
The dream

Rose couldn't help herself. She had to line up with the others to try and catch a glimpse of the Death Eaters. Besides, everyone else did it, it would look strange if she did not do so as well. They were disappointed though. The Death Eaters had been knocked out again for their journey to Azkaban, so all they really got to see was a bunch of sleeping bodies being floated from the docks and into their cells. Very anti-climactic. At least this way, Rose could see them first, before they saw her. That would make it easier to keep her face blank when she had to face them awake.

Hermione decided to stay over one more day, to be sure that the former escapees were secure. They each got a separate cell, in the third-most top level of the prison. They were also chained to the wall with a foot chain, though it didn't limit their movement inside the cell.

Rose and the other guards were present in the background when Hermione had a chat with each of the prisoners, to "explain the new system to them". None of them looked happy to see her, though that was hardly surprising. The only thing that seemed to even get a reaction from the Death Eaters was when Hermione mentioned that their cells were in a different part of the prison than they had been in before. A few of them gave some sort of smile at that, but even Rose couldn't say whether it was meant as a triumphant grin or a grimace for plans foiled.

That night, Rose had a strange dream. She was with Scorpius, but he sank further and further down in the ground, as if he were drowning. She reached down after him, but she couldn't find him. She panicked, searching more and more frantically. Just as she thought she would have to give up, she found his hand. She dragged him back up on level ground, but as soon as he reached her, he disappeared. Then she woke up with a start. She heard Thomas move on the other side of the room.

"You okay, Kevin?" Rose had to collect herself for a moment before she remembered that that was her name. "Yes. Yes, I'm fine. It was just a bad dream."

"Did it involve scorpions?"

"Scorpions? I don't even remember anymore." She had probably shouted "Scorpius", but she was glad that Thomas hadn't realised that.

"You were shouting something about scorpions."

"I'm sorry that I woke you up. It'll be a long day tomorrow, so we'll better try to sleep some more."

Thomas mumbled something about not letting the scorpions get to you, but he quickly fell asleep again. Rose however, lay awake for quite a while. That dream had been so real. Had it been a vision of sorts? She had never studied Divination, but she knew that sometimes dreams could have meanings. But what did this one mean? She fell asleep as she lay pondering that.


Scorpius woke up in the middle of the night. Or at least it was dark around him. He tried to get up, but something heavy made it hard to move. He had had a strange dream. First, he had tried to follow his father, to warn him of something. Then, the woman had been there, searching for him. She looked down on him from the sky. When he had reached out for her, she had taken hold of him and dragged him up to her. But she hadn't said anything. When he tried touching her, she disappeared. Who was she? Why had she reached for him? He tried to get up again. There was a rattling noise around him. Chains? What was going on here? He felt his wrists. He was bound with chains. He felt panic rise in him. Had they gotten to him again? Just as he started clawing at the chains, to try to get them off, one of the Healers came into the room. He looked surprised, but Scorpius was relieved to see him. That meant he was still in the hospital, didn't it?

"Malfoy!" the Healer said, in what sounded like a forced cheerful tone. "Are you feeling better today?"

"Better? What do you mean? What happened? Why am I in chains? Did I do something wrong? Or did they capture both of us? Am I still in the hospital?"

"You are still in the hospital Scorpius. But you had a little breakdown, so we had to restrain you. If you are feeling better, maybe we can take them off later."

"Breakdown? I don't remember."

"What is the last thing you remember?"

"Albus was here. Then he had to leave. Then you said someone else wanted to see me. But then I don't remember what happened next."

"Well, we may get to that later. For now, the important thing is that you are awake and responsive again. You had us worried for a time there Scorpius." A genuine smile came from the Healer this time. He came over to check his pulse. Then he removed the chains with a flick of his wand. Scorpius drew a relieved breath. He didn't like chains. He didn't remember exactly why though. He supposed few people actually liked being chained. Then he realised something else.

"She… she saved me." Scorpius said. He didn't know exactly what that meant, but he knew it was true.

"What was that?"

"She saved me. She dragged me up to be with her. She searched for me and when I reached for her, she dragged me up. I was going down, but she dragged me up."

"That is good Scorpius. That is very good."

"But who is she? Why would she save me? Where is she?"

"You will hopefully remember that eventually Scorpius. But for now, it is enough to know that she is someone who cares for you very much."

"But where is she? Is she safe? She just disappeared."

"She is safe. She probably just woke up. It was a dream, Scorpius. Just a dream."

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