
Fairy 43: Black Rivers Part II

Not to mention unless it is something important to them. Why will a high-level Dark Guild, like Grimoire Heart, will bother gathering information, if guilds like Black Rivers could do it for them, of course, for a price.

"No wonder, here I thought another bitch want my honey~ Good thing it was information whgat she wanted… not like I could do anything against a wizard from Grimoire Heart." Joloshi went with a sigh.

"And where is this Ultear woman?" Mister Rivers askes.

"She was dealing with me, however she just left." The one that said that, wasn't the Dark Wizard, but someone's else voice. And from the darkness, a tall man came before Mister Rivers and the others.

The man himself, seems to be hearing a plain white mask, and covered in light leather armour and clothing, And behind his lean long back, lies a long two-handed sword.

"Olav huh, and what did this Ultear wanted?" Mister Rivers asked the man before him.

"She wanted information on a wizard known as Zack, no second name given. Only other thing we know besides his name, is the fact he seems to be from a Dark Guild known as Chaos Ruler." Olav went.

"Chaos huh… there many Dark Guilds that like to put Chaos in their guild's name. But I never heard a Chaos Ruler… doubtful if they are powerful, properly a low-tier guild themselves." Mister Rivers went, however when he said that the look on Joloshi's face didn't escape from his eyes and turned to his woman.

"Joloshi?" Mister Rivers asked in wonder, when he saw her startled expression.

"Sorry… it just, something my grandfather mention in my childhood…" Joloshi went, thinking of the only person besides her honey, that she cares about. And a warm smile came on her lips.

"Chaos Ruler, is a name from a myth." Joloshi went with a smile.

"Myth?" Everyone, even the Dark Wizard, that been waiting for a chance to excuse himself, all answered that, upon hearing Joloshi said that.

"Well, not much is known. Even my grandfather, who was a researcher. Cannot discover much about them. However, what he did knew, that Chaos Ruler, is part of a series of lost weapons, that meant to kill Gods of all things. Devil something, they are called… it has been that long since I can remember it.

My point is, Chaos Ruler is a weapon that lost in time, and most of them already disappeared from the face of the earth. So maybe… this guild that called themselves, maybe just like the name Chaos Ruler… or they might know a thing or two about these so-called God slaying weapons." Joloshi went.

"It doesn't matter, if they are called that, because they took a liking to the name, or they knew a thing or two about those weapons. We could look into them at another time. For now, Olav join Dru Dru, after he done with the Minot or whatever they called brothers.

Once he is done, joined the search for this one's woman. This one's want her untouched, know this one's meaning." Mister Rivers simply went in an arrogant manner.

"Got it." Olav simply went, and walked away, leaving the other three behind. Not bothering about the fact, that Joloshi has been giving him such hostile gazes when he went away.

"I don't trust him. There… something off about him, and I don't like it honey." Joloshi honestly told her lover, as she links her arm with his.

"he is useful… for now. Until he isn't, we can always get a replacement." Mister Rivers simply went, before he shows a smile and lift the chin of the woman who is linking her arm with his own. And kissed her soft looking lips, before he brought her body closer to him.

"Now, this one's think, we better carry on with our fun, right?" Mister Rivers went, with lust could be felt from his yellow eyes.

"I know~ But before we carry on with our fun~ Just a quick reminder… don't fall in love with that dragon whatever she is girl… you promise me, remember? I don't mind sharing your body… I don't like sharing your love." Joloshi went and said that in a seductive tone, in Mister River's ears.

"Didn't this one told you, that woman is only has the purpose to give this one, a strong heir, a means to press this one's legacy. As agreed, after she given birth, she will be disposed of like planned." Mist Rivers went, as he bit her ear a little. Which almost caused Joloshi to let out a moan, with his playful bite.

"As long you don't fall for her… no, I make sure you don't~" Joloshi went, as she shows a very lovely smile, as she kissed the man before her. Like they cannot hold it in any longer, Mister Rivers picked up the red haired beauty within his arms, and carried her back into the office for their next game of pleasure.

While the two finally left into the room behind the metal door. The sole Dark Wizard, that been looking for the timing to leave, finally sighed seeing them leave.

"That woman is as scary as always… did they by chance forget I was here…? I am lucky they didn't begin their fun out here like last time… because of that, few of my men were beheaded… hahaha… well, I got work do to… lucky me."

As the Dark Wizard finally left with a look of relief. However, he did not notice, that from the shadows Olav the one that left first, actually never left, and walked out of the shadows once more, along with an orb, which in fact known as a Communication Lacrima.

[What is it, Huller?] A voice came from the orb.

"Just informing you, about a new Dark Guild I like the council to look into." Olav or Huller said.

[New Dark Guild huh… they never seem to end, don't they? So, what are they called?] Went the voice behind the orb.

"Chaos Ruler… and there is a probability they knew about the Devil Arms." Said the masked swordsman.

[You for real…? We only knew a little about the Devil Arms… it be great if that guild as a link where to find them or they actually did existed. Never mind that, we will investigate this later on. And be careful Huller, the Magic Council are getting ready to raid Black Rivers, it wouldn't be long for your job to be over.] Went the orb.

"That's one good thing. Can finally get rid of this guild, and these people." Huller or Olav simply went.

[Well, undercover jobs are not that easy or comfortable to begin with… Anyway, what about that Dragon Slayer they are after?] Went the orb.

"Seems like she found about the tracker inside her. Mister Rivers ordered me to meet up with his right hand, Dru Dru, to search for her." Olav/Huller went.

[I see, not much known about Dragon Slayers, she is a second generation, right? Anyway, orders from the higher ups, said to capture her alive if possible.] When the voice behind the orb said that the man known as either Olav or Huller frown upon hearing his new orders.

[That silence, I know, I know. But you know what happened not long ago, right? It is because she has high specs and potential it is a waste not to train her and bring her in. She has what it makes to become a Saint Wizard, you know?]

"But does that give us right, to do the same thing, as these rats?" Huller simply asked, knowing the answer will be.

[Sorry, it not in my place to say, and we all follow the Council's orders, no matter what they are. Not to mention, thanks to Alvarez Empire. The Magic Council is on edge. We have no clue why the Empire tried to invade Ishgar. And there no telling when they try again. It is because that, and the potential behind that Dragon Slayer, why the Council give you that order.]

"I heard… Black Rivers has a lot of ears and eyes everywhere… But what about the diplomatic relation agreement? You not going to tell me they going to…?" Olav went.

[What you expect? They almost invaded Ishgar without any reason given. It will be strange if we didn't sever all diplomatic relations with them. Even if there still many are not in agreement of severing them. Doesn't change the fact, Alvarez Empire attempted to invade our continent. And from the looks of things, it be either end of this year, or next year that there be no longer any diplomatic relations between, Ishgar or Alvarez.] 

"I see… so the likelihood any attempting invades us again is high." Olav/Huller said.

[Like I said, we have no clue why they attempted in the first place. And the Alvarez, if it wasn't for the Etherion, there no telling if war will break out between the Magic Council along with the Kingdoms of Ishgar and Alvarez Empire. And the Alvarez Empire are no weaklings either.]

[At the moment, we okay for now since we still have that weapon. But there is a limit we can use the Etherion to keep them at bare. Anyway, that all for now Huller, make sure you keep yourself save out there.]

As soon the voice behind the Communication Lacrima said,  the orb soon lost all light and disconnected itself.

Seeing the Lacrima no longer activated. A sigh came out of Huller's lips, as he put away orb. Before he opened his mouth.

"I hope everything ends well… sooner Black Rivers fall, the better… however… Vottes Brave, was it?" Huller/ Olav, the spy within Dark Guild known as Black Rivers muttered this. Wondering would it be wise to bring in that young Dragon Slayer, who always have her own freedom taken away from her.

But Huller didn't think about it any longer. He is just spy, and a wizard, his mission is to follow orders. No matter what they are. And like that Huller entered the shadows.

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