

Since I entered Keyaki Mall, what should I do about Yamamura?

She might've already returned to the dormitory through another exit...

I tried to think, putting myself in Yamamura's position—what would I do if I were her?

Undoubtedly, she must've been struggling with whether to report her failure of being noticed to Sakayanagi or not.

During times of mental instability, people would seek a place to rest.

If I exclude the option of going straight back to the dormitory and assume that she's still in Keyaki Mall, where would she be?

Yamamura wasn't fond of crowds and disliked contact with others.

Busy streets and stores could be ruled out right away.

Karaoke rooms could be used alone, but there was always a hurdle for solo singing.

A toilet stall was a relatively high possibility, but I also didn't think she would cause inconvenience to others by making it unusable.

So, then—

A while ago, she was between the outdoor vending machine and the indoor plants.

Near the rest area, there were also several vending machines installed in a secluded spot.

If it was around there, it was inconspicuous and not crowded.

Perhaps due to the time, there was no one in the rest area's vicinity.

Naturally, there were no other people at the vending machines in the back either.

I cautiously approached and peeked around the blind spot of the vending machine.



Upon finding Yamamura sitting next to the vending machine with a mini bottled tea in each hand, she dropped one of them in surprise. Fortunately, the cap was on, so it was fine.

"I can't believe you're really here."

Although I narrowed it down, I still wasn't completely sure...

I picked up the rolling bottle and handed it to Yamamura.

"H-h-how did you know I was here..."

She hurriedly searched her own pockets.

"No, I don't have a GPS or anything like that."

"But, if not that, then how…? D-did you track my phone's location…?"

"I didn't do that either."

It was a bizarre delusion, but perhaps she was so surprised that she wanted to believe it.

Yamamura stood up, peeked out from behind the vending machine, and surveyed the area.

"Ryūen and Katsuragi aren't here."

"R-really…? Umm, is there still something you need from me?"

"I didn't get a chance to apologize earlier. I'm sorry, Yamamura. If I hadn't called out to you, you wouldn't have been found."

If that hadn't happened, there would be no need for her to worry about this between vending machines.

"It was my fault that you found me… Please don't worry about it."

She kindly covered for me without openly blaming me.

"Did you report to Sakayanagi that they found you?"

"Yes, I did. I think my role is over now."

To my surprise, she casually replied.

She seemed to be at a loss because of Ryūen's sweet whispers… 

If she had already reported it, there would be no need to delve deeper into that matter.

As for me, I still had things left to do for Yamamura.

"I'll make it up to you somehow."


During the school trip, it wouldn't have been surprising if Yamamura and Kitō were watching and following Ryūen since they were in the same group.

It was highly likely that Sakayanagi simply ordered them to keep an eye on him.

Even if it wasn't directed by Sakayanagi, keeping a close eye on Ryūen would be natural for them since they were in the same group.

Yamamura was always concerned about Ichinose's class's every single move.

However, this case was completely different, and the surprise was shown by Katsuragi.

The fact that Sakayanagi might've treasured Yamamura and used her as a spy—Ryūen's analysis of Sakayanagi's class strength had advanced slightly after obtaining this information.

From now on, Ryūen's approach with Yamamura would undoubtedly escalate.

If I hadn't noticed her presence and carelessly called out to her, the likelihood of Ryūen and Katsuragi capturing Yamamura would still have been high. There was no need to repeat who bore the responsibility.

"Making amends or something like that isn't necessary. It has nothing to do with you, who's from a different class."

While I understood Yamamura's point, I still had my own thoughts.

At this stage, it wasn't something that could be explained to anyone, so I thought of another reason.

"It just makes me feel uncomfortable. No matter how you look at it, you only suffer from this."

"But... it's wrong to follow someone around, to begin with, right?"

It seemed that Yamamura felt guilty about that.

So maybe that was why Yamamura didn't show any signs of dissatisfaction towards me either.

"Really, don't worry about it anymore."

It looked difficult to get a positive response from Yamamura here. Rather, it might've only confused her more if I stayed too long.

"Understood. I'll be there to help if you have any troubles. I'm not sure if I can be useful, but feel free to ask me."

By saying this, I should be able to get Yamamura to accept without any pressure.

Regardless of whether she was in trouble or not, it would be Yamamura's decision to keep in contact.

"In that case, yes, I understand."

Yamamura nodded, accepting my suggestion.

"Well, I'm going to go now."

"...Take care."

Yamamura probably intended to stay in that spot for a while and didn't attempt to move away from the vending machine.

I tried to leave the scene after saying goodbye to Yamamura, but—

I accidentally found Kei and Satō walking towards us in the direction I turned around.

Reflexively hiding, I crouched down in the vending machine's shadow with Yamamura behind me.

"Ah, Ayanokōji-kun...!?"

Feeling guilty about Yamamura's puzzled look, I quietly placed my index finger on my lips to signal to be silent.

With that, she seemed to understand my intent and quickly fell silent.

"Hey, where should we go next!?"


The cheerful exchange between the two reached my ears, and they were getting closer.

They probably wouldn't detect us with just a brief glance.

However, that would only be the case if they didn't need to use the vending machine.

No matter how much we were hidden behind the vending machine, we would be exposed if they came to the front.

"Hey, how about taking a break? Want something to drink?"

Apparently, Satō had suggested the worst possible outcome.


Kei hesitated.

If we were to be found afterward, hiding would have been counterproductive.

Being close together with someone of the opposite sex in the narrow space between vending machines.

It would be difficult to make an excuse that nothing was going on.

"Yeah, maybe we should just take a break for a bit."

"That's a good idea. You are just recovering from being sick, after all."

I was prepared for the worst, but it seemed they had no plans to use the vending machine.

It appeared their intention was to rest on the bench nearby rather than using the vending machine.

However, that didn't mean the problem was solved.

There was only one exit, and as long as Kei and Satō were sitting on the bench, we couldn't leave.

"Thank you. I'm sorry for making you worry."

"No, it's not a big deal. I mean, helping each other out when we get sick is normal, right?"

"Yeah, if you ever collapse, I'll take care of you, Maya-chan."

"Thanks. I'd appreciate it."

"I feel like I'm always being supported by you."


"Do you remember when we weren't as close as we are now, and you confronted me about Kiyotaka? You know, right after we became second-year students?"

"I think I said something like, 'When did you start liking Ayanokōji-kun, Karuizawa-san? Answer without dodging the question...' or something like that."

While blushing and feeling embarrassed about reminiscing, Satō covered her face with her hands.

"Yes, that's it. You hit the nail on the head and wouldn't let me escape."

The two of them talked in normal voices, but their conversation was clearly audible in the quiet area.

Yamamura silently looked up at me.

I slightly raised a hand to signal an apology for having her witness something she didn't want to hear.

There was no need to forcibly listen if she didn't want to.

Even though it might've been a little difficult, if you covered your ears with both hands, you wouldn't be able to hear it.

However, surprisingly, Yamamura seemed to be enjoying herself.

In an "it doesn't bother me" kind of way, she silently listened to the conversation.

Yamamura should be responsible for collecting information about someone at the behest of Sakayanagi every day.

If so, eavesdropping would be an everyday routine.

One or two stealth missions might be fun, like playing detective for everyone, but there weren't many people who didn't feel guilty about eavesdropping on conversations they didn't want to hear.

I thought Yamamura might've also been fed up with her role, but apparently, that wasn't the case.

With her natural ability to blend in, she was very comfortable in this situation.

The two talked for a while, but eventually, the break came to an end.

"Shall we go soon?"

"Are you okay now?"

"Yeah. It's my first time going out in a while, so it would be a waste not to have fun."

"Right. But, make sure you make up with Ayanokōji-kun, okay?"

"Y-yeah. I'll do my best...!"

Those were the last words I heard from them as they slowly moved away.

At times like this, there was a fear that the two might unexpectedly return or look back. I thought I should tell Yamamura to stay for a while, but before I made a move, Yamamura silently stopped me with her hand.

It seemed like she thought that was enough, and she moved almost simultaneously with me.

"They're gone, I think."


First, Yamamura stepped out from behind the vending machine and checked the surroundings, making sure there were no problems before signaling for me to do the same.

"You're quite efficient, aren't you?"

"...Is that so? It's just what I always do..."

After softly clearing her throat, Yamamura said something unexpected.

"Will you properly make up with Karuizawa-san?"

"Why are you saying something like Satō?"

"I was just curious. She's your girlfriend, right? I didn't know you two were fighting."

"So even information collection specialists have things they don't know."

"Are you teasing me?"

"Look who's talking."

As I said that, Yamamura looked surprised for a moment, but then she slightly relaxed the corners of her mouth.

"You're a strange person, Ayanokōji-kun. It feels odd."

"I get that a lot."

"Is that true? Or is it a joke?"

"Who knows."

Although she still seemed hesitant, Yamamura's calm way of speaking was easy to understand and wasn't unpleasant. Perhaps it was because there were parts that overlapped with me, such as her consistently low tension.

"By the way... what about the question I asked earlier?"

"You didn't forget?"

"I remember it clearly."

Surprisingly, Yamamura had a rather pushy side to her, or perhaps one of the walls between us had been removed.

"I'll make up with her properly. It's already planned."

"I'm glad to hear that."

Despite having no involvement in the matter and no connection with Karuizawa, she seemed somehow happy.

"You don't have to report this to Sakayanagi."

"I can't promise that."


After taking a breath, Yamamura took out her cell phone and looked at the dark screen. After hesitating a bit, she turned to face me.

"About the incident with Ryūen-kun earlier... I actually haven't reported it yet."

"Is it about finding him?"

"Yes... I apologize for lying. I just wanted you to go home as soon as possible..."

"I see."

"I understand that I need to report it. But... I'm probably afraid of being cut off. As someone without any other merits, that was the one thing I was good at…. If it becomes clear that I can't even do that... I'm useless to the class."

It wasn't about academic ability or physical ability. Yamamura was simply unable to recognize her own self-worth.

"I don't mind if you blame me, but that's not the case."

It was probably Yamamura's fault, but the fact that she was caught was important for Sakayanagi to know to make future decisions. This would inevitably weaken her function as a spy in the future.

"Should I not keep quiet about it...?"

"Do you believe Ryūen's words?"

"For now, clinging to that is the only way for me to survive..."

"I understand how you feel, but you should report it honestly."

"But until it is revealed, I can maintain the current situation. He might really keep quiet. Ryūen-kun may be expelled by Sakayanagi-san, and everything may get swept under the rug... I don't know."

Postponing the exposure of her failure. Imagining a choice to be saved without basis.

"That's the worst choice. Ryūen is just taking advantage of the cracks in your heart, and if necessary, he will definitely expose this fact. Even if you manage to get him expelled, there's a risk of him leaving a parting gift."

For Ryūen, the results of finding Yamamura weren't that great. However, if he didn't report that Yamamura was found, he could use that information to devise a strategy.

It wouldn't just end with her removal from her role.

"Don't be easily used."


"I don't want you to be expelled. Please take this as advice for that reason."

"Why? I have no relation to you."

"We were in the same group on the school trip. Isn't that enough of a relationship?"

"...I am..."

Yamamura clenched both hands tightly and brought them close to her eyes.

Then, when she opened her eyes wide, she took out her cell phone and typed a message.

['I've been caught by Ryūen-kun and Katsuragi-kun. I'll tell you the details by call.']

After showing the text to me, she sent it to Sakayanagi.

"I thought I might run away again if I hesitated."

It seemed that she chose a way to cut off the path of retreat by reporting it on the spot.

"Ah, umm, I'm going to... excuse myself now...!"

Having suddenly become aware of her situation, Yamamura hurriedly uttered those words.

"She turned out to be easier to talk to than I'd imagined."

That was my immediate impression of Yamamura after parting ways with her.

I told her myself, but I genuinely didn't want her to be expelled. 

Sakayanagi likely wouldn't punish Yamamura for being exposed, but it'd be best to keep an eye on the situation, just in case.

"Ah, right… I should at least inform Horikita."

Making a phone call would be a hassle, so it'd be best to summarize the key issues and send a message.

Also, Kei and Satō are enjoying themselves at Keyaki Mall. I should head out so I don't run into them and cause them trouble.

Thus, I decided to leave the mall.

Chapitre suivant