
Chapter: 11

Seeing one or two small Hollows within Karakura Town wasn't something new. In fact, such a thing was quite a normal sighting for Shinigami all over the world.

The normal humans, covered in a fog of ignorance, will continue with their normal day without any problem. Never will they know the danger and the terror the world possessed towards them, nor will they find out the cause of their death if they died by one.

The streets of Karakura Town, today too, were filled with people. The summer vacation ended not too long ago and it was time for the start of a new semester. Students, some willingly or some unwillingly, left their homes for their educational institutes.

Some who had taken a day off or some who were given a day off set their destination to some park or some other entertaining area where they could take their minds off the struggle of their daily lives.

Suddenly, the space crack. A straight line formed horizontally, particularly nowhere in the air; and like a red sea, it parted. What appeared behind it was darkness. Like a void or abyss, there was nothing but darkness. From this darkness, silhouettes started to form.

One, two, three… nice figures became apparent to the naked eye; of course, to the eye of a spiritually gifted person. For a normal person, everything remained the same.

At the forefront stood a smirking silver-haired man. He wore a long white robe over a Shinigami hakama. From the opening around his waist, one could see the hilt of his sword sticking out, ready and waiting to be pulled.

Right now he was in a very happy mood. Before coming here, he had suggested taking at least ten people with them to even out the forces on both sides. And, thankfully, it seemed that they followed his suggestion; Arrancar being a hot-headed arrogant bastard also helped a lot.

Saying stuff like: We want to show those Shinigami how pitiful they really are!

Not that Gin minded. In fact, he further encouraged them and fed them whatever bullshit they wanted to hear. It made his work easy, why would he stop them?

If they had come up with a small group, then it would have been quite hard for Gin to work separately due to the eyes of every person on him, especially Ulquiorra whose eyes worked as a camera. But now with this group? Heck! It would be surprising if they didn't straight out blatantly ignore orders! Something Gin appreciated about Arrancar from the bottom of his heart.

'Living with stupid people makes things a lot easy.'

He nodded his head with a smirk as he saw how everyone vanished in different directions to show their superiority to every person with even a small amount of Reiatsu. How laughable. But he didn't interfere, nor did Ulquiorra who knew better than anyone the nature of their race.

It would have been a stupid endeavor indeed. With that said, only Ulquiorra and he were left on the scene with Grimmjow, his Fraccion, and Jammy leaving them.

"Aren't you going to follow after them?" Gin asked, staring at how Ulquiorra was looking particularly nowhere.

"No need." He calmly said. "It's stupid to divide yourself when you don't know the real number of your enemies. Though I do not care for such a disparity of numbers. As long as I release my Reiatsu, the strongest will come to me." He became silent for some time before adding. "But I think Yammy and Grimmjow would probably go after the stronger opponent. Kurosaki Ichigo should be one of them."

"Is that so?" Gin smirked before turning around and starting to walk in a random direction, prompting Ulquiorra to look toward him.

"Where are you going?"

"To have some fun." Before Ulquiorra asked another question, Gin vanished much to the surprise of Ulquiorra.

"... How?" Of course, he wouldn't know the answer. After all, he has never met with a Quincy who uses Shadow.


"Kisuke." Standing in front of a candy shop, the tanned-skin woman stared grimly at the sky. Feeling the spike of Reiatsu from different places, clashing with each other, she didn't need anyone else to tell her what was happening out there.

They have been attacked!

"Yare, Yare. How troublesome." Adjusting his hat, with a cane in his hand, Urahara Kisuke stared at the sky with a stiff smile. "I hope everyone is alright."

"Do you think—"

"Well, I would also love to help them, Yoruichi-san." Urahara cut her off midway as he dusted his clothes before looking ahead. "But we seemed to have company."

"You—!?" Yoruichi's eyes widened, staring at the smirking silver-haired Shinigami, waving toward them.

"We meet again, Princess Yoruichi." His gaze detached from Yoruichi before meeting with the contemplating gaze of Urahara. "And you too, Captain Urahara—Oh! My bad. It should be a formal captain now."

"Same to you, formal Captain Ichimaru Gin."

Gin chuckled before answering.

"I like it this way. It was boring and stiff back there. I like this lifestyle more if I'm being honest with you."

"How mysterious. I have the same thought process."


Silence formed between the two, one smirking and the other smiling, both staring at each other's faces.

"By the way," Gin broke the silence as he inquired. "Has Princess Yoruichi ever had a cat nip?"


"You…!" Urahara stared at Gin's face with wide eyes before he placed his hand over his cap and took it off, he placed it on his chest before walking towards Gin and raising his hand which Gin took in a silent acknowledgment. "I didn't know, Ichimaru-san, but you are indeed a man of culture."

"Thank you."

"Now then, let's go in and talk over this topic intensively over a cup of tea, shall we?"


Suddenly, the sound of air being cut apart introduced itself to Gin and Urahara. Both of their bodies stiffened as they jumped away from each other, a blast occurring at their previous place as the earth cracked like a spider web with it as the center.

"Alright. Tell me. Who should I kill first?" With her fist surrounded by the crackling of white lightning, Yoruichi asked looking towards Urahara and then Gin.

"Oh my." Gin raised his hand above his shoulder and answered. "I was just joking. I'll wait until you are mine to feed you catnip."

"Woo~! You got a public confession, Yoruichi-san! Congratula—bgyhaa!" Before Urahara could finish, the fist touched his cheek as he was thrown away, spinning in the air before hitting the candy shop.

"Shut. The. Fuck. Up!" With slight reddish cheeks, Yoruichi said with an angry voice.

She looked towards the smirking Gin, with the same anger in her voice, she asked. "And what do you want, Ichimaru?"

"If I say you, will you believe me?"

The air parted. In the place where Yoruichi stood, a circle of air was created there and she was nowhere to be seen.

Gin calmly raised his hand and opened his palm. The moment Yoruichi's fist hit it, the air burst away from the point of contact as the earth beneath Gin cracked.

"Stop with your jokes. I'm serious." Her Reiatsu started to come out of her body, taking the shape of a white aura around her. She doesn't seem to be joking anymore.

"I wasn't joking though." Gin, still having his smirk, answered. "But if you want to hear another reason, then that would be to stop you guys from interfering with whatever Arrancars are doing."

Yoruichi's eyes narrowed as Gin continued.

"I at least want to make it look like I'm doing something, after all."

"Is that so?" Yoruichi snickered as Urahara, holding a serious expression on his face, came out of the dust cloud. "Then you do not mind me seriously beating you, do you?"

Gin's smirk enlarged. He opened his eyes, his pupils glowing azure as he stared down at Yoruichi. "You can give it a try, indeed, I'm not sure about the beating me up part though."

"Don't worry. You will know it soon!"

She jumped back as Urahara, who stood behind her, shot toward Gin. Drawing his sword, he pointed the tip towards Gin's chest, using his momentum, he tried to impale Gin.

Gin's hand was still out, the one he caught Yoruichi's fist with, and moved as it grabbed Urahara's blade, stopping it from reaching his chest.

"—!?" Urahara and Yoruichi, both had their eyes widened as they saw how Gin used his bare hand to stop the sword. Yes. It wasn't impossible to stop a Shinigami sword. But, to do so, there needed to be a huge difference in Reiatsu between the two Shinigami.

Urahara was a captain in and out. To stop his sword barehanded, one needed to have Reiatsu beyond what a captain could have. And that too by a huge margin!

Thankfully, Gin didn't use his bare hand to catch the sword. He could have done it easily, but he didn't like showing too many of his cards. And in the world of Shinigami, Reiatsu decided pretty much everything. He rather not showcase it to everyone.

Spark flew in the air as Urahara pulled his sword back, creating some distance between himself and Gin, he looked at him warily.

Staring at his blackened hand to the point where it felt like a chunk of space was missing from there, Urahara nervously chuckled.

"This is the first time I'm seeing something like this. I wonder if Ichimaru-san could explain what it is."

"Oh, this?" Ichimaru looked at his blackened hand which, with a thought, returned to normal, and smirked. "It's nothing but a little trick. You call it something like the Body Reinforcement Kido."

"Body Reinforcement Kido?"

'Is it like Yoruichi's Shunko?' He looked toward Yoruichi and seemed to realize that she was thinking the same. This really impressed both of them; fully knowing how hard it was to create Shunko, they could already imagine the hardness Gin faced while creating his own form of Shunko.

Though, obviously, they will never know that it was Armament Haki. In One Piece, people would cover their bodies with spiritual energy to the point where it would harden around them, creating a blackish armor of sorts.

Gin wondered: What would happen if a Shinigami, a being made up of Spiritual Energy, was to coat his body with Spiritual Energy like in One Piece? And the result wasn't far off the mark from what he had thought.

Gin raised his hand, a finger pure black with a reddish sheen to it, as he swept it in the air; it vibrated! No, the more apt term to describe this phenomenon would be that the space weaved itself around Gin's finger.

"Apparently, if you have enough strength, you can bend the space itself. And, coincidently, Armament Haki revolves around the concept of strength; like Blut of Quincies, Armament Haki also increases the strength and defense of its user. But do you know the key difference between the both?"

He looked towards Urahara and Yoruichi, both had grim faces as they watched with awe how Gin was bending space with the movement of his finger.

"Unlike Blut, Armament Haki doesn't use two different types of Reiatsu manipulation."

"You mean…" Urahara understood what Gin meant, making his eyes widen.

"Exactly. It provides its user with both offense and defense. Making it better than the Blut of Quincies." He finished. He smirked and looked towards them; his both hands turning pitch black with a reddish sheen over them. "Enough explanation. I kinda wanted to see how strong I will be after using Armament Haki. Please entertain me!"

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Your support is highly appreciated!

Also, I don't know if you guys know it or not or might have forgotten it, but you can find advanced chapters in my discord you know (though they are draft, still not much would be changed)

The link for discord is in the synopsis.

PS: If you guys know Sadistic_Dragon, you can find chapters in his discord server too.

Also, I wonder if you have any questions for Gin? Tag me in my discord with questions or just a paragraph comment here with #question so I know it's a question for Gin. I will try to answer them all so you guys have a better idea and clarity of what you are reading. 


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