
Chapter 36 Peek A Beau, I See You

Zenith [pov]

The nerve of that guy! What's with him?! Why did he have to bring something like that up? Like I don't know he's going to grow up. So what? He isn't grown yet so it's fine isn't it. What's wrong with wanting to hold on to your baby? He's my boy!

How annoying. Stupid Paul.

After that little 'discussion' with my husband I had to walk away, and vent out my frustrations before either one of us could say anything the other would regret. Mostly him. So I ran away.

Unfortunately I ran blindly. I ran in the wrong direction.

So embarrassing.

I couldn't help it!

He was just making me so frustrated, and I wasn't thinking straight! And he was facing the direction of the house. So I ran in the opposite direction. I just wanted to get away from him. I didn't put any thought into it. leaving in an angry huff I made myself scarce. Only to realize what I have done. Luckily there's one place of peace outside my home that I am familiar with.

Rudeus's tree really is a good place to air out your worries.

"I can see why Rudy hangs out here. It's so peaceful."

Looking around my surroundings I can't help, but envy Rudy and Sylphy for having such a little safe haven all to themselves. A slightly elevated hill looking over a prairie, with a dirt path a short distance away. Not too close for people to talk to you. Yet not too near to be bothered by passers by. Just close enough that if one ever wanted to socialize they could, but if you don't, like right now, it becomes a calm oasis where one can separate themselves.

Just what I needed.

Being, more or less, stuck I decided to camp out, and just wait until my anger died down, before I went home. Enjoying the evening breeze as I rested under the shade. So calming. So envious. The only thing that could top this off is having a little buddy pillow to hug tightly.

I wonder where little Sylphy went?

It's unfortunate, but I haven't seen her lately. It probably has to do with my pregnancy, as Rudy has been rather domineering lately. It's a shame, but I wish she visited more often. Having her around is a real breath of fresh air. Sylphy's innocent reactions are just so cute. I wish she was here to cuddle, or even for Rudy to tease her. Just watching from a distance is fun as well.

I want, no, need, a little fun in my life!

It would be nice to have another body pillow besides Rudeus.

"I wonder if I should invite Lilia to bed one of these nights? She doesn't seem to mind my hugs."

…probably best not to. Paul would probably take that as a sign that Lilia isn't off limits or something stupid like that.

Thinking back on it, Lilia has been quite accepting, maybe even a little too accepting, of signs of affection. She doesn't say no everytime I hug her, or play with her a little.

Maybe she's lonely?

I was.

Maybe that's why Paul was able to sleep with her. He caught her in a moment of weakness.

Uwaaah… bad thoughts… Although it does make sense.

Lord knows they have nothing in common. By all manner of measurement that incident should have never happened.

I wonder how Paul managed to bed her?

Then again… I do know my husband's appeal.


No no no. Lilia's not the type. I guess it really was a moment of weakness. I guess she's lonely.

Now that I think about it… she did tell me once didn't she.


In the middle of the living room, enveloped by the shadows, at a time that seems like a lifetime ago, Lilia and I were hugging each other tightly after a long crying seccion. After Rudy's stage performance Lilia and I got exceedingly close that night. My hands wrapped around her, and I remember thinking it wouldn't be that bad to sleep in her arms. She felt so small and weak despite being the same size as me. Lilia holds in her emotions so well, even the emotions she shows are usually only a small piece of what she was actually feeling. To have seen her so broken down after the play, pulled a lot at my heartstrings, that I couldn't help, but hug her.

We might not be sisters, but on that night we became family.

Luckily for some reason or another. Neither Paul nor Rudy came in to interrupt us. We were able to reconcile quietly. So in the cover of night, we decided to end it, but not before I found out why this came to be in the first place.

"You don't love him, do you?" I asked.


"Who else? Yeah, my husband, I've noticed you two avoid each other, and the ways he looks at you at times… what happened?"

"The whole thing… was a mistake, Paul he… he reminded me of someone I cared for. Someone I cared for alot..."

"Ohhhh, someone you care for? A crush perhaps?"

She stayed strangely quiet, as she started playing with her hair. Pulling at a string up, and down.

"Or… perhaps something more serious? Someone you… loved?"

She hunches over, blushing profusely.

"...yes…" she whispered.


I couldn't help, but think at that time. To think there was someone that could break through Lilia's wall of ice, and warm her heart. I felt lucky to have gotten a peak.

What a rosy complexion?

"Heh~ that's something new. You don't speak that much about your past. He must have been someone special if you thought about him 'till today. Who was he?"

"He was… complicated. He was the best, if we could have been together… I would have been overjoyed. He makes… ah, made me feel well… happy, there's no other way to describe it. Being with him just makes my worries go away. Well except when it didn't, but that's also part of his charm. I just felt like…"

"Like you're the only one in the world," I offered.

She looked at me with wide open eyes.

"It's not that strange. I think everyone that's ever been in love feels like that. When you're with the one you love the most. They have a way of making you feel like you're the only one that matters," I stated.

I got entranced in girl talk. To be in love, and to be loved. Is there a better feeling in the world?

"Love… so that's how it is…"


"Yeah… sorry madame, just thinking back. It really was like that. He was the first person to ever make me feel like that."

"He sounds like he still has a very special place in your heart… how did my husband remind you of him?"

"...their were certain… characteristics that they shared, that give him a similar atmosphere. Paul during his youth, might even be considered a reflection of him you could say. I was… in a bad place at the time, and I thought, well I thought wrongly, but I thought that…" she looked down away from me, before she continued in an octave barely higher than a whisper, "If I spent the night with Paul I could use him as a replacement for… 'him,'" she intoned the him, making it obvious she was speaking of someone else, "and maybe I could finally say goodbye to him and move on."

I looked at her down form.

Whoever he was she won't even speak his name, and speaking about him seems to cause her some distress. He either hurt her or he… died.

I couldn't help, but think that rather than a love story it was a tragedy instead.

"Move on, huh… I guess things didn't end ideally between you and him. Did it work?"

"...it didn't."

"Figures. Lilia," I opened up my arms in invitation, "come here."

She looked at me confusedly at the time, but at my behest, she complied and hugged me.

"Lilia," I patted her hair, and her back. Like a baby she felt so weak under my touch.


"You're an idiot," I whispered quietly so as not to insult her.

I felt her flinch in my arms.

"You can't get over somebody, by chasing after their mirror image. You're going to end up seeing one's reflection in the other. You're just going to end up falling for the person you're trying to move away from all over again. Then… then you just end up hurting everyone."

I felt her wither in my arms at my statement. Perhaps I was too truthful, but those are my honest thoughts. Perhaps if I had noticed her turmoil earlier. If we had talked…

So many ifs…

"So youth was it?" I did my best to change the subject. Whether her loved one was dead or not, it's clear talking about him is doing the opposite of making her feel better. We cried enough that night. We didn't need to cry again.

"Did you know my husband before coming here?"

"Oh… Of course, Mad-" I gaved her a glare. "Zenith I mean. It was the reason I applied for this job in the first place. Paul and I knew each other from our childhood. We trained under that same dojo; my parent's. I felt landing employment here would have been simple"

"I… I didn't know that. Why didn't you speak of it, no, why didn't he?"

"I don't think either one of us is happy about that fact. The past is the past. Neither one of us wants to think about how we were. Paul has grown from who he used to be, and I… I've changed from that girl as well," Lilia admits.

"I see… feels like there's a lot you're not telling me."

She flinched once more.

"But it's fine… a person's heart is a complicated thing. I don't need to know everything. I know, my husband wasn't the most pleasant of individuals before I met him. He used to be so rowdy and got in fights all the time. I can only imagine how troublesome an adolescent Paul would have been. He left out a lot of things about his childhood. It's probably for the best that I don't know the Paul that would break hearts, then the one I fell in love with. Still… I just thought he was romancing some village girls. To think he would be wooing Lilia."

Her hand grips me, her nails digging into me.


"So-sorry, Zenith, but… I would like to make an addendum. Although, him and… my first love, had some resemblances, they were not the same. I would not say he 'wooed me,' if someone wooed me, then it would have been… my first love. He, Paul, was just a typical Asuran noble."

"Ah… you didn't have a favorable view of him I take it?"

"I did not hate him… but I did not like him. We also… left on bad terms."

"He was touchy wasn't he? He was always feeling up women's buts when I met him. Sorry you had to deal with that. You have my permission to slap him, if he tries anything, tell him; I gave you permission."

"...yes. I will happily obliged."

Honestly, that husband of mine. To think he was feeling up Lilia in his youth, honestly. He always did have a bit of a maid fetish. Asking me to wear an apron, and just an apron, from time to time.

Wait a minute, Lilia said at her parent's dojo. Does that mean?



"Are you a noble?"

"ha ha ha…" She burst into laughter.


"...it wasn't that funny…" I muttered as I remembered that night.

We talked about a lot of things that night. We talked about her status, and how she is not a noble as she's been disowned. We talked about her thoughts on Rudy's performance. We talked about her favorite genre being horror. Everyone has their faults. We just talked. We even talked about Rudy's dress, and how it would be a crime not to see him in it again. We are both playful, or at the least we like to mess with Rudy, and felt a little teasing was in order. Could you blame us though? He brought two women to tears.

We even talked about her past after Paul, and before here. Apparently she became the maid for royalty.

I did not know that. I realized there was a lot I didn't know. Like how she had to leave quickly as she feared for her life due to politics. Truly a lot.

She's had it rough.

In the end the answer to the Paul conundrum, and everything was simple; It was fortune.

Just as it was Lilia's bad luck that led her here. It was my husband's good luck that led him to her. He was simply lucky, and Lilia… has not been.

In a moment of weakness, on a night when Lilia was feeling particularly lonesome, and reminiscing about her ex, my husband was just in the right spot at the right time. I won't be surprised if that's how they first met as well.

Lilia's bad fortune, and my husband's good one, or perhaps it's just a bad taste in men?

"My husband really is too lucky, for his own good isn't he? Is it too late to go back and hit him?" I pondered. "Alright," I stepped off the tree, "it's decided. Let's hug her."

I decided it was time I go Lilia hunting, and snag myself a redhead of my own. It's been a while since I've used Lilia as a body pillow.

"Hmm, I could use a catnap," I remember Lilia's soft embrace that night. She smells like my garden. I pump my fist. "Let's sleep with Lilia!"

That's a good joke right?


A short walk later, and a careful check of the roads for Caravaggio, I made it back home safely enough.

And they think I'm a frail lady. Did they forget I was an adventurer?

"To think I had to sneak into my own house."

It all sounds so insidious. What am I, a criminal?! I have to pay back someone for this injustice. Rudy you are on cuddle duty today, and I won't take no for an answer.

Although I don't think he'd disagree. I am a queen after all? Who would reject a queen's invitation?

Jokes aside; I can't wait to lay down, and cool down. After traveling down the dirty path a good rest is what I need. And a snuggle. And Lilia's tea. Oh, and maybe a good game of checkers, or those sweets-

Hmm… maybe I have been spoiled… just a little.

With frivolous thoughts going through my head I made myself inside without making a sound. Walking carefully, and keeping an eye out around every corner, turning my head here and there. There's alway a chance a predator could be lying in wait.

Also known as Paul.

It would be a shame if after going through all this trouble I would run into him regardless. That is embarrassing.

If Rudeus and Lilia happened to be there as well… my pride as a mother might take a hit.

…please don't look at me like that… I'll never live it down.

Hmph, I'll have you know that I wasn't sneaking into my home. I was just lost on the path of life, and was admiring every little thing this world has to offer. Will you deny me such pleasures?

How could you?! Now… Can we have some tea…

That's nice… let's go with that.

"Hmm, I guess they're finished," I took a look around the living room, and noticed its spotless appearance. No one has been here. Meaning Paul hasn't come inside, and those two are probably still upstairs.

"That's good. A reprieve is fine."

Thank Millis.

Wonder how long it would take for them to notice I'm here?

"They're probably upstairs," I tilt my head looking up.

Perfect spot for snuggles.

Making a beeline for my safe spot I stride my way to the stairway before pausing. I overlooked something.

"Oops. Forgot about that. Now that I'm alone… I have to deal with the stairs myself… darn."

Usually I would have either Rudy or Paul at my beck and call to help me along the way. Both of them are such worrywarts, but it's nice being attended to. It's very nice being attended to.

"Should I yell out for him?" I shake my head. "No, best not to. I can do this much."

I'm not a spoiled princess. I'm a princess that likes to get spoiled. There's a difference!

"Alright, one step at a time…"

Just one little step at a time. Rudy and Lily lay at the end. "One body pillow, two body pillows, three… hmm, I wonder if I should surprise them. Hmm… now that I think about it… I haven't played a prank in a while. Sneak, sneak, sneak… hehe~ this is going to be fun."

I decided to pull a little joke on them.

I need a reprieve.

After an unpleasant end to a mostly pleasant evening, what's the harm in having a little fun? I used to sneak upon Lilia all the time, but now that we're both pregnant, it's not something that's possible anymore. At Least not by jumping on her. I'll have to be creative.

It's been a while, but playing with Lilia used to be my favorite pastime. The usual games are fun, but… she wins… a lot. Time to even the score.

If my memory serves me right, she likes horror right?

"Let's scare her…"

WAIT! No, that's bad. Scaring is bad for the baby.

So~ Let's go for the next best thing.

"...let's scare Rudy…"

It's a shame, but Lilia will have to wait. I can't go bothering my sister in… bellies. I'll wait until the babies are born.

"That's a good one right, sweetie?" I whisper to my baby in my belly.

Soon she's going to join us. I hope she's born with mine and Rudy's sense of humor. We'll be the talk of the town! I'll raise her right. To like the finer things in life. Like puns, and pranks. Well… maybe not pranks. Last thing I need is a female Rudy.

Then again…

Step. Step. Step…

But that's in the future right now let's tease him. Now… How should I perform this little joke?

Should I blow in his ear? Run my finger up his neck? Put my hands over his eyes, and do a guess who? Or should I attack one of his weak spots? Oh, maybe I'll tickle him and yell monster attack.

Decisions decisions~

"...are a little stiff," a voice carries down the hallway.

Ah, I can hear them.

As I make my way to the top I can hear their voices. They sound quite casual. It'll make it all the more appealing to see their shocked faces.

Let's see how you like it when I suddenly appear from thin air.

That's what you get Lily!

Oh, wait. It's supposed to be Rudy's turn today.

Well, him too!

"Indeed," Lilia's voice carried down the hall echoing as it bounced off the walls.

Sound sure travels easily down empty hallways. I'll have to be extra careful so they don't hear me coming. Alright moment of truth! Ready or not, here I-

"I heard massages are a good way to relieve stress."



"Can you give me a massage?"



What did I just hear?

Step step step.

Making a little sprint up the steps, faster than one would expect from a woman in my condition, I tiptoed all the way to Paul's bedroom. Carefully and quietly that not even a mouse would notice me. Resting just outside the room, hiding behind a cabinet that's blocking the entrance.

I think I heard wrong.

I was caught off guard. Something ridiculous just came into my ear, but I must have misheard. After spending an evening with Paul, with his attempts at bedding me, for the nth time, my head is not in the right place. I'm hearing things when there's nothing to hear. After all there's no way those words came from my Rudy's mouth. If I hadn't already checked that he wasn't here that would be the smart assessment, but he isn't here, and that tone of voice is too light to be his.

He's just… he's just not like that.

It does sound like him, but I must be missing something. He probably didn't even say massage. I must have misheard. He must have said message. I heard messages are a good way to relieve stress.


…that doesn't make sense.

Shaking my head back and forth I tried to rid it of useless thoughts. Hoping to shake them out. To no avail.

So dumb.

Paul is Paul, and Rudy is Rudy. I'm reading too much into this. I'm just dreaming. There's nothing wrong with a massage after a long day. I just had one. They're quite nice, so it makes sense that he would want one too. Yeah… that's all it is.

Who am I even making excuses to?

I need context. Context is key.

Without proper judgment, one can not judge others lest ye be judged. So says Millis; so says we all.

Millis knows I just probably showed up at the wrong moment. Lord knows what Rudy would think if he showed up at the wrong moment at times. If he had shown up at the wrong moment just earlier, he'd probably think…

What would he think?

'...like the good old days…'

Paul's voice continues to echo in my head.


Here I am planning a scare, and I'm scaring myself.

Rudy is Rudy and Paul is Paul.

With a little worry in my heart, I push it away, and decide to go back to what I was doing.

The best way to get rid of your worries is by having a little fun.

A little game of guess who it is.

"Whew…" exhaling I move out, and carefully so as not to make a sound, I creep behind Lilia ready to pounce, reaching out, when…

I caught sight of my son in the middle of undressing.


I was the one surprised instead.

Heh… ha? Hahhh?! W-w-w-what are you doing?!

Standing still for a moment I am flabbergasted, but as quickly as it comes it passes, or more accurately I push it aways, as before Rudy's head is freed, in that fraction of a second, I act. Running as fast as the wind… quietly.

What was I supposed to do?!

As my second instinct went into alert, my body reacted, and ran as if a member of the Superb tribe just appeared before me.

Although I think I'd rather welcome such a demon with open arms over this weird feeling in my chest.

In a moment of instinct. Instinct not panic. Because why would I be panicking?!

My body reacted faster than it's used to, and my brain, thinking faster than it is used to, noticed that with Rudeus' face covered, and Lilia's back turned, I would not be seen.

Now my everything just needs to catch up to the present.

Taking a moment to come back to asura I rest my weary body and soul, leaning back against the wall, pressing tightly against it, as I do my best impression of a cicada.

"...hah… hah… ha…" steadying my breath after that unexpected shock and burst of speed. I have to calm down, before I go in for a second attempt, as they will hear my breathing.

Did they notice me?

Not since my adventure days have I made such quick actions in such a little time.

I should be proud of myself.

That's not what I should be thinking about!

Why was I running?! He should be running! What is he doing?!

Breathe Zenith… just breathe…

Wait… timing. That's right, it's that. I probably just came at the wrong time.

Yup, that's all it is. He is… he is… my baby boy… just a baby… just a…

Who am I trying to convince?

I poke my head one more, and this time peek from a distance.

Please tell me your joking.

Rudy… don't disappoint me.

My head is filled with worries.

Rudeus has been a real godsend, a real gift from Millis, but he's also a boy… he's also Paul's son, and that invites its own worries.

He's been my pillar holding me up when I wanted to fall. He's been my pillow when I wanted something to nurture. He's been my cleric when I needed someone to tend to me. A complete sweetheart. Nothing like Paul. My pillar, my pillow, my sweetheart.

…but all boys do become men.

I don't know when the time will come, but the time will come when he will be too grown up to run into my arms with a smile on his face, and someday… he will run into someone else's arms with a completely different smile on his face. It's worrying.

He's capricious, mildly selfish, and has a wicked sense of humor. He is playful; playing with Sylphy all the time. Laughing merrily, doing the chores, and enjoying hugs, he is the ideal image of a boy in his youth. He's huggy and a little bit kissy at times, but that's the best part. He's a little on the mischievous side, but never too much that it's ever been overbearing. Overall he's my little boy.

But… playful can easily develop into flirting, and… and then he wouldn't be so little.

He is… he's… he is just a boy, a mature one, but a boy nonetheless. Yet something I couldn't Imagine is happening. Whatever that is.

"Should I lay down, or turn around?" Rudeus says.

"Whichever you prefer," Lilia's voice echoes.

"Well… we don't have towels to lay down. So I'll stand this time."

This time? He said that?! Because of course he did.

"This time?" Lilia echoes my own thoughts.

I didn't want to address it as I didn't want to awaken something within Rudy before it should awaken, but… he is maturing quickly. Too quickly.

He's even starting to look.

At first it was mild curiosity, but lately he's been taking more and more peeks at me, or Lilia for that matter. It's cute. He reminds me of Paul. His wandering eyes only give him a more endearing quality. It makes me feel comforted.

It helps that he doesn't know what he's doing.

Despite his stares being unexpected they are still the stares of a boy, but if I were to address it, If I were to have 'the talk,' then those stares would easily change from the curious glances of a boy in his youth to those of a boy becoming a man. My chivalrous son could easily become a philanderer like his father.


I will not have that.

That's no good. I love my husband, I do, but I don't need two of him.

Oh dear… it really is time to talk.

The greyrat instincts are a strong thing. I should know I've experienced them first hand, but I won't let such things lead to Rudy becoming a heartbreaker.

If is like his father he will grow up to lay his hands on many girls making them cry.

Such a stupid thought.

I hope I'm just being stupid. If not… it's just…

He just sounded so much like his father… that it scared me a bit.

Alright, I've had enough.

Paul is Paul and Rudy is Rudy. That is decided. Has been decided for a long time now. Since the day he was born. My head is just a mess because of earlier. Rudeus will become a womanizer the same day I give up gardening; which is never!

Nothing is going to get done if I just sit here watching. It's time to nip this in the bud. Sometimes a little pruning is in order for a garden to thrive.

Looking back inside I keep a close ear, and an even closer eye. They are going about their business undisturbed, unknowing that I am eavesdropping. Sounds insidious… observing… I am observing them. With their backs to me, they can't see me, but I also can't see their faces. All I can see is Lilia's hands on his shoulders.

Thank you for entertaining him Lilia, but you know you can say no?

I'll talk to her later. She has always been too soft on him. At times she cuddles him more than I, but I didn't think it would develop into this. She spoils him too much.

I have to get closer. There is a limit to what I can see.

I need to make sure everything is right, because at this rate…

He's going to make Lilia cry.

To think Rudy would try to woo her.

Was this to be expected?

It's probably unconsciously, as I'm confident his hormones aren't acting up, but it doesn't change the fact that he is still doing it. Even if he doesn't know what that 'it' is. Hopefully not Lilia.

Now that I think about it… Paul did once try to make me wear a maid uniform, and his cousins do seem to have a maid fetish, so…

It runs in the family?

Should I buy Sylphy a maid uniform?

Useless thoughts away!


He is growing fast. Too much so.

He's only ever taken glances before, but it looks like he's moved up to actions. I never thought he was capable of this. Whatever this is. He's always been the ideal gentleman, but now I'm not so sure.

"This time," Ignorant of my worries, Rudeus holds her hand tentatively as he whispers in her ear. I can't see his face, but I recognize that tone. He has that teasing smile on his face. As he separates from her, I catch my first true glance of him. He looks… different than the image in my head.

Those eyes…

The look he gave her is odd.

Those eyes… they're not what I expected. They're not the flirtive glances he usually gives, or even reminiscent of Paul's lewd ones. If I were to describe them, they look like Rudeus' eyes when I'm waking up from bed. The type of eyes he reveals for a moment, when I'm not looking.

Those eyes…

I've never been able to read them completely. If I had to describe them. I would describe them as… loving.

Huh? No, it couldn't be right?

Taking a moment to think about it, I look closely at Rudy, and the intimacy with which he's interacting with her.

Fleeting glances, soft touches instead of lewd ones, and no vulgar language. Not exactly the Paul approach. If anything I'd even call it romantic.

"No…" I whisper.

"Mmmm… ahhhh… yeah, that's the stuff. I almost forgot… mmmh… how good it is to be on the receiving end," Rudeus utters.

Nonono, no way!

"My pleasure master."


Oh… Oh! Oh boy.


Does Rudy have a crush on Lily?

This… oh no. Lilia isn't going to cry, but Rudy might. Ah, what am I going to do?

I need to get closer!

I must absolutely know everything. And now!

Step. Step. Step.

Unfortunately I made a few noises as I dashed my way next to them, but luckily they're lost in their own world right now they didn't notice.

But seriously this isn't good.

If it was a simple crush we could have a simple conversation, but if there are feelings attached, and not just lustful pursuits. Then…

My baby's going to get his heart broken.

Ever so slowly I tip-toe my way until I'm right behind her.

I can now see everything thoroughly. Rudeus' face is still a mystery, with his back turned to me, but I can at least hear them.

"Mmn… how nice. So this is what having magic hands means," Rudy says.

For better or for worse.

Lilia honestly you have to learn to say no to him. That's why he has a crush on you.

He doesn't sound like my baby boy at this time. It feels like my biggest fears might be coming true. He's always been a gentleman about certain things that if the day ever came that he would start making moves on Sylphiette I know he would be gentle about it, and not do anything to make her cry. He'll figure things out at his own pace, as he's always done, and then one day we would have an embarrassing talk about flowers and pollinating, and how babies are made.

That was the plan.

It wasn't supposed to be Lilia.

Now that I think about it, except Sylphy, they're aren't that many girls his age, and seeing as he shares his father's blood it would make sense if he shares his father's taste. He'd probably make a move on…

I have to protect her.

I edge myself ever so slowly.

I understand…

Oh, boy… this isn't funny. Rudy…

Ordering her around is no good!

I thought he was going to be a gentleman…

Looking at his back I can't help but see the resemblance between him and his father. He's his spitting image. At least physically, if not a little smaller. In time it will be hard to tell them apart.

BUT! That time isn't today! I'm his mother, it's my duty to set him right!

"Rudy can't turn out to be that kind of adult. I won't have it," I muttered angrily.

Stuck in a whirlwind of emotions I can't help but air out some of my worries.

…unfortunately I forgot to take into account how close I've gotten.

A certain red flower is staring me in the eye.

Lilia looks at me with a shocked expression. Her hands still on his shoulders.

Ah… I ended up scaring her after all. How fun~ It actually does ease my worries a little.

I needed that.

Wait no! I'm in mother hen mode. She's in trouble too for doting on him so much, but this whole situation is so surreal that I can give her a break. I'll talk to her later about Rudy's feelings, but first…

"Hmm? Lilia why did you-" Rudy starts turning his head, but before he can do so completely, I thrust my hand out, and catch it in a one handed vice-grip, keeping it in place.

But first I have to handle this little philanderer in the making.

"Owow! Lilia, that's rough. Please be more gentle."

Be more gentle he says… I'll show you gentle!

I did come to give you a good scare. It's time to teach you some things about women.

Looking at Lilia standing there holding my son's shoulders stuck in place I wonder how I should settle this situation. Rudy is still young, and doesn't understand what he is doing. Even if he has his father's blood, he doesn't have the knowledge to act on it. He's probably acting on instinct more than anything else.

Sorry Lilia. That you had to suffer my son's selfishness.

Reaching my free hand over to Lilia, she flinches, before I place it on top of her head. Giving her a slight petting as a sign of affection causing her to open her eyes.

Their their. It's alright now. I get it. Rudy was being Rudy and bothered you again like he always does doesn't he. You did a great job. I'm sorry for my son's selfishness. I'll take it from here.

I try to communicate silently, through my touch, and my eyes. Trying my best to give her the most affectionate look I can give her. As I'm currently upon Rudeus, I don't want to reveal myself just yet.

Lust or love… I want to see my son's true colors while I can. This situation gives me ample opportunity to interact with Rudy without his filter.

Don't disappoint me.

Then I can decide whether I should just give him a light talking to, or a proper spanking. I've never been for hitting, but I might just change my mind depending on Rudy's actions.

Making my way over to her side, I enter a kneeling position, and give her a gentle hip bump as I take Lilia's place, replacing her hands with my own.

Time to reign in this lively son of mine.

She looks at me with blinking eyes, but does not object, and slides away giving me the reign. It seems my message was understood.

That's good. Now…

I'm going to give him a little scare.

Hopefully this will just be a humble scare, and not a terrifying realization. Then again… if it's terrifying, isn't that a sign of a guilty conscience.

Let's see what face he makes.

My heart is beating rapidly.

Rudy forcing your maid to give you a massage when she can't go against you is wrong. I thought you knew better than that, but it looks like I was wrong.

It's time for some discipline.



"Mmh… that's nice…" she's massaging me again.

I don't know what happened for a moment there, but she had my head in a vice grip.

Did I say something strange? At least she's not hurting me anymore.

"I really should return the favor… owow! Um… Lilia, your nails are digging into me a bit… ahn… ah… that's better, thanks. So ah… that's a no?"

I'm getting mixed signals from her. One moment we're a hairbreadth away from ripping each other's clothes… well… probably. I honestly don't know. I got a little wild there, and in the heat of the moment. I…

Did I strip her?

I wasn't thinking properly. That's the problem with going with your heart at times. My heart is stupid, and… a little on the lustful side.

I needed to loosen up. A massage does wonders on the nerves.

Oh, boy…

That little jolt of pain really helped reboot me.

"Sorry… guess I got ahead of myself," I grab one of her hands that was massaging me, and I bring it to my front kissing the back of her hand. "We'll do things at your pace… promise."

She pauses.

…for a very good long minute…

"...um, Lilia?"

…before moving her hands once more.

I wonder if I struck her in the heart right now.


Heh~ this is kind of fun.

I wonder if I can get another strike on her heart while we're being intimate.

"Hmm… this really is nice. Massages really do help take the stress away. I see why you and mama like these so much… or Sylphy for that matter, but that's neither here nor there. Ah! Don't worry I don't give her any 'special,' massages. No magic. Although… it would be funny to make mama squirm if only for a mome-owowow!"

Maybe not.

Her nails dig into me once more.

"I'm joking! I'm joking! It's just a joke! Jeez…"

It's almost like she thinks I have no self control or something.

I have you know I hold back considerably. Should I rip your clothes off?

…please don't call my bluff. I don't think I can go from zero to a hundred now that I'm thinking properly.

"It was just a joke. As tempting as that would be. I won't do anything to make her worry, you know that right? Besides… I say my regular massaging technique is good enough. I'll show you next time you ask for it. Soooo… please ask."

"Sigh," I feel her breath as she exhales on my neck.

"Eh? Was that a no? Well, I'll just have to do my best to convince you later." She starts working my shoulders once more, "oooh… although… being on the receiving end might be better. Just keep going… ah yeah… mmmh… right there…. ahhh… a little pressure is nice… keep going… mmm… hah… so nostalgic. Please… lower."

I think my body really did accumulate quite a bit of stress over these past few months.

"That's… honestly pretty amazing. I didn't know you… mmm… had such a talent," I muttered between breaths. "Ah…. I needed this. If I knew you were this good with your hands I would have asked you sooner. Ahn! That's a bit rough, actually… no never mind. There's some tension there. Keep at it. Ah, thanks Lily. What was I saying? Right, nostalgia. Thinking back on it, despite all the times I massaged you, you've only massaged me that one time. How selfish of you!"

She continues massasign undisturbed.

Eh? No response.

"...well, I thought it was funny. Zenith would have laughed."

Her hands pause…


Her hand reaches to my cheek, and… starts pinching it, and pulling at it.

Hey hey, that's Zenith's thing, calm down!

"Owow! Sorry. Jeez… you really are… lively today. I'll cut down on the jokes, but," I grab the hand that is pulling my cheek, and touch it gently, caressing the back of her hand, pleading with her silently to let me go,"in all seriousness; don't be afraid to ask me for a massage in return. I know how hard pregnancy can be on your shoulders. Zenith told me about her back pain. Plus, stress is a thing. So if you feel like you need a little boost for your day, just come to me. I'm always happy to help. After all, A healthy mommy equals a healthy baby. We want little Aisha to be born nice and healthy, don't we?"

Her hands stop moving once more.

I think I'm getting a good read on her now.

Massage equals good. Pinch equals bad, and pauses mean an arrow to the heart.

Probably. Hopefully.

After a good long pause, her arms wrap themselves around my waist, hidden from view, and a familiar pressure is felt on my back.

A nostalgic… how long since we've hugged like this.

"So lively… but I don't dislike it… so that's a yes?"

Her hands go back to kneading my shoulders.

This silent play is odd, but… nice. Not everything needs to be said.

"Who knew you were this playful. Lily," reaching a hand over my shoulder I grab the back of her head, and start bringing it closer to my lips as I get ready to kiss her one more time.

Romance in silence… not bad…

"...seriously, let's do this again. Soon… " I whisper.

She isn't speaking to me, therefore let's speak with our bodies. This is how I feel.

Reaching around me I move my hand back, grabbing her head, I prepare to put my feelings into action, and bring her in for a kiss. Closing my eyes, and getting ready for the feeling of her lips on my own, I'm stopped, as a foreign feeling is felt between my lips and hers.

Opening my eyes, I realize there is a set of fingers between her lips and mine.

Ah… did I play too much?

Looking away from her fingers I'm confused at the mixed signals, and look into her eyes for clarification.

Her very beautiful… her beautiful cerulean eyes.

…a pair of eyes, I've woken up too many times now.



An indescribable sound escapes my lips, as the shock of who's in front of me settles in, and I fall back, sprawled on the ground.

Lilia's eyes are violet.

"Uhm…" struggling to get back to a sitting position, I look up before me at the blonde beauty that just descended. The blonde angel standing before me is looking at me with stern eyes. That blue eyed angel is looking very much like a demon right now.

It's Zenith.

The angel of death is before me.

Survival instincts don't fail me now.

"Hey…" I muttered.

Shit... I'm broken….

That's the best you can do brain!

Shut up, I'm resetting!

"Hey," She repeats, looking down on me, hands crossed, and standing before me, with a smile that doesn't reach her eyes.


So this how I die?

Did I mention how forgiving angels are?

Oh, great and powerful Millis, who I am so conveniently deciding to believe in right now, If you exist… please save me…

Jokes aside, mostly, I hope she's not too crossed.

Ok, think back… what did I say? I didn't say anything too incriminating… I think.

"...hah…" She closes her eyes, and puts a hand to her cheek as she thinks, "What am I going to do with you? On one hand… you're not as sleazy as your father… on the other?" she reopens her eyes staring into my soul. "You sure did go for it didn't you?"

…I feel like I was just slandered in the middle of that monologue.

Well I'm not dead. Soooo, that's good? I'll take my little victories where I can.

"To think you would even try to steal your mama's lips. How incorrigible of you."

Say what now?

I did no-

Oh… oh, I did…

"Ah… I wasn't trying to-"

"Oh, that's right!" she claps her hands, raising her tone, an octave higher, "you didn't know it was me. But~ If you didn't know it was me~" she puts a finger to her chin, playing at contemplation, "whose lips were you trying to steal? Lilia, do you know?"

Turning to look at her, I see Lilia with the reddest face I've ever seen. I didn't think it was anatomically possible to get that red.

Must be magic.

Her mental gears are turning as she works out this situation. I swear I can see the imaginary steam lines coming off her head.

That or maybe I've lost my mind due to stress.

I need a massage.

Oh, wait, that's how I got here.

I need a bath.

What should I do?

"Where do you think you're looking at Rudy?"

My voice is drawn back to the demon on a warpath. Imeanangel. Oh most benevolent guardian of peace.

"Mom… did I mention-"


"Shutting up now."

Ok… mistakes have been made.

"Rudeus Greyrat come here," she points down to her feet.

"Ah… hai…"

Please be gentle.

Walking closer and closer I walk with my head down, not wanting to earn her ire, before sneaking a look at her.

She's not in tears. So that's a plus. She's not yelling. That's also a plus. She isn't at the level where I'm being kicked out, or being slapped, so all plusses across the board.

So what is she going to-


She pulls my ear.

Corporal punishment it is!

"How could you?! I thought you knew better than that. Taking advantage of Lilia, and ordering her around!"

"Doing what now?!"

"And to top it all off… you… you!"

"Owowow!" she twists my ear. "Zen-ow!' she twists harder. "Mama that hurts!"

"Good! I thought you were better than this, "and in some ways you are," she whispered, "but still! Taking advantage of Lilia is no good. That's my job!"


"Ahem, I mean… only I can order Lilia around. Rudy can't force himself on women. Got-it."


"Honestly," she releases my ear.

Ah sweet jesus. Didn't expect that.

She almost turned me into an elf. Forcefully.

"I understand Lilia's appeal, but that's no reason to be ordering her around like this. She's cute, loving, has a soft body, is a great help, and teasing her is a little fun, but-"

"Don't forget dutiful," I suggested. "It's cute how she takes the lightest of tasks seriously."

"I know right! Oh, and have you heard her sneeze? She's like a cute bunny!"

"I have, but her embarrassed face is the best. It's just so hard to get her that red sometimes."

"Really? It's actually quite easy. All you have to do-"


At the sudden source of new noise, we turn to its source, and see Lilia red as a beat, and sporting a flabbergasted look.

Ah… we got carried away. Are we bullying her? But…

She looks so cute though~


"What were we talking about?"

"What were we talking about?"

We asked simultaneously, before turning to look at each other, and realizing just where we were at.

Not the ears!

Acting quickly I covered up my ears, before my face could be forcefully altered to that of elf.


"But doing things like this is no good!" She pulls my head, and forces it, along with my body, into a bowing position. Looking in her direction I see she is bowing as well, or trying to, her baby belly making it hard to.

Huh? Wait is this-

"I'm sorry for my son's capricious behavior. I thought I would have more time, but… he is developing faster than I thought. He's more like his father than I thought. It seems he might…" she gives me a quick lookover, before moving over to Lilia, and whispering something in her ear.

…so we're ignoring me?

Whatever she said, it clearly shocked her, as her eyes bulged a little, and her mouth opened up only for nothing to come out.

"I know. It's surprising," Zenith says, "but it looks like that might be the case. When the time comes," she peeks at me, "rebuff him gently okay. For now I'm going to need a word with him. When the time comes, I'll trust you to handle things gently." She glances back at Lilia giving her a lookover from head to toe, "...perhaps it was completely to be expected. Regardless, I'll straighten him out. Oh, that's right!" she claps her hands. Before giving me a quick cold stare, and quickly returning to Lilia. "Just making sure, he does have his father's blood, but he hasn't tried to… you know?"

"Ma-ma-madame… w-what are you s-suggesting?"

"Has he…" she leaned in and whispered something in her ear one more time.

Her face got red again.

"Eeeee! Nononono. mad-Zenith, ahem, this situation is an outlier. Rudeus's has, um… a-always been a… gentleman. Yes… a… p-proper gentleman. He hasn't-we haven't! It's… It's… it hasn't been like that!"

Ok… wow… What the hell did you ask her? I've never seen her so flustered.

"I was just giving her a massage," I muttered, pleading my case.

I like to think Lilia is of sound mind not to spill any secrets between us, but just to be safe. I'd feel safer if I was dictating my own fate.

"There's nothing wrong with that."

"Of course not! A massage is just a massage, but I don't remember my massages ending with kisses?" She gives me a cold look.

"...should I kiss you?"

Her cold look is now a tundra.

"I'll shut up now."

"Honestly… so much like your father… too much."

I… I can't deny it at this time, but… ow…

Zenith turns back to Lilia, and wraps her around in a hug, "Thank you for humoring him, and treating this whole thing gently. I'll take things from here."

Excuse me?

"Ma-m-my, pleasure… Zenith," she looks over Zenith's shoulder, and looks me in the eyes. I can see the confusion in them.

That makes two of us.

Hurricane Zenith sure is throwing us for a loop.

I feel like there are a lot of things lost in translation, but there's no screaming, slapping, or tears.

So, alls well it ends well?

"Now," Zenith separates from her, turning back to face me, "what am I going to do with you?"

Ah… I am in the eye of the storm.

"...did I ever tell you how beautiful your eyes are?" I flattered her.

When in doubt, flattery always works!

"Yes, you have," She sighs, before closing her eyes, and putting a hand to her forehead, and sighing. "Somewhere between a gentleman and a womanizer. What to do, what to do?" She gives me a lookover. "On one hand, you weren't handsy, foulmouthed, or overbearing. If you were a little bit older I might even describe you as charming. On the other hand… you're too playful and a woman's feelings aren't something to play with. And you…" she puts a hand to her lips.

Her lips…

No distractions!

I shake my head wildly pushing away any useless thoughts, before they can come in. I don't need any trouble at this moment in time.

"...definitely went right for the lips."

Would you have preferred I aimed somewhere else?

Oh… wow… brain… chill…

"...I wasn't thinking. I'm sorry."

"I know."

She claps her hands.

"Alright it's decided. It's punishment time," she turns back to Lilia. "Lilia, I'll take it from here. Oh, and I'll be borrowing these," she takes the glasses off her face. "Take a break for the day. My husband isn't home so you can lay down, or take a nap. I'll be borrowing Rudy for the rest of the day."

She grabs my hand, and starts leading me away.

Ah… I'm dead.

As I look behind me I can see Lilia confused, and putting a finger to her lips in a shush motion. She's not as red anymore, so I can safely say she's feeling safe, and out of the danger zone.

That's good.

…now what about me?


"Um… mama… am I in trouble?"


I get no response. I am looking at a wall as per her orders, waiting for… well whatever she's doing, but she's giving me the silent treatment.

We're now inside the bedroom, hers, ours? It's hard to tell.

Anyways, she's been changing clothes? If the sound going behind me is anything to go by. Per usual, I'm turned around, sitting, facing the wall as she changes, but… not being able to look her in the eye in this atmosphere is tough on the nerves.

Is this intentional or just mindgames?

She does love her games, but this is torture.

I have given up trying to figure out what's going on through her head.



She's quiet.

Only the sound of clothes ruffling can be heard behind me, as she continues changing.

Just what are you doing? You don't normally take this long to change clothes.

"You know… when I married your father I knew what I was getting into. He wasn't exactly the most chivalrous of sorts, but he had his moments. He was touchy, gropy… kissy, and everything in between, but he toned it down considerably when we got married. I was the only woman he could kiss. I was the only woman that could ground him… or at least that's how it was supposed to be. Rudy I won't have you grow up to be a man that breaks his promises. You're going to be a proper gentleman."

"I promise to be better."

"Yes you will. I guarantee it. Alright… you can turn around now."

"Hmm… alright, ma-hot damn…"

Oh… wow…

I am a little… shocked to say the least at her choice of clothes. As a feast for the eyes lay before me. Turning around I wondered if what I see is really what I see.

This… is a punishment?

She is wearing… a heavily decorated robe. Something I've only seen once or twice hidden in the back of her closet gathering dust. It looks nice. Very nice. It is a combination piece made up of multiple parts, blue and white. The core of it is a plain white blouse, covering everything underneath, covering even her forearms, and reaching her ankles. Followed by a secondary piece, a dark blue strip running vertically down her body. It is an ornamental blue robe piece with white stripes decorating it, running parallel on the parchment, highlighting it. Starting at her shoulders, the blue piece hugs her figure, and goes down her torso, in a t shape, leaving an open window for her breast, because of course it does, giving her a slightly regal look. It goes down all the way to her pregnant belly to the edge of her skirt. And wrapping it all up, around her neck, laid an ornamental piece, a cross, tying it all together; as the ribbon intertwines with the fabric acting as a sort of holy collar. A real present.

That really gives the expression god's gift to man a whole different meaning.

…but as pleasant a sight as it is… why is she wearing it?

"That's what we're going to need to talk about," she says, breaking me from my stupor.

I couldn't help it. It's the first time I've seen her in something so regal. It reminds me that yes this is a noble lady.

Having a good look now, I now know what it is. It's her Millis robe. I've never seen her wear it, but I know she had it. It's something she's only worn during her adventuring days, and it isn't something she would be using anymore.

At Least that's what she told me.

But It looks good on her. A little tight in a few areas. The fact that she's pregnant kind of gives it a tight look as the fabric is pushing tightly against her skin, leaving little to the imagination.

I'll refrain from airing my thoughts though. I love life.

"Blue is your color," I confessed.

"Thank you. I think. At least you didn't peek so you're not completely lost."

Oh, I'm lost alright.

"Mama… why are you wearing your robe?"

"It's fitting!" She raises her chin proudly. Sliding the pair of glasses on her face up.

I second it!

Also did you borrow Lilia's glasses just for that?

Nice! I approve!

Wait, that's not the issue. Is it even an issue?

"I just thought that if I'm going to play the role of teacher, then I might as well go all the way. It's not everyday I get to teach you a lesson. Plus, I remember mama wearing something formal when we had serious discussions. So putting one and two together; this felt like a good time to teach you a few things while playing the part. Do I pull off the glasses as good as Lily?"

"It's alright…"

It's great!

"Anyway, enough of that. It's time for divine judgment!" She pumps a fist to her chest. Moving over to where I am. She sits right next to me, and bumps shoulders with me.

"This is… more difficult than I thought it would be," she says to herself, instead of me, looking into empty space. "Where to start, where to start? Sooo… Rudy?"


"You know that boys are different from girls, right?"

"Huh? Ah… yeah?"

What is she-

"Well they are more different than you might know. Besides curves, hair, and voice. There are a lot of little things to take into account. Man and woman both have different organs that the other does not."

Wait, is she-

"For example; Rudy and other man have a thing between their legs called a pen-"

"Whoa! Hold on a second!" I jolted up. "Are we-are you, are you giving me the talk?"

"Yes, now sit down," she pats the spot next to her. "You and I have much to talk about. We're going to talk about the physical, the emotional, and even a little bit of etiquette. We have several hours before your father comes back from god knows where he is, and Liiia is free for the day. So I'm going to take advantage of all this free time, and teach you thoroughly everything there is to know," she makes an attempt to stand up, but struggles as her belly gives her trouble.

"Here," helping her I give her a hand; helping her to her feet.

"Whew, thank you Rudy. You got some etiquette at least. That puts you a step above your father. Now then," she locks arms with me now that we're standing up. "Where were we?"

I'm thrown for a loop, but this is fine.

"Mama… I'm in trouble… right?"

"Oh, you're in trouble, just not with me. I won't be the one to punish you Lilia will. But until then," she drags us down, bringing us back where we were. "I'm going to teach you how to treat women we're going to do it one step at a time. Now where was I? I think Rudy said something about 'the talk,' so…" she looks at me directly, "Rudy already knows a few things?"

Ah… I did say that.

"I know… the basics."

"I see…" she whispers, looking away from me, "...grows too fast…" she mutters as she plays with a lock of loose hair.

"It doesn't matter," she gathers her bearings. "We're going over everything anyway. Now, no more interruptions, or else."

"Ah… huh…"

Did I ever mention my mother's lack of common sense?

At least everyone is happy. Alls well it ends well.


The sun hasn't even set yet.

"Now then," she slides her glasses up her nose, "let's talk about your penis."





You know... there's alot of people that say they know my writting, and think their ready, and in my head I'm just thinking...

You're not ready.

I give enough hints at what's coming next, but its the journey not the destination, and even for those people that figure out more or less what I'm going to do, are still surprise by how I do it.

Anways... I don't think anyone is ready, but lets see where this goes.

Crownedclowncreators' thoughts
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