

Bryan hits the butt of a cigarette pack against the bar table as the bartender hands him a drink. A good smoke has always been his friend on his nights away from the blood hunt while the moon bestow her gaze on the dark creatures.

The bartender and the pale looking vampire cheers to something as they hit their glasses together and gulp down the content.

The dim light illuminates his black hair and dark eyes but does not for his shadowy eyes.

The back of the counter is dark, hiding the shelf of drinks and glasses. The counter looks old with strange and meaningless scribblings on it.

"How have things been since Clouds closed down?" the blond bartender asks as he cleans a cup with a towel.

"A bit quiet. The streets are still as bloody as ever but without the club I seem to have so much time on my hands," Bryan says.

Little shimmers of light bounce off the golden colored hair of the shirtless bartender as he ties his hair into a ponytail. He pulls out a black apron from behind the counter and wears it. Bryan chuckles at his attire, "You are an idiot," he says.

He inflates his chest with smoke and allows the smooth feeling of breathing out to relax his tensed muscles; he hits the cigarette with his finger to pour the ashes into an ashtray on the table.

"You know you can work here for a bit before your bosses get things in order," the bartender says.

"Yeah, sure." Bryan says weakly almost uninterested in the proposal.


           The wooden door of the bar creaks as it swings open; a bald man, giant in size and his lanky companion enter the bar and walk straight to the counter to join the two vampires.

The lanky man rubs his short ginger colored hair as he takes a sit beside his light skinned friend.

"Hey man," they both greet Bryan and exchange handshakes; "Hey, Matt. Give me a bloody Mary," the bald man says to the bartender.

"I will just have blood," the lanky man says.

He switches his sit and gets closer to Bryan, allowing the dim bulb hanging above their heads to reveal his sky blue eyes.


The bartender begins to arrange the orders.


"What's up man? What's the deal with Clouds? It used to be a haven," the lanky man says.

"Well, an enemy of the twins fucked the place up. It could take a while before the club reopens," Bryan says.


He runs his hand through his hair and takes a drag from his cigarette. He won't say it but he misses the club, it deprived him the guilty pleasure of sinking his fangs into a human's throat. He was always surrounded by them, like a wolf surrounded by sheep but the work kept his mind off the hunger. Not like he was always hungry.


"I was thinking of applying for a job there. You know, as a bodyguard" the bald man says. "Yeah, we lost a couple of men at the attack. We could use a beast like you," Bryan says and the man smiles.


Matt brings their orders, "One bloody Mary and a glass of blood,".


The redhead sips the glass of blood and makes an irritated face, "Fuck, what is this Matt? It ain't fresh," he complains.


"Come on, everyone knows you only drink this shit so you can be motivated for a hunt," the bald man says.

Bryan raises a brow and looks at him, "You need motivation for a hunt? Lucky you, the rest us are doomed to crave for fresh blood for all of eternity.

Or till a hunter cuts off our heads," he says before he sips from his glass.


Matt laughs, "That is so true. You shouldn't complain, everyone knows I can't get fresh blood for this dump. My manpower is really low plus I give a shitty pay," Matt laughs again.


"The laziest vampire in history," the redhead says, "Says the customer of the dump,".

The door swings open and another character steps in, his walk and his clothes places him in an unfamiliar region as they all stare at him.


His long blond hair drapes over his shoulders as he walks under the dim light. The man looks like a scuplted piece of art, his face looks stiff like stone and he walks like a lion in his own territory, calm and confident with predatory eyes.

He stands tall with broad shoulders and a sheathed sword by his side. He wears armor like a warrior from medieval times which makes him look funny to the other customers but for fear of the unknown they keep their humor to themselves.

"I need information," he says as he walks close to the group.


They stare at the unfamiliar face with interest, who could he be? They wonder.

Bryan feels something off about this man.


He has a heartbeat and he walked into a bar of supernaturals; mostly vampires. The only person who has a heartbeat in this group is James the giant bald man who is sipping his bloody Mary.

The blond man doesn't smell like a human but he has that sweet feeling a human gives off.

Bryan quickly recognizes who else gives off this feeling, the twins.

He gulps down his drink, "Thanks Matt, I will be leaving," he drops a bunch of cash and stands up to leave.

Best to leave this place before trouble ensues.

"You are not going anywhere. You seem to know my kind," the blond man says as he block Bryan's path.


"Hey pal, this isn't the bar you want to cause trouble in" James stands up and he finishes his bloody Mary. He stands at 7ft and his eyes turn into a glow of bright yellow.

His brown jacket hugs his body tightly as he stands behind Bryan, "You might want to move, man" Bryan says.


The medieval looking warrior takes a few steps back and raises his hands in surrender.

"Good," James nods.


Bryan walks, putting as much space between himself and the stranger as possible but this will not suffice, the stranger charges at Bryan and smacks his head against the wall.

He snaps Bryan's neck like a twig and let him fall to the ground like leaf detached from a tree.

He stares up at the 7foot man and his eyes turn into a blue glow.


The red head stands up and Matt removes a butcher's knife from the counter, "You just fucked up," the red head says.


            The blond man stares at the three men as they prepare to attack him. He roars at them and the fear of his presence seep into their bones. These types have never been a problem for someone like him. His eyes are condescending as he smiles at their shaky hands.

"What did you do?" Matt asks the medieval looking man as he unsheathes his sword, "I let you know that you are the prey here," he says.

Fur begins to grow from the bald giant's body and claws shoot out of his fingers.


He charges at the blond man who dodges with ease and delivers a cut to the werewolf's leg.

The red head vampire and Matt attack but the stranger dodge their attacks as well. He moves swiftly and his blade cuts clean through the lanky man's head.

The werewolf howls and growls as his friend's head rolls to his feet. His anger grows as he begins to understand why the man looks down on them. They are nothing before him but that won't stop the wolf from fighting.

He charges at the stranger who parries his attacks with one hand and skillfully spins around and cuts off his two legs, James groans in pain and Matt trembles.

"Who the fuck are you?" he walks backwards with shaky legs.

 The stranger stabs his sword into the werewolf's head, "I am Alucard," he says as he pulls out his sword and stares into the eyes of the bartender. Matt's eyes change into that of a scared child, "I have heard about you. You are an old vampire," his voice is shaky.


Alucard appears before his eyes in a flash and plunges his hand through his chest, he pulls out the vampire's heart and lets him fall to the ground.


The bar falls silent as all but one are unconscious. The dim lights flicker as if in fear of his presence and the smell of blood fills his nose. He turns away from his victims, dragging his feet with bravado as he walks towards Bryan.

"Wake up," he roars and Bryan feels a shock of electricity jolt through his body, his eyes fliker open and they meet a blue pair of glowing eyesstaring down at him.

He points at the blond immortal as he walks toward him with a heart in his hand, "You, you are like them" Bryan crawls with his back against the ground.


"By them, I presume you mean my brothers. The ones you work for," Alucard says, "Brothers? Fuck," Bryan curses his luck as the immortal walks closer to him.

He drags his sword on the ground until he stops at the vampire's feet. His blue eyes send shivers through Bryan's body. Bryan recognize those eyes, he has seen them before on good occasions but more often on bad ones.

And this is clearly a bad situation.


"I won't tell you anything," Bryan says. Alucard stabs his sword into Bryan's leg and he shouts as agony paints his face like an artist.

"You are going to deliver a message for me, vampire".



Rebersburg, Pennsylvania.


           The beautiful landscape of the mansion hides the anger and pain in this house. The beautiful well dressed lawn encompassing 10meters of the land welcomes a comforting view of the mansion's turquoise walls.

Sorrow hovers over the Tremblay's compound as they mourn the late Marcus Tremblay.

The family sits at the dining table but share no meals. They aren't here for that today; they are here to talk about recent events circling around the death of the head of the family.


Lucas sits at one end of the large table and another character sits at the opposite end. Lucas' wavy grey hair is scattered and his dark eyes carry sadness under their lids. His fair skin is pale and dry looking.

His beards look untidy as he leans against the chair.


"I will take control of the family's operations from now on. I want to know everything we have on Gabriel and Samuel Stone.

We can't let them go free after what happened to Marcus," the man opposite Lucas says.

He has short grey hair with a hint of black in them. His dark eyes look as cold as Marcus's when he was alive.

He has grey stubble beards that cover his jaw.


"I want to lead the team that will hunt the twins," Lucas demands, the man nods at his request as no one challenges his authority.


           Kate Martin-Tremblay sits between her husband and her daughter, Elena. Her broken hand is covered in a cast. A few other members of the family sit opposite them.

"I want to be on that team as well," Elena says, "No way, it's dangerous," Kate protests, "Mom, maybe you haven't notice but I hunt the supernatural for a living. If you didn't want me to be a part of this you would have raised me the way aunt Mary raised Rachael, away from it" Elena says.

 "Let her, she can handle herself. Apparently, better than you," the new head of the family says and makes a gesture toward Kate's broken arm.

"Don't even start, Erwin. She is my daughter," "She is a Tremblay. Elena, you are can join the hunt. Do what you must ,".


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