
Bleak Falls Barrow (4)

Leaning against the stone platform, I dug my fingers into my cunt, scooping out the sludge like semen from my pussy.

Creating a large gray puddle below me, I shivered as I felt the Draugr's semen continuously dripped out of my womb, numbing me as I scooped it out.

Moaning at the situation I was in, I allowed my body to expel as much semen as it could before standing up, pursing my lips as I stared at my throbbing cock.

Shrugging my shoulders, I dropped a hand lower and calmed myself down, grunting as I shot a large rope onto the already painted stone platform.

Panting, I reequipped my armor, making sure everything was secured before placing my weapons back on my belt.

Taking a deep breath, I turned to look at the chest, throwing the lid open.

Inside was another small pouch of Septims and an ingot of Silver, but that was all.

I walked over towards the iron gate, pulling the chain beside it to lift the gate.

Continuing down the tight tunnel towards the pit, it eventually widened up into a cavern, the river cutting through the left side, the right side raising slightly to provide a dry path.

At the end of the cavern was an opening leading towards the pit, where I knew a Draugr would be patrolling the bridge that led towards the Sanctum.

However, before I went down towards the bridge, there were two things I needed to do in this cavern.

First was the small iron ore vein that was nestled into the floor in the center of the cavern.

Laying next to it was a Skelton and a pickaxe.

Scooping up the pickaxe, I hefted it into my hand before swinging it into the ore vein, grunting as the metal slammed into the solid stone.

Swinging it a few more times, I saw the notification that I had received one piece of iron ore.

The vein itself was a mess of iron chunks, stones, and even...

Kneeling, I brushed the dust and stone chunks to the side, grinning to myself as I saw the dark crimson glow of a garnet.

Gently chipping away at the stone around the garnet, I eventually managed to retrieve a large chunk of stone, the garnet settled in the center of it.

Placing it in my inventory, I frowned slightly at the notification that I received one Garnet Ore, before shrugging.

Considering I managed to get bear bones, which didn't exist inside the game, it made sense that I could receive 'unique' items like this.

Though, would I need to use the smelter for it or..?

Shrugging again, I scooped up another large chunk of stone, which was heavy with iron.

Resuming my 'mining' session, I received one more Iron Ore for my troubles, the small vein utterly destroyed.

Placing the pickaxe inside my inventory, I continued towards the pit, where a chest lay next to the waterfall.

Crouching, I equipped my bow and nocked an arrow, watching as a Draugr stumbled around on the natural stone bridge that crossed the deep pit, wearing nothing but some old decaying cloth.

Since I had just satiated my urges earlier, I felt little beside slight admiration for the female Draugr's ample chest as it staggered about.

Drawing the arrow back, I aimed slightly ahead of the Draugr, before letting the arrow fly.

It sailed perfectly through the air, the Draugr turning to look at it as it heard it whistling towards its head.

I chuckled as the arrow sunk deep into its skull, making the Draugr stumble backwards before falling into the pit below.

Turning towards the chest, I threw the lid open, sighing at the sight of just a few coins scattered across the bottom.

Sighing again, I drew my axe and held it loosely in my hand as I walked down towards the bridge, deciding to ignore the locked chest below.

At this point, every step I could still feel some semen sloshing around in my womb, and I wanted to get this over with.

The experiment with mining was worthwhile, as it confirmed that I was able to just whale away at an ore vein and it would give me materials regardless.

Looking at the Glowing Mushroom on the wall, I grabbed one and yanked it, receiving one Glowing Mushroom, while the prompt to gather the ingredient remained.

'Clicking' that, I watched as two mushrooms just disappeared, however only one appeared in my inventory.

So likely, for convince sake I could just use the prompts to get quick gains, but if I learned how to properly gather everything I could increase my yields by a large amount.

Nodding to myself, I chuckled as I realized I only needed either some Wheat or Hanging Moss to make a Fortify Health Potion, which, considering getting pumped full of a Draugr's seed was the first time I had been close to death so far...

Well, maybe it would be best to have some on hand when I decide to... experiment again with the denizens of Skyrim.

Continuing down the tunnels, I crept into the large room leading towards the Claw Door, using my bow to kill the Draugr that occupied the room.

Looting the bodies, I entered the small room that held the Claw Door, and I looked around with an almost reverent gaze.

It felt amazing to be here, in this spot.

So many playthroughs had me walking into this room, turning the wheels on the door to match the claw, that it was almost... nostalgic to be here.

Pulling out the Gold Claw, I stared down at the code.

Bear, Moth, Owl.

Approaching the door, I turned the top ring to Bear, middle ring to Moth, and bottom ring to Owl.

Inserting the Gold Claw into the center, I wiggled it around, before hearing the mechanisms grind to life.

Removing the claw, the door slowly lowered into the ground, revealing the gigantic cavern lying behind it.

It was almost completely natural, the only man made things inside the cavern being the the stone platforms holding up sarcophagi around the chamber, as well as the curved Word Wall that contained the first Word of Power for the Unrelenting Force Shout - Fus, or Force.

There was also that big end-of-dungeon chest waiting for me, right beside the sarcophagus that held a strong Draugr, wielding an enchanted blade.

Approaching the Word Wall, I found that I could read the Dragon Language carved into it.

"Here lies the guardian

Keeper of dragonstone

and a FORCE of unending

Rage and darkness..."

Huh... neat.

Watching as the glowing word for force dissipated, I heard something knock against the lid to the sarcophagus before pushing it to the side.

Readying my axe, I coated my fist in flames as a hulking Draugr rose, its body covered in heavy iron plates that glimmered red.

Its pale eyes focused on me as it got to its feet, sliding its long, thin sword from its sheath with shriek.

The black metal blade was coated in a thin layer of frost, vapor rolling off the blade as it moved through the air.

Even from a few feet away I could feel a slight chill, only to grin.

A frost enchantment...

Taking a step forwards, the Draugr stabbed the sword forwards, catching me off guard with how smooth it was.

Unlike the other Draugr who stumbled about, this one moved like it was still alive, completely fluid and in control.

Feeling the sword bite into my upper arm, I grit my teeth as a chill spread through my left arm, the muscles numbing slightly.

Jumping backwards, I glared at the armored Draugr, who spun its blade as it returned my glare.

"Damn Draugr..."

Growling, I clenched my fist on my axe handle, before rushing forwards with a shout.

Swaying out of the way of a slash, I swung my axe down on the Draugr's side, which it blocked with the enchanted blade.

My steel clanged against its own, before I spun the axe in my hand and swung again, this time using the spike.

The Draugr tried to block my blow again, chittering as it raised its sword, before grunting as the spike was buried into its wrist.

Wrenching the axe, I grinned wildly at the Draugr as I dislocated its hand, making it drop its weapon.

However, the Draugr wasn't going to go out without a fight.

I staggered backwards as it punched my cheek, my head spinning under the blow.

Following up with another punch, the Draugr started jabbing its plated fist at my skull, slicing open my cheek and cracking the bone.

Crying out in pain, I rolled away, my left arm screaming at me as I raised it, unleashing a ball of flame towards the Draugr.

The fireball exploded against its chest, making the Draugr stagger back a few steps, only to scoop up its sword in the process.

Switching my spell from flames to healing, I slowly healed my cracked bone, the pounding headache receding slightly as I glared at the Draugr.

Seeing me healing, it rushed forwards, the sword now in its left hand.

Chopping the blade towards me, I deflected it with my axe before kicking the Draugr's chest, forcing it back as I continued to heal myself.

The flesh slowly reknit itself on my cheek, and the swelling receded.

Breathing a sigh of relief, I swapped back to my flames, coating my fist in fire as I went on the attack.

Swinging my axe randomly at the armored Draugr, I gradually increased the intensity of the flames on my left fist, the Draugr looking at me wearily before its pale eyes widened.

"Take this you fuck!"

Turning my body, I stepped into my punch, grinning madly as my fist collided with the Draugr's faceplate, before...

It went though it, the flames melting the metal and flesh.

Quickly removing my fist so I didn't burn myself, I panted over the corpse, my vision blurring as I stumbled backwards.

Falling on my ass, I quickly chugged a magicka potion, combating the worst of the headache.

I certainly had more magicka than my stats said...

That, or spells don't actually cost that much?

Or I'm just... a natural?

Who knows...

My headache receded again, the room no longer spinning as my eyes refocused.

Damn, that was worse than being drunk...

{Destruction: 24 -> 26}

{Light Armor: 15 -> 17}

{One Handed: 29 -> 30}

{Restoration: 16 -> 17}

{Level 6 -> 7}

Increasing my magicka again, I chose {Novice Restoration} as my next perk, to just... fell safer in the future.

Being able to cast Healing at a reduced rate was going to be extremely helpful...

Getting to my feet, I searched the Draugr's corpse, my eyes wide as I looked at the loot.

Ancient Nord Sword (Enchanted: Frost Damage)

Ancient Nord Heavy Armor (Enchanted: Fortify Heavy Armor)

Ancient Nord Heavy Boots

Ancient Nord Heavy Gauntlets

Emerald Ring (Enchanted: Fortify One Handed)


Gold (329)

Holy hells...

Slipping the ring off the Draugr's finger, I slid it on my own, watching in amazement as it shrunk to fit my finger.

I could unenchant the armor and sword to learn the enchantments, sell off the gauntlets and boots, and lug the Dragonstone to Farengar in Dragonsreach, so that I could do my duty as a Whiterun Citizen!

Chuckling to myself, I turned my eyes towards the large chest, licking my lips in anticipation.

If that was what he had on him...

Approaching the chest, I lifted the lid, my jaw dropping at the contents.

Laying inside was another enchanted chest piece, glowing a dark crimson.

Beside the chest piece were six gold bars, a pouch of Septims, and another Spell Tome, this time of the Illusion School.

The chest piece had a Fortify Health Regeneration enchantment, which would be amazing to have.

As for the Spell Tome, it was all about the Calm, Anger, and Fear spells, which, while almost useless in the game, would be quite handy to have here.

Being able to calm someone down, or rile them up, without them knowing how or why would be helpful if I learned how to silently cast, or...

Since I was able to use a spell in my hand by touching someone, would I even need to know silent cast?

Inside a crowded tavern, or on a bustling street, would anyone know if I used magic?

This needed some testing, which I was more than happy to do.

Lastly, I looked at my current Septim count of 2216 with a smile.

I wasn't rich, but it was a start; that was almost half of Breezehome.

Chucking to myself, I started making my way to the exit, opening the final chest with another grin.

It was another Silver and Gold ingot, as well as a few soul gems.

Really, whoever left all this stuff in Bleak Falls Barrow was a nice person indeed~

Stepping out into the glacial wind of Skyrim, I looked over Lake Ilinalta with a grin.

This was...

An insanely lucrative adventure.

And I still had a reward waiting from Lucan!

Looking into the cloud laden sky, I pursed my lips as I saw the sun going down.

While I might have gotten used to some of the things in this world so far, I really didn't want to sleep in the wilderness just yet...

So, I set off towards Riverwood, wanting to reach it before sunset.

Whew~ Long chapter~

Ketsueki_Hasucreators' thoughts
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