
Chapter 19: Second Adventurer Registration

"Ars" Rayleigh finally got the opportunity to speak, "Why with Hancock's level of Conqueror Haki ability?"

"Ability level?" Hancock asked, shrugging his forehead.

"What do you mean, Rayleigh?" Sandersonia asked puzzledly.

"Conqueror haki is one kind of ability that very steps even in dungeons. This ability is at the S level in the list of abilities in the dungeon. While trying to see the ability of the Conquering Haki belongs to you"

Hancock and his two sisters instantly turned their attention to Hancock's status panel and instantly discovered that Hancock's Conqueror Haki was only at level A on his ability list.

"Did something go wrong?" Marigold asked in confusion.

"What does this mean, Ars?" Hancock asked grimly.

"There is nothing wrong with it" Ars shook his head and said, "Your Conqueror's Haki ability is indeed judged only to the A level"

"Rated?" Sandersonia asked, shrugging her forehead.

"The level of ability in the dungeon is judged based on several factors, including the amount of power of the ability, how to stop the ability is, and also how skilled a person is in using these abilities..."

"Skilled? So, I see" Rayleigh muttered quietly.

Rayleigh finally knew the reason behind Hancock's Conquering Haki's ability to only reach the A level.

"The Conqueror's Haki ability possessed by Hancock is considered to have only reached the A level because it is already like that value. Although the Conqueror's Haki ability is strong and also very step-by-step. Tell me, however. Can you be skilled in using these abilities? For example, using it freely is like targeting someone in a crowd of people without exposing the crowd?"


Hancock instantly fell silent at this.

Although Hancock knew that she had the ability of the Conqueror's Haki, she was not skilled at using it. This matter was also realized by her two sisters.

"The Conqueror's Haki has two levels as well as the ability of the Haki of Observation and the Haki of Arms. At the basic level, this ability is judged to have reached the S level with a note that the user of this ability is skilled in using it freely. While the next level is the SS level where a user of this ability can use the ability to give physical impact to his opponent. Level changes can occur when a person is already skilled in using it. So, if you want your ability the Conqueror's Haki to change to S-level as well as SS-level. You have to be skilled or master that ability"

"Hmph! That's an easy thing for me. I will do it" Hancock said in a tone full of the pride of a Queen.

"All right, Hancock. You have finished registering yourself. You can retreat so that your two sisters can enlist themselves. You can use this time to study the status panel you have obtained. There are many features that you have to learn before you enter the dungeon especially if you want to form a party together with your two sisters"

"Party?" Sandersonia and Marigold were interested in hearing this.

"A party is a group formed by a group of adventurers to go on adventures together. By the time the adventurers have formed a party, they will be able to complete a mission together. The maximum number of adventurers can only party with a maximum of 10 members and cannot be more than that while it can be less. There are several advantages and disadvantages to forming a party in a dungeon."

"What are the advantages and disadvantages?" Hancock asked with interest.

Rayleigh is also interested in this. Although Rayleigh knew about the party panel in his status panel. The information about the party is not yet known to him.

"The advantage that can be obtained when forming a party is that it makes it easier to complete the missions received, and can also use a communication feature in the status panel where the feature allows adventurers who are members of the party to communicate with each other. With this communication feature, even though the group members are in a very remote location with a note that they are still in the dungeon. They can communicate with each other through the communication feature."

Ars paused and continued, "Actually, this communication feature can also be used in other circumstances. Just like the two adventurers who have already added their friendship to each other on their status panel. When the two adventurers have established a friendship, they can simply contact their friend using the communication feature through the friend status panel. Just like the communication features in the party, this friend communication feature can also only be done in the dungeon and cannot be done in the outside world"

"This feature is very useful" Said Rayleigh nodded, "How to add friends, Ars?" Rayleigh asked with interest as he opened his status panel, "I think we can directly practice at this time, especially since Hancock has also been registered as an adventurer"

Hancock has no problem with this. Although Rayleigh is a man. Hancock didn't take any disgust like she was looking at another man Rayleigh. Rayleigh was someone who had helped her in the past of course Hancock respected him even though Hancock had shown it in person.

"Well, if you want to add friends. One of you two just needs to open the status panel to the friend's section and then click the search button. After that, enter the full name of the person you want to add as a friend. At the same time, a status panel of the person you are looking for will appear, and then look at the top view on the right side which has a + icon. You just need to press the icon and the friend request will go directly to the friend status panel of the person you want to invite to be a friend. Later, as long as the person receives your friend request, that person's status panel will appear in your status panel and also you can find out he is in the dungeon by looking at the right side of his status where the words Online are green. Meanwhile, if the offline color is red, it means that your friend is not in the dungeon. You two can try it now"

Rayleigh immediately tried it by adding Hancock as his friend. The friend request sent by Rayleigh quickly entered Hancock's status panel. Hancock immediately accepted the friend request.

"Currently, you two are friends and can use the communication feature to communicate with each other. You are free to use the communication feature to speak directly or just send messages. You guys are free to do it" Ars paused and continued, "Continuing the previous topic, for the shortcomings possessed by the adventurers who belong to the party. Later, the results of the missions they complete will be divided according to the number of adventurers in the party. For example, there is a party of 5 people completing a mission with a total mission reward of 25 silver coins and 2500 Exp points. Later when receiving the prize, the prizes obtained will be divided into five where each will get 5 silver coins and 500 Exp points."

"That is a natural thing" Rayleigh nodded.

"By the way, Ars. What about pets? How will they develop?" Marigold asked quickly.

"The pet will follow the development possessed by the master. For example, in a mission, his partner gets Exp points of 500 points. The pet will get half of the number of Exp points earned by the Master without affecting the Exp earned by the Master"

Ars paused and continued, "Hmm, yes, I think that's all the advantages and disadvantages for adventurers who want to form a party. Are you guys planning to form a party?" Ars asked, staring at Hancock and her two sisters.

Before they could reply to him, Ars immediately continued, "My advice is if the three of you want to form a party. You determine the division of tasks you have"

"Task?" Hancock asked seriously.

"Whose task will be the main attacker, who will be the main defense, and who will be the enemy's switcher," Ars said calmly, "Among the three of you who will later become the main attacker later the free points they get each level up more can be added to the strength than the other two options to increase the impact of the attack. Who will be the main defense later the free points they get every level up more can be added to his defense than the other two options to improve the defense he has. Meanwhile, who will later become a distraction the free points they get every level up more can be added to the speed than the other two options to increase their speed to help in distracting the enemy and the like."

Ars paused and continued, "That's my suggestion. It depends on whether you want to follow my advice or not. Ok, Hancock, you can already step back and start studying your new status panel. You can also immediately pair your partner with your pet so that you can enter the dungeon later. In addition, we have also made Rayleigh wait for a long time to report on his mission"

"Hahaha, there is no need to worry. I'm pretty loose. After all, my next task is also less complicated than the previous task. Just relax" Rayleigh said happily.

Hancock just nodded and immediately retreated backward along with Solome.

"Which one of you two will go first?"

"I'll go first" Sandersonia immediately replied where to get a nod of approval from Marigold.

"Please put your hand on this crystal ball and don't resist when something enters your body"

Sandersonia nodded and immediately did what was ordered by Ars. Sandersonia's registration process took place as Hancock had before. As soon as the registration process was completed, sandersonia's status panel immediately appeared right in front of her.

"Is this my status panel?" Sandersonia muttered with great excitement in her because at this time she finally managed to become an adventurer.

Name: Boa Sandersonia

Level: 1

Status Information:

Strength: 5

Defense: 5

Speed: 5

Free Points: 0

Finance: 0 white gold coins 0 gold coins 0 silver coins 0 bronze coins.

Exp: 0% (2500)

List of Abilities

· Haki Armaments (A)

· Right of Observation (A)

· Hebi-Hebi no Mi : Anaconda Model (B)

"Why is your devil fruit ability only classified as B-level?" Sandersonia asked puzzledly.

"That's because your devil fruit potential is weaker than Hancock's devil fruit potential" Ars replied calmly, "Have you forgotten? The ability level assessment is based on how strong the ability is, how many steps, and also how proficient you are at using the ability. Although you are proficient in using your devil fruit ability. However, the power of your devil fruit has a lower potential compared to Hancock's. In addition, your devil fruit is also classified as a type of devil fruit that is easy for Ordinary Zoans to find. If you are not proficient in using this devil fruit of yours, likely, your abilities are only classified into C-level"

Sandersonia heard this quite a bit but quickly accepted it.

"Ok. You can already retreat and study together with Hancock in the back. It's your sister's turn"

Sandersonia nodded and immediately backtracked along with Hancock beginning to explore his new status panel. Ars no longer explained to Marigold about the adventurer's registration process. Marigold immediately put one of his hands on the crystal ball and soon his status panel appeared in front of her.

Name: Boa Marigold

Level: 1

Status Information:

Strength: 5

Defense: 5

Speed: 5

Free Points: 0

Finance: 0 white gold coins 0 gold coins 0 silver coins 0 bronze coins.

Exp: 0% (2500)

List of Abilities

· Haki Armaments (A)

· Right of Observation (A)

· Hebi-Hebi no Mi : King Cobra (B) Model

The status panel owned by Marigolds is not much different from Sandersonia. The two have similar abilities. The two will likely experience differences at the time of entering the dungeon, especially at that time they will develop in different directions unless they both want to develop in the same direction.

After Marigold finished enlisting as an adventurer, he immediately went to the back along with Hancock and Sandersonia to study their new status panel.

"It's finally my turn now" Rayleigh excitedly stood directly in front of Ars.

At this time is the reporting of the mission just completed by him.

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