

Ismail now moves forward, kisses Salman in the same way Yusuf kissed him, and says to Salman, Son! They ask for mercy, who do wrong. You have not done anything wrong. Then, taking Salman in one arm and Yusuf in the other arm, he comes in between and kisses both of them on the head and Ismail says. Yusuf is my son. And you are Yusuf's elder brother, I am proud of you both, then he says, Arey Baba! Both of you will eat something or just keep talking. Ismail cuts a piece of cake and puts it in Salman's mouth with his hands, cuts another piece and puts it in Yusuf's mouth, Salman also cuts a piece of cake and puts it in Yusuf's mouth, kissing his lips, then cuts a piece of cake and puts it in Ishmael's mouth, kissing it the same way Ishmael kissed him. He kisses Ismail's hand and says, You will always be a shadow over both of us, and a shelter for us.

Now Yusuf cuts the entire cake into pieces. He takes a piece from them and puts it in Salman's mouth, kisses his lips, then takes a piece and puts it in his father's mouth, kisses his lips too.

Then he starts mischief, makes a lot of noise, he is very happy, Ismail is also very happy, Salman also looks happy.

Ismail says, till date, in my entire life, I have never seen or felt so much happiness in any party, celebration, wedding, birthday, etc., as I am feeling in this simple and only two or three people, and watching I am Never seen Yusuf as happy as he is now. I have never seen Yusuf being so worried and emotional for anyone in his life, as he is today. Salman son! It all happened due to you.

After some time Ismail says, I know, that you both will not sleep anymore, you will be talking all night long, mischievous, and so on.

That's why I want to go to sleep, you both spend the night in the same mood, then Ismail kisses Yusuf and Salman and goes home.

Yusuf and Salman spend the whole night mischievous and talking. When both are tired, they sleep in this room.

(Now Anila again kisses Irfan and the parrot, and continues her talk)

On February 6th, Ismail finds Salman alone and says, Son! I want to talk to you in private, without your brother and my son Yusuf.

Salman says, ok, I will meet you alone. But Salman gets totally worried, thinks, what is the matter, why Ismail wants to meet me alone, a storm of thoughts arises in Salman's mind.

On February 7th, Salman skips his duty after half a day and comes straight to Ismail's business office. From there Ismail and Salman both come to Salman's house, both was sure that Yusuf will not come from the university before 3 o'clock. That's why Ismail and Salman are completely satisfied and start talking to each other.

Ismail tells Salman. Son! You have made many rules in your life, I have come to know that you are looking for a high-quality family for marriage, which fulfills your thoughts and desires, such a family is in my eyes. Are you ready for marriage?

Apart from these thoughts, I have some conditions, if all that talk, says Salman

Continued on Post-17

Chapitre suivant