

Gabriel sits on the edge of the bed with Rachael on his lap and her legs around his waist, "That was good," she kisses him softly on his lips, "I could do this all day," Gabriel says.

"You may have regained your powers but I am still a human and I need to eat," Rachael says as she climbs down his body.

She walks to the wardrobe and Gabriel smirks as his eyes follow the sway of her hips, he licks his lip while looking at her ass, "You are sexy, do you know that?" he says, "With this flat ass?" "Your ass ain't flat, but I can pump it some more with this premium bbc," "Don't tempt me, I'm not about to die on dick," she says and they share a short laugh.


Rachael puts on a pair of blue jeans and finds a black top to go with it, "Let's go somewhere. Let me take you to a world you've never seen," Gabriel joins her at the wardrobe.

She eyes his body and holds her excitement in as he catches her eyes, Gabriel smirks and searches for clothes to wear.


"Where?" she asks, "A world you've never seen and a world that has never seen Rachael McQueen, The Otherworld. There are beautiful creatures, beautiful lands, you will love it" he says and kisses her on the shoulder.

"Alright, as long as we aren't taking your Ferrari. It is a bit, eye catching," she says.

"Sure, I had Bryan bring Samuel's Audi a few days ago," he says, "Won't he be mad?" "He disappeared on us so his properties are fair game now, he knows that. My problem is I don't know if I should sell his suit in the trunk or just burn it," he says.

Rachael laughs, "Why does he carry a suit in the trunk?" "I don't know, he must think he is Jason Statham in Transporter or something, he is a fan after all. He even has a gun the pigeon hole just to be sure he got the role right," Gabriel says.

They hear a knock at the door, "I will get it," Rachael leaves the half-naked black man. She walks seductively as she feels his gaze tearing her open like a hunger beast.

Rachael carries her gown lying on the floor and toss it on the bed before she reaches the door. The knock gets louder and she opens it slightly to see Bryan standing with a pale face.

"I need to see Gabriel," he says with a weak voice, "Is that why you are trying to break the hotel's property? Come in," she says. She opens the door and the vampire walks in with shaky legs and a drained body.


He wears a brown jacket with dirt on the back, "Are you okay, Bryan?" she asks but he doesn't answer. His face is dull and he staggers like a drunk, "What's up?" Gabriel asks as he puts on a black long sleeve shirt. He opens his jacket and Gabriel's eyes widen as he sees the vampire's bleeding chest.


I am coming for you.


These words have been carved into his body; Rachael screams at the sight of his bleeding flesh and the vampire falls to the ground and passes out.


"He has been compelled. We have to leave this place," Gabriel says but suddenly the door flings open and three police men enter the room with guns pointed at the couple.

"On the ground. Now!" they order and they go on their knees, one of the cops removes an electric stick and shocks Rachael till she is unconscious.

"No," Gabriel shouts and moves to attack the police but bullets penetrate his chest and he falls against the bed.

His blood stains the sheets as his eyes stare at the ceiling, "Boss we got him, he is down. We should send word to Erwin that we've killed one the brothers," one of the cops say.


           Gabriel feels the stinging pain of the bullets as life begins to stray from him.

How is this possible? I thought I regained my powers.

His chest begins go up and down as his heart beats fast and the stinging pain begins to reduce until he feels nothing and regains his calm. He quickly stands up and grabs the policeman in front of him, his glowing blue eyes incite fear in the cop as he trembles in Gabriel's grasp.

He shoots Gabriel multiple times but the sphinx feels nothing.

"Who sent you?" his voice deepens with rage and his grip tightens,

"Put him down," the two cops behind order but he finds it pointless, he heard what they said so at this point he knows that they can't be real cops.


"Tremblays," the cops struggles to say as he fights to remove Gabriel's grip. He bites into the cop's neck and sinks his teeth in, letting the warmth of his blood wet his tongue.

"We need back up, now" one of the cops shouts into the radio on his shoulder. Gabriel drains the policeman and pulls out his baton, "Fucking monster," he hears as he releases the man from his grip.

They try to fire another shot at him but he moves faster than their eyes can see and he smacks one of them against the wall. He snaps his neck and turns his agitated gaze to the other policeman.


Gabriel catches his hand before he can shoot the gun and tries to break the cop's hand but fails. His strength seems to leave him.

The two men exchange blows but Gabriel comes on top and subdues the cop and wraps his hands around his neck in a choke hold, cutting off his breathing and wrapping him tighter than a well fixed tie.

He strangles the man to death.


What is going on?

Why are my powers fluctuating like a shitty power company?


More cops enter the room and they stop at the sight of their dead comrades. They look at the monster with blood stained mouth and they pull out electric sticks.

"You will pay for this, monster," one of the men says; Gabriel feels his claws instinctively shoot out of his fingers.

He looks at Rachael who is still unconscious and it vexes him, "Try me," he growls.



           The elevator opens and Alucard enters the floor. A few men are at the entrance of the corridor, arranging their weapons and as they prepare to join the hunt, "You are not supposed to be here. This place is closed for police investigation. You should leave," they say.

He pays no attention and in a swift move he slices through them and their blood wet his blade. The men on the corridor see their comrade fall to the ground and the blond man walking forward.

His green eyes change to a bright blue and they charge at him.


           Gabriel burst out of the room, his body is stained with the blood of his victims. He growls and snarls, ready to tear any more of the Tremblay's goons.

He sees a blond man dressed like a dungeon and dragons character slicing through the hunters until they stop their charge. Fear makes them whimper as they stand between the two beasts.

Gabriel's eyes hold the gaze of this man's blue glowing eyes, "A sphinx," he mumbles. "You are the one that attacked Bryan," Gabriel says with a frown.

Alucard ignores the scared men and walks past them, "He led me to you and you will lead me to the other one," he says.


"Who the fuck are you?" "I am Alucard, the man that is going to kill you," he charges, he swings his blade left and right and Gabriel dodges his attack. He jumps and throws a superman punch to Alucard's face, sending the blond man to the ground.

He pounces on him and roars but his strength begins to fade and his limbs grow weak. Alucard throws Gabriel off his body and jumps to his feet.

He moves like the wind, smacking Gabriel against the walls of the corridor. He holds him against the wall and stabs his sword into Gabriel's leg, "Ahh," he groans in pain.


"You are weaker than I thought," Alucard snarls, "Nah, it's just your lucky day motherfucker," Gabriel head-butts Alucard, leaving a reddish mark on his fair skinned face. He pushes him backwards as his strength returns to him.

He pulls out the sword and throws it to the ground; he smacks Alucard against the wall, "Who are you?" Gabriel says in a growl, "You are not well Tempestas," Alucard laughs.

He breaks Gabriel's hold and the two men begin to exchange a series of attacks.

Exchanged blows shape bruises unto their faces but Alucard's armor leave most parts of his body protected while Gabriel takes on the weight of each attack but he doesn't back down.

Gabriel begins to overpower Alucard but not for long.

He lands a punch to the blonde's face and feels his fingers break against his jaw.

"Fuck," he mumbles as he realizes his predicament.


Alucard grabs Gabriel's neck and raises him against the floor, "What did you do to yourself?" Alucard spits blood onto the ground. Gabriel struggles to break Alucard's hold but to no avail.

Alucard smacks him against the ground, he stamps Gabriel's leg and breaks it.


The excruciating pain sends Gabriel into an intense scream; Alucard picks up his sword as Gabriel struggles with his agony, "All my father did, he did for love. You and Mortem took that away from him. You will both pay with your lives," Alucard walks slowly as Gabriel leans against the wall, struggling to his feet.


"I know all my enemies but I don't know you," Gabriel says, Alucard frowns, "I am Dracula's son,".

Alucard stabs his sword into Gabriel's chest, Gabriel coughs blood and he feels the weapon cut into his lunges.

Gabriel has a short laugh, "You won't win," "With your death your brother will come to me. I will be ready, he won't" Alucard plunges the sword deeper and Gabriel shouts in pain.



           Bryan regains consciousness and struggles to his feet, the last thing he remembered was the blond sphinx that attacked him at the bar. His memories flood in like a wave of migraine as he remembers the carvings on his chest.

"Fuck. No," he groans.

He takes in the image of his surroundings to see fresh corpses in the room, his ears pick on the beating heart in the room.


Rachael stands up and shock fills her as the blood and corpses come into sight.

"Rachael, are you okay?" Bryan helps her up.

She sees cracks grow underneath Bryan's eyes but she ignores this, "Where is Gabriel?". The two of them walk out of the room and enter the corridor.


           Rachael's heart breaks as she loses yet again another person she holds dear. She sees a blond man dressed in medieval armor holding a sword stuck in Gabriel's chest. Gabriel turns his head and looks at Rachael for the last time as the light fades from his eyes.

Rachael starts to run towards them.

Alucard says something but it is unheard by the woman as pain pierces her heart like thorns. A blue light appears around the man and Gabriel and in a bright flash they both disappear.

Rachael falls to her knees and tears paint her face, creating a sorrowful masterpiece.

Bryan taps her shoulder, "We have to go. We have to leave this place," he says. "Come, we can't do anything now. Let's go," he urges her to her feet

Rachael enters their room and packs a few things before they leave.

She gnashes her teeth in anguish.


He must pay.

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