
Chapter 31: A Brother’s Pity. 124 AC

Maegor sat on top of Vermithor as the strong wind current of the sea hit his body, the bronze dragon was flying low, his humongous feet were touching the water below. The weather was perfect for flying, the sun was shining brightly in the sky, and the warm summer wind of the Blackwater bay was enjoyable.

Besides Vermithor, Helaena also flew with her Dreamfyre. The dragon's blue scales and white stripes were a pleasant sight, seemingly blending in with the sea. Maegor looked at her, she was having a time of her life, enjoying the summer wind.

As both of them approached the island of Dragonstone, the dragons increased their altitude, flying higher to the sky. When Maegor and Helaena could see the whole of Dragonstone in its glory, they stopped ascending, gliding in the sky again.

Vermithor then increased his speed, seemingly diving down towards the castle below them. Helaena watched as Maegor jumped from the saddle, falling from the sky at the same speed as Vermithor, he was falling just right besides the saddle, his head looking at what's below, and no chain tied him to the dragon at all. While she would be lying that she isn't scared seeing the stunt, she just giggled in amusement, as she trusts the skill of her husband.

Dreamfyre also started to descend again, towards the yard of the castle as Maegor and Vermithor were doing their trick. When Maegor saw that he was approaching the ground, he quickly moved his body towards the saddle, grabbing the handle of it, and quickly chain himself to the dragon.

Vermithor then spread his wings, stopping the fall altogether. Both of them landed on the yard first, as they literally dived down towards it unlike Dreamfyre. When the bronze fury touched the ground, it shook, his footprint instantly formed because of the energy from the dive before.

Not long after, Dreamfyre landed, stepping on solid ground after a couple hours of flying. When he saw that Helaena safely landed, Maegor jumped from Vermithor, carrying the three dragon eggs in a bag.

Maegor had just noticed it, as he was too focused falling to the ground, but he finally realized that Daemon, Rhaenyra, and two little boys were waiting in front of them, and he saw two little boys scared shitless from what they've just seen.

Both of them looked frail, the younger one even frailer than the older one, and he could only frown at the sight.

He decided to ignore it for now, and turned towards Helaena, who was trying to climb down her dragon, who was quite big.

"Are you alright?" asked Maegor in amusement.

"Here, catch this." said Helaena, throwing a trunk full of clothes towards Maegor, and of course, he got it, albeit barely.

Helaena then climbed down the she-dragon, the chain still strapped around her waist. When she touched the ground, Maegor helped her unchained herself, and she took the trunk back from Maegor's hand.

After that, she turned to Dreamfyre, and caressed her neck.

[Kirimvose. (Thank you.)] she whispered, and the dragon purred.

Maegor also turned to Vermithor, and he spoke to him. [Sōves, vermithor! lo ao ossēnagon cannibal isse bona blēnon, kesan sagon sure naejot ivestragon se tolie! (Fly, Vermithor! If you managed to kill Cannibal in that damn mountain, I'll be sure to tell the others!)]

Vermithor just gruffed at his words, and the bronze dragon took off from the yard, flying towards the Dragonmont, his old home when his previous rider died.

While Vermithor flew away, Dreamfyre did not. She stayed at the yard, where the Dragonkeepers will take care of her.

And so, Helaena grabbed Maegor's arm, and both of them walked towards their hosts, Daemon and Rhaenyra. Daemon was looking at his firstborn in amusement, as he heard what Maegor had told his dragon just now.

Maegor and Heleana then stood in front of Daemon and Rhaenyra, who was holding the previous young babe that Maegor had seen.

The Lord of Runestone's left hand rested upon his sword's hilt, and so did Daemon, his hand resting upon Dark Sister's hilt.

"What a grand entrance." Daemon commented. "Doing that with a giant dragon like Vermithor seems like a risky move, but you pulled it off."

"I learned it from the best." said Maegor calmly.

Daemon raised his brow. "And that is?"

"Myself, who else?" said Maegor calmly. "But of course, I tamed Vermithor because of you, so I guess I should thank you too."

Daemon hummed, but didn't say anything. Maegor then turned towards Rhaenyra, and nodded his head. "Cousin."

"Maegor." she smiled weakly. "Such a pleasure to see you. And to you as well, Princess Helaena."

Helaena smiled at her, but her eyes soon turned to the baby Rhaenyra was holding. "Is that my nephew?"

"This… is Viserys…" Rhaenyra introduced her to the boy, seemingly dragging Helaena away from Maegor. Helaena of course didn't mind, she wanted to see the little boy, that's why she was here.

Meanwhile, Daemon kept looking at Maegor, seemingly trying to read his face.

"If you want to say something, just say it." said Maegor.

"What are you doing here?" asked Daemon. "It's rather unusual of you to visit here."

"What? I'm not allowed to see my half brothers?" Maegor questioned, his brow raised.

"Good point, but you could do that a year ago." Daemon continued. "After your wedding with Helaena, which I'm not invited to."

"You didn't invite me when you married Rhaenyra as well, so I guess we're even." Maegor shrugged. "Besides, it was a quick wedding, Helaena didn't want the hassle of arranging some proper ceremony, so I was in King's Landing for only three days, then I went back to finish my business in Runestone. After all, I haven't been home for two years at that point. Anyway, I'm not only here to see my half brothers, I've come across this."

Maegor then opened the bag, revealing three beautiful eggs in front of Daemon.

The rogue prince raised his brow. "Whose eggs are these?" he asked.

"Silverwing's." Maegor answered.

Daemon scoffed. "She's almost 100 years old, are you sure?"

"I'm sure. It was found in her nest after all."

"I'll take it to the hatchery then," said Daemon, taking the bag. "Though, still peculiar."

"It'll stay here only temporarily." Maegor continued. "I'm planning to build a hatchery in Runestone, so once I'm done with that, I'll take it from here again. And please, separate it from the others, these are mine, not yours."

"Building the hatchery in the Vale?" Daemon scoffed. "They would sooner turn into stone."

"You don't have to believe me." Maegor said. "Just separate it from the others."

Daemon just eyed his firstborn, before nodding, and walked towards the hatchery alone, leaving Maegor in the yard.

Maegor entered a room inside Dragonstone as he saw Helaena playing with his youngest half brother Viserys. Rhaenyra was sitting on a chair, while Aegon, his other half brother, hid behind his mother, seemingly scared of him.

When Helaena saw Maegor enter, she turned towards him, seemingly showing off the little boy that was in her arms.

"He doesn't look like you at all." Helaena blatantly said. "Well, I don't know how you look when you're a child, so perhaps I'm wrong."

"He certainly doesn't look like me." Maegor murmured, he caressed the little boy's head, he seemed calm, not scared at all unlike his brother, Maegor turned to Rhaenyra, and asked her. "Can he speak?"

"Just a few words." Rhaenyra answered.

The two-year old boy just stared at Maegor, seemingly not knowing what to do. Maegor just chuckled, but then, Heleana suddenly spoke.

"If you have consummated our marriage, by now we would have one of these." commented Helaena.

Maegor just shook his head in amusement as he kissed her forehead. "You're not of age yet, dangerous."

Maegor then walked toward Aegon, who was still hiding behind his mother. Maegor crouched in front of him, making Aegon scared even more.

"Come on, greet your brother." Rhaenyra pushed Aegon towards Maegor, exposing the boy.

The boy stood in front of Maegor shyly, and the boy spoke. "I-I'm Aegon…"

Maegor raised his brow. "I'm Maegor, your elder brother. Why are you scared of me? Don't tell me your mother told scary tales about my deeds? Or is it our father?"

"You have a scary dragon…" Aegon murmured. "A big one too…"

"What? Vermithor is friendly. He's tame unlike our father's dragon." Maegor exclaimed. "You have a dragon, Aegon?"

"I-I do… though he's small…" Aegon answered.

"You want to ride a dragon?" Maegor asked again.

"I-I don't know… heights are scary…"

Maegor just chuckled as he ruffled his brother's hair, and stood up. At that point, Daemon entered the room, his hands behind his back.

"A pity…" Maegor murmured. "Innocent boys… they have yet to realize what situation they're in…"

Rhaenyra frowned as she heard it. Before she could say anything, Maegor continued. "I want to offer you something, do you want to hear it?"

"What would you offer?" Daemon said.

"Fostering." Maegor said. "Aegon on his 8th name day, and Viserys on his 6th."

"Both of them?" Rhaenyra asked. "Why?"

"Why not?" Maegor answered. "They're my brothers."

"I thought you hated me because I'm not present in your childhood." Daemon pointed out. "But now you want them to be away from their father."

"Their situation is different from mine." Maegor continued. "I lived in a peaceful time. While they…"

"They will live in a peaceful time too." Rhaenyra answered.

"Will they?" Maegor said. "Anyway, think about my offer. I'll gladly foster them in Runestone."

Rheanyra nodded weirdly as she turned to Daemon, who seemed awfully quiet. Maegor suddenly looked around in the room, seemingly searching for something.

"Where are my step-brothers, by the way?" asked Maegor. "I've not seen them since I've landed."

"They're studying with the maesters now." Rhaenyra answered. "Do you want to see them?"

Maegor hummed. "Sure. I want to see how… strong… they have become."

Rhaenyra frowned deeply at those words. She then gave Aegon and Viserys to the maids, to which they brought them to their chamber.

Rhaenyra then stared at Maegor, seemingly trying to read his mind. "What have I done to you, cousin? You seemed awfully hostile to me."

Maegor turned towards Daemon, the man was leaning against the wall, waiting for an answer.

Before Maegor said anything, he turned towards Helaena, and whispered to her to leave the room. She did just that, probably walking towards Aegon's and Viserys's room.

Then, Maegor spoke. "I'm not hostile to you, cousin. I'm just sick of the conflict, and everyone who's involved in it."

Rhaenyra frowned. "Meaning?"

"I had a talk with the king." Maegor said. "He chose you as heir, but you seemed to waste that opportunity of power, for what? Temporary pleasure?"

"I don't know what you mean…"

"You know exactly what I mean." Maegor said. "I had to deal with The queen and her corrupt family and courtiers last year when I wed Helaena, and I do admit, with you, it's much better, at least with you I don't have to deal with blatant accusations and insults, but… I can't help but feel annoyed when I see you."

"And why is that?"

"Because at the end of the day, you played into the circle of hatred that is brewing." Maegor smiled. "And you bring your children with it. Whether they like it or not."

"They have no choice in the matter." Rhaenyra refuted. "People accused them of vile things—"

"You're right, they don't have a choice." Maegor nodded. "But you do. You chose in their stead. All of this could've been avoided, if you just didn't do it."

"That is not true. The queen will try to besmirch Rhaenyra's name in other ways." Daemon said.

"Perhaps." Maegor hummed. "But at least she won't have any proof, and her claim is actually just that… a false claim for power. While now… now her son's claim becomes rightful, because you did a treacherous thing, cousin, and lords will rally to their side."

"And that is?"

"You cheated on your husband. Birthed three sons that are not his."

"We've tried." Rhaenyra refuted. "But it was of no use, his taste simply doesn't match."

"So? Does that justify you birthing three bastards while you are heir to the iron throne?" Maegor questioned again.

Daemon scoffed. "Don't act like this is a scandalous thing. Lords and ladies do it all the time. Me and the king used to visit brothels every week or so."

"Those are whores. Rhaenyra is a princess." Maegor pointed out. "Or do you act like both of them are the same thing?"

"Then what am I supposed to do? Not bear a child for years?" Rhaenyra asked. "My claim to the throne would be weak if that's the case."

Maegor sighed. "You've murdered Ser Laenor after you have three bastards… why not just… kill him before all that? Don't tell me you don't have the heart to do that, because you literally did it, just when it's all too late."

Rheanyra went quiet, looking at the window beside her.

"Look, cousin." Maegor continued. "If you just hadn't made that mistake, I would support you with all my heart. Hell, if you disinherit your three sons, and name Aegon as you heir, I would support you—"

"Then I would expose the truth if I do that." Rhaenyra cut him off.

"Actions have consequences." Maegor pointed out.

Rhaenyra just shook her head. "Jacaerys will be a good king, after I'm queen."

"It's not about whether he'll be a good king or not. This isn't Braavos." Maegor said. "This is the Iron Throne, claims have more power than competency, and a bastard can't sit on the Iron Throne."

Maegor just sighed as Rhaenyra didn't say anything. He stood up, and said. "Look, think about my offer of fostering. I'm going to those three boys."

Maegor then left the room, leaving Daemon and Rhaenyra alone. Daemon approached his wife, and hugged her from behind.

"Your son has a sharp tongue," said Rhaenyra. "But he's right. We've gone too deep in this… avoidable conflict…"

"Fostering it is, then?" Daemon said.

Rhaenyra didn't say anything, she just stared at the sea outside, watching as the wave crashed to the cliffs and rocks.

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