
Herfjötur's Wrath

Herfjötur was infuriated, and she was about to enter combat; Karl instinctively took a couple of steps back because he did not want to get in her way.

"I guess I will play with you a little-!" Before he could finish his sentence, Herfjötur appeared right before him, she was big, yet she had the speed of a much smaller person. 

Herfjötur swung her club downward, it was done with such incredible speed that even the man had no choice but to block it, but he found himself being forced to his knees because of the sheer force of that swing.

"You are as strong as they say…!" The man exclaimed; he had lost the skirmish in strength and was barely holding on, but he managed to elude it and force the baton to the ground.

Herfjötur could not recollect herself in time, prompting her foe to mistake this as him having the upper hand but in reality, it was Herfjötur baiting him.

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