
Chapter 19: Island Exam Part 4

Miura Yumiko POV:

It was currently dark as I was sitting on a tree watching Class B's camp. I know it sounds weird about what I'm doing, but I think we both know I'm not going to kill, rape or steal. Hurt though... That's another story.

Finally! I'm currently looking at Kaneda the spy of this class coming out of the tent and he started walking away. I jumped down from the tree branch and hid behind the bushes as I follow him. Soon we arrived at a spot by a tree, which seemed to be marked by a clothed tied on it.

I saw him bend down and move some of the dirt on the ground and pull out a plastic bag that has a camera and walkie-talkie inside. In an instant I jumped out and kicked him to the ground, making sure to get the bag away from him.

"W-wah?!" As he looked up, he saw me grinning down at him. "Y-you!? Your the one Ryuen warned us about!"

I made a face of surprise as he said that. "Ohhh~ Is that so?~" I started slowly walking to him as he got up, but tripped over a branched and fell again. He started crawling backwards and bumped into a tree. "I guess you know what happens now." I smirked as I was about to hit him.

However, his next words actually did surprise me. "Yeah... I do!" He smirked as he rushed up and pushed me against a tree and... TASERED ME!

I felt electricity coursing through me before I fell to the ground.

"Phew! Ryuen told me and Ibuki to use this just in case. You know, I thought you'd be a lot scarier from what Ryuen made you out to be. HA! Look at you now." Kaneda mocked.

As I felt his presence slowly back away, I got up and started laughing crazily.

"Hehe...HAHAHAHA!!" I could feel Kaneda stiffen up as he stopped in his tracks. "Man... That felt exhilerating." He slowly turned around as he saw me looking at him with an innocent expression on my face. "Ara~ What seems to be the problem?"

Before I even knew it he charged at me again and started tasering me again out of fear. He didn't let go as I could feel the pain coursing through my body. The centre point of the pain being the right side of my stomach, where the Taser is.

"Haha!" I laughed as he continued in trying to put me back down, but is sadly failing. He slowly looked up as he sees my piercing sapphire eyes full of bloodlust staring at him. My expression slowly changed to a blank face as I was a bit pissed off now and bored of this little game. He slowly backed off and dropped the taser.

I walked towards him and kicked the taser over to the plastic bag.

"P-please! I-i'm sorry!" Slowly his eyes started tearing up.

"Sorry." I tilted my head at his apology. I sped towards him and roundhouse kicked his leg and as he was falling to the ground, I gave a downwards kick with my left heel towards his kidney, causing his back to hit the ground.

"Kah!" He spat out as the kick landed before he could even understand. He groaned as he rolled around for a few seconds and tried to crawl away. Meeting a tree in his path, he flipped over to look at his predator who approached. "Oh god."


Sorry to tell you...

But she caused this.




As I'm walking, I'm dragging what looks like a lifeless corpse but it's just a passed out Kaneda. Each of my steps made a noise, so once I saw Ibuki waiting for me with her back turned around and approached her, she turned around to look at the source, seeing me.

"Finally, what took yo--" She stopped talking once I tossed over Kaneda in front of her, causing a reaction of surprise and worry. "Kaneda!!"

She immediately kneeled down, looking at his body and pressed two fingers to see if he was breathing. What was most notable of Kaneda was the blood dripping down from his head and his broken arm.

"What happened?!" She looked up at me and growled.

What do you know? She cares for her classmates.


I snorted as I answered. "Oh you know~ A few broken ribs, broken arm and a little concussion." At my words, she immediately stood up. I could tell what she was about to do by her movements so I was obviously a step ahead of her. Once she stood up, I pulled out the taser that was in my other hand and put it on her neck. "Ah ah ah~ I wouldn't do that if I were you~"

She glanced down at the taser in my hand and widened her eyes. She looked back at me but not in the eyes, but at my body and her eyes landed on the burn marks from the weapon used on me. She looked back at me and stilled as she didn't see my usual smile or smirk but a blank face.

"You see... I'm really pissed off... But also upset at the predicament we're in... So, this is what's going to happen; you will say Kaneda and you were meeting up and he tripped and fell down a hill resulting in those injuries." As I spoke she glares at me and opened her mouth but I interrupted her. "Choose your next words wisely~" I said, while pushing the tip of the taser more into her neck.

"W-why should I?"

"Isn't it obvious? Currently the cards are in my favour. I could simply say self-defence. Also for taking it too far, I'll most likely be given a week or two for suspension." She grits her teeth and looks away at the ground with a face of defeat.

I removed the stick out of her neck and nod towards the body. She begrudgingly picks up her fellow classmate and starts walking towards the beach. Once we got there, I stayed hidden in the trees, while she went over to the teachers. They ended up calling a medical team over and set him up on a gurney.

I gave a satisfied smirk as she looked over at me. Once I saw her done explaining to the teachers of what happened, she made her way over to me and muttered the words "You're sick" before walking past me and heading back to my class's camp.

Maybe I am sick...





Third POV:

Ryuen was currently in his tent sleeping but was woken up by someone shaking his tent. He slowly got out of the tent and let his eyes adjust to the light before looking around and getting up. He looked up at Albert and was obviously pissed as it was only around 7 am in the morning.

"You better have a good reason for waking me up Albert." He said with a harsh tone.

"Boss you gotta see this." Albert merely said in response in English as he pointed at the crowd.

It was his class surrounding something. Ryuen narrowed his eyes as he got up and made his way over there. His classmates saw him and moved out of the way for him to see. Once he did, his eyes widened.

It was his Transceiver on the ground next to a camera with a picture on it and a taser stabbed into the sand. And right next to it was a pair of broken glasses smashed to pieces. What was most notable was the writing carved on the sand around the items.


"Hey... Isn't that Kaneda's glasses." Someone muttered behind Ryuen.

Ryuen noticed this too. What stood out to him was the camera. He went over and bent down to pick it up and widened his eyes in surprise and anger as he saw a picture of a bloody, bruised, broken-armed Kaneda. He squeezed the camera, breaking it and immediately picked up his transceiver and tried to contact him. He had a feeling as he already knew what happened to him.

Or who happened as he looked at the Taser in the sand. He gave it to use on one person only.

Hesitating, he pressed the button and spoke.

"Kaneda..." He got no response for a few seconds before a familiar voice came through.

"Ohayo, Dragon Boi~ You like my present~" A cold familiar voice full of mischief that sounded like the devil spoke. Most students from Class C had a shiver sent up their spine.

"Miura Yumiko." Ryuen said, his words were full of venom and anger.

"Let's talk."

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