
Chapter 24: Wheeze

"You're on your period," Yoongi stated. Internally I groaned, we were lounging in the living room where everyone could review things and sling questions at me while I worked on stuff for the company.

As comforting as it is to know that Yoongi's observation skills are advanced enough to discover something I was purposefully shielding, I didn't want this conversation right now. 

And from the looks of understanding from the other boys and Jungkook's mouth forming an "o" Yoongi wasn't the only one who noticed. 

Seokjin snapped his fingers as if something had clicked into place. "That's why once in a while you would tense up, and your face would go blank."

He wasn't wrong, I have been having bad cramps since early this morning and the painkillers I took were doing little to alleviate it. They never did. 

"Yes, I am." I reluctantly admitted. Yoongi stood up fixing me with a glare before he left the room towards the kitchen.

His reaction wasn't shocking. In most cultures, periods are celebrated. Women are catered to and pampered even more than they already are. Most, if not all, the men here were trained for this.

That was the main reason I hadn't mentioned it. I didn't want them to feel like they had to take care of me. As far as we had come and with the party looming on the horizon I didn't want to set their healing further back.

Usually, I just worked through it, knocking back a couple of painkillers, and hoping for the best anyway. Why should it be any different now?

My holoscreen dinged my assistant had sent me the completed files I had asked for. 

"Are you seriously working right now?" Seokjin questioned. 

I nodded, still partially absorbed in reading the material sent, "I have a company to run." 

Soon my view was blocked by a red hot water bottle. Startled I looked up to see Yoongi staring down at me. Refusing did cross my mind, but a sharp cramp had me pressing it onto my lower stomach. It would be rude to reject his care. 

Yoongi nodded, satisfied before going to sit next to Namjoon. 

"And let me guess if you take a couple of days off your company will crumble?" Seokjin's tone clearly acerbic. 

"Of course not," I huffed "but if I take time off things start to pile up." I wasn't about to mention that I was already behind.

As involved and available I had insisted on being for them and their instructors there was no way I could spend my usual amount of time reviewing things at work.

Of course, it didn't help that I had to scramble to procure new materials when they breezed through the introductions I had prepared. I held down a smile, they were doing so great at everything. 

"You think this is funny?" there was clear distress in Seokjin's voice.

"I think what Jin is saying is that you need to take breaks especially when you aren't feeling 100%," Namjoon said trying to defuse the atmosphere that was souring. 

Why were they so upset? Working through pain was hardly going to kill me: they weren't in jeopardy of no longer being in my custody. Maybe I should adjust my will that way they feel safer. 

"Relax its just some cramps. They only last for a day or two." I mentioned hoping to dissipate some of their worries. It didn't seem to help. 

"Does it hurt a lot?" Taehyung asked. His look of curiosity and concern was adorable. 

"Not right now, it's at a steady 3." Seokjin's eyes narrowed when I mentioned "now". I wasn't going to lie to them but I doubted they would take well to the fact that it feels like someone is punching me with boxing gloves every couple of seconds.

They have no way of knowing what my pain index is or that my cramps occasionally shoot up to a solid 8. 

The silence was starting to get awkward. "Guys seriously it's nothing, I've worked through every single one of my cramps since I was fourteen." I shrugged hoping everyone would just drift back to scrolling on their holoscreens. When they didn't I decided to get back on to my own. 

"Don't you dare." Hoseok's voice was hard and his smile was nowhere to be found. I shivered, not purely out of fear. 

"But-" I tried to reason but found the rest of my words caught in my throat when he raised an eyebrow and crossed his arms. Was it getting hot in here?

"But nothing. Whatever needs to be done send to Jin and Joon's bracelets." Hoseok reasoned smile gone but tone softer.

"You can always skim it later and make sure they got it right. Although I doubt there will be any issues," He smirked "After all they had a great teacher."

He was boxing me in, if I rejected it would be as if I doubted my own skills or worse that I didn't trust Seokjin and Namjoon.

"After you send them you, me, Jimin and Kook are going to head upstairs and you are going to curl up in your bed."

My soft bed sounded so nice right now. 

"And then you are not going to lift a finger and let us take care of you." And that's where the appeal stopped. I didn't want these powerful men reduced to being my servants. 

"And if I refuse." I challenged. 

"You can do anything you want to, Mistress." This weasel of man countered a smile on his face that spoke only of smugness. 

The implication was clear, I could command they didn't serve me. But it would be exactly that. A command. I couldn't make them not take care of me. 

I looked back at my holoscreen and began to send the files at the top of my to do list. Maybe there was a small part of me that delighted in the fact that Hoseok manipulated me so skillfully, but no one needed to know that.

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