
Slyvia Nightblade

Marcus was brought before Regus and was currently awaiting judgement on his punishment as he sat before his father a weeping broken man. 

" I-I loved her father, *snob* *snob*, I just wanted to make her mine, but the masked man stole her, he stole her from me! 

Then they started kissing in front of me, it broke my heart, I could not stand it, I wanted to tear that man to shreds, I wanted to tear the woman to shreds, wanted to make them suffer for breaking my heart. 

So I attacked, but the man is a captain, he must be tier4 or even stronger, so he naturally defeated me. 

There was nothing I could do! " Marcus made his case but there was not a shed of sympathy in Regus's eyes today. 

" You are pathetic. Even talking to you today is a waste of my breath. 

If you knew the other person was stronger, why did you engage in a fight like a moron? 

Why did you not wait till you were strong enough to take him on and then take your revenge? 

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