

(Matt Pov)

Going to school the next day a lot of people were giving me surprised looks after I walked up to the Cullens and Alice and I kissed. Confirming the rumors I'm sure were spreading after seeing us at the movie theater together. After a few days of the usual going to school, spending time with Alice, and repeating the cycle. Edward finally came back from Alaska on Wednesday. Bella and I saw him come in the car that morning with the Cullens. Walking up to them in the parking lot and getting a running jump hug and kiss from Alice.

"Hey guys," I say to them while still holding Alice in my arms with her legs wrapped around my waist.

"What's up Matt," they all say while only getting a nod from Jasper since he is now surrounded by teenagers again and a curious/annoyed look from Edward.

"How was Alaska?" I ask Edward as he is giving me a hard stare, I guess he can't read my mind either.

"Cold," Edward says getting out of the car and walking inside the school leaving everyone behind.

"Ignore him, he's just an ass sometimes," Edythe says watching her brother walk away in annoyance.

"We all have that one in the family," I say to them while thinking about Bella.

Putting down Alice and getting another pout after placing her down, she grabs my hand and begins skipping into school. The rest of her family chuckles at her and follows us into school. Like usual now I join them in the cafeteria at lunch and Edward gives me another annoyed look but ignores me the rest of the time. Eating my food as Alice sits in my lap and feeds me once in a while, we are all just chatting. Edward is staring like a creeper at Bella the whole time I noticed. Finally, the day ends and we each head home to our separate houses. At home, I can see Bella is really thinking about Edward and trying to figure him out since he was nice to her after returning from Alaska.


(Alice Cullen Pov)

On the drive home, Edward seems to be thinking about his mate most likely.

"You guys should have told me that Alice's mate has been hanging out with us recently," Edward says after leaving the parking lot.

"Yeah we kinda got used to him, so forgot to mention it," Emmett says shrugging while driving the jeep.

"Whatever, did any of you fail to notice his extreme changes though?" Edward says to us and we have but I don't care I love him either way.

"Yeah we did, but I mean, it could be anything really. I'm not a doctor and Carlisle didn't seem to think much about it," Edythe says while the others nod in agreement.

"So we are just going to ignore that he smells not like a human anymore either? Not only that but I can't read his mind just like I can't read his cousin's," Edward says in an annoyed manner that no one seems to care.

"You are just annoyed you can't know what he knows and be the privacy invader you are," Rosalie says to him while giving him a hard glare since he likes to read people's thoughts when he thinks they are hiding something from him.

"She's not wrong brother, you really need to learn to respect people's privacy. Plus didn't Carlisle warn you to stop doing that?" Edythe says to him while raising her eyebrow at him.

"I haven't read any of your minds since that talk with Carlisle, but they are not one of us," Edward says trying to defend himself at attempting to read their minds.

"HE IS ONE OF US!" I say yell at Edward hearing him say my Matt is not part of the family.

"Oh is he? Did you turn him yet? Did you tell him about us?" Edward says to me making me angrier because he is not wrong.

"Leave her alone Edward and even if we haven't told him yet. He will join us soon since Carlisle says we should wait until he is eighteen to turn him. Though Alice will tell him when she is ready," Rosalie says to him jumping to my defense, since Rosalie views me as her actual little sister.

"Fine, since Carlisle says it's fine, but that doesn't mean I will turn his cousin," Edward says to us while sulking in his seat.

"Whatever you idiot," Rosalie says to him making him grumpier.


(Matt Pov)

The days turn into weeks and Edward is messing with Bella's emotions like normal, with his flip-floppy attitude toward her. One day all nice to her and the next being a moody emo teenager. Getting annoyed that he keeps messing with her feelings, after he sits back down doing that stupid apple trick I decide to talk with him.

"Edward either you like my cousin or you don't. Stop fucking with her and either ask her out on a date or leave her the fuck alone!" I say to him with a small growl at the end from my anger fairing. Knowing that both can no longer leave each other alone, it still pisses me off seeing him do this to her.

"He's right Edward," Edythe says to him catching him by surprise by what I said and how his whole family is agreeing with me.

"I...you....You don't know anything about us," Edward says to me stuttering in anger before standing up and storming out of the cafeteria.

'I know more than you think,' I think to myself watching him storm off and seeing Bella give me an aggravated look knowing that I said something to him to piss him off. I just shrug at her making her frown even more.

Later that day as we are leaving school and I'm giving Alice a kiss goodbye before heading to my car, I hear the screeching of tires as Tyler Crowley loses control of his van. Being distracted by Alice, I forgot this was going to happen eventually and I don't know if Edward would save her. I prep myself to intervene, but luckily I notice Edward is moving to save her so I relax a bit. The scene plays out with Edward stopping the van from crushing her and telling Bella that he was next to her the whole time and she just hit her head. Though hearing that his whole family facepalm since I was standing with them before he moved and is looking at me now. Alice with a look of nervousness as she now is going to have to explain what they are. Pretending I don't notice their stares I 'run' over at normal human speeds to Bella.

"OH MY GOD! Bella are you all right?! I'm so sorry!" Tyler says to her getting out of his van and rushing over to her. Edward seeing me realizes his mistake and winces as his family all give him a hard stare.

"Bella you good?!" I ask her pushing Tyler out of the way making him look at me in anger but then ease up seeing that it's me her cousin.

"...Yeah…..I'm fine," Bella says trying to process everything that just happened.

"I'll take you to the hospital," I say helping her up and into her truck.

"Alice, can you drive my car over to the hospital for me?" I ask Alice as she followed me over.

"Sure Matt," Alice says taking my keys to follow us to the hospital.

Getting to the hospital, the usual scene plays out with Tyler apologizing to Bella and Charlie arriving telling him he can kiss his license goodbye. After leaving Bella to talk with Carlisle and Charlie I make my way over to Alice who is standing nervously and giving me a scared look.

"Alice you ok?" I ask her knowing why she is nervous but seeing her like this hurts me.

"Yeah….though I'm sure you have a lot of questions...can talk in private?" Alice says to me while nervously grabbing my hand to lead me outside the hospital.

"I do have some questions, but maybe we can talk somewhere else," I say to her bringing her to my car and driving us to the place we star-gazed at.

During the ride over she is fiddling with her hands nervously and looking down in fear. I grab her hand gently and give it a reassuring squeeze, getting a surprised and thankful look from her. Parking the car we get out and sit on the hood as I wait for her to start the conversation.

"I'm sure you noticed that Edward was with us before suddenly appearing next to Bella and stopping the truck," Alice says to me nervously.

"Yeah, I noticed that," I say to her waiting to explain more.

"What if I was a monster who has done horrible things? Would you still like me?" Alice says looking up at me with worry.

"No, I wouldn't like you.....because I love you," I say making her look extremely sad and then extremely happy, then lean in to kiss her she was going to kiss me back then puts her hand up.

"Wait….no….you don't understand," she says to me looking worried again.

"Yes I do, you and your family are vampires. I've known since a little before our date. I'm sure you noticed I was different than when we first met, I'm...I'm not sure what I am, but I'm definitely not human," I say to her making her look at me in surprise but then a knowing look comes on her face.

"What?! How? I noticed you were different but didn't really think too much about it, what are you then? How did you know we were vampires?" Alice says to me in quick succession.

"First, I mean wasn't too hard. You guys avoid the sun, don't ever eat human food, and after I turned into what I am you all smelled much different than humans," I say to her shrugging at the obviousness of it.

"I thought we did a good job at hiding what we are, though you never told me what you are. What do I smell like?" she says to me pouting at me saying they did a bad job at hiding what they are.

"Your family smells like rotten food, though for some reason you smell sweet, extremely sweet. As for what I am it's easier if I just show you," I say to her getting a curious look from her.

"I'm gonna have to get undressed for this part so....yeah," I say to her.

"Oh ok, that's fine!... Oh, wait! I won't peek I promise!" she says to me excited at the idea of me naked, covering her eye with her fingers, but I can see she is peeking but don't say anything.

Taking my clothes off I can see her watching through her fingers in excitement, chuckling at her I take everything off, though turn around when taking my boxers off. At this, she grunts in annoyance.

"What's wrong?" I say to her messing with her.

"UH....Nothing! Was just thinking what is this taking so long," she says to me while I laugh at her lie, making her fiddle around even more in embarrassment.

I stop messing with her as I transform into my bear form, though the pain from the transformation this time is not that bad compared to the others. It also seems to take less time to transform about a minute and a half. Though I can hear the gasp from Alice as I transform. Turning to look at her in my bear form I see her just staring at me in shock and not moving.

"So....yeah this is what I am….." I say to her in my guttural voice.

"YOU CAN TALK?!" Alice screams in shock.

"That's your biggest surprise from this!" I say to her.

"Well no, but I mean….yeah, I guess," she says with a shrug jumping down from the hood of my car and walking around me inspecting me and poking me here and there in curiosity.

"You done?" I ask her amused at her inspecting me for ten minutes or so.

"Yes! One question though, can I ride on your shoulders? I've always wanted to be tall," she asks me looking at me cutely.

"You don't even have to ask," I say patting my shoulder.

She jumps on and we just mess around with each other. After realizing we have been playing around for about an hour. I turn back to my human form.

"We should get back to the others," I say to her, watching her pout since she was having fun.

"Wait! What does this mean for us?" Alice says to me thinking about everything that happened today.

"Well I did say I love you, but you never said you love me so–" I say giving a fake hurt face only for her to tackle me to the ground and give me a very passionate kiss.

"I love you too my teddy bear!" she says to me breaking the kiss. I just laugh at her response, only she will be allowed to call me that.

Last chapter for today, enjoy you'll.

Anomander_Adaarcreators' thoughts
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