
Dragonification Complete

Max's DNA started to get altered once his second heart was up and functional as his dragonification process truly began. 

The divine blood had begun flowing into his bone marrow and started the process of cell division at a microscopic level but only 100 times. 

In his throat, Max developed a special gland that produced an extremely flammable liquid that caught fire the moment it came into contact with oxygen. 

Dragons Breath, the signature move of the dragons was basically dragon's sneezing but their sneeze having the ability to catch fire. 

Not only could dragon's control the length, strength and spread of their dragon's breath but they could also control its temperature to a slight degree after years of practice. 

In his but where he was pierced by Rhea, his tail began to grow, but since Kremeth did not wish for Max to have a tail as it would change his centre of balance, Rhea cut it off before it could ever take effect. 

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