he did not want to lose men.

He was thinking about the war that could be instead of the war that is but he was not going to make their mistake twice. 

"Kolbeinn, I do not want to kill you but I will…" Sighvatur warned, raising his gigantic ax. 

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