
A New Slut Every Other Week

Keisha nervously fidgeted with her fingers, feeling uncomfortable under the stares of the two vampires sitting across from her.

Samuel and Luka were still discussing in the kitchen, leaving the poor girl at the mercy of the two creatures she didn't have a pleasant history with.

Clearing her throat awkwardly, she fidgeted in her seat. "So, you guys are friends of Luka?"

Neither Lydia nor Elijah responded, instead continuing to study the human with stoic expressions. The cold silence sent blood rushing to the human's cheeks, embarrassment enveloping her.

"I see you're not much of the talking type. My bad."

Fixing her eyes on her shoes, Keisha silently cursed Samuel and Luka for abandoning her here. They were well aware of the fact that Lydia didn't seem to like her very much, so why were they taking so long?

Perhaps this was some kind of punishment?

"Yes, we are."

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