
Lord Parker's Attack

In the time the mansion was being secured, both Remus and Lord Parker received their respective signals, both amusingly from Alexander, and both through a mirror stationed around a window.

The former was given the signal as a warning to prepare himself for the imminent assault about to be launched toward his way.

While the latter was given the go ahead to attack with the intention that Alexander would be able to inflict some good damage on these forces, and perhaps even more importantly, distract them from the real prize- the burning of the ships.

Lord Parker however of course did not know about this trap and so upon seeing the signal, quickly became excited.

He turned to Achillas pointed to the lone ray of light and shouted in glee, "Look! There! There it is! Hahaha, blow the horns! Now! Quick! Hahaha." 

Lord Parker had been put in a very good mood from the moment the first messenger had come to him, bearing glad tidings of the scheduled attempt.

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