
Ch 3: The siblings

(a week later)

as the rays of sunshine traveled to the earth and brightened the day, the beauty of the city of Venezia was truly revealed.

and among the beautiful building of this pretty city, two figures were walking at a fast paced towards a certain location.

one of the two was a man of about 20 years old with the looks of just a little above the average, but not that much.

and walking beside him, was one of the most, if not, the most beautiful woman in all of Venezia. she had an extremely beautiful face with plump lips and big, brown eyes.

she had long, brown hair that traveled even lower than her shoulders and reached her big breasts that men could hardly resist forget about looking, gawking at!

she had a slim waist that make women die of jealousy if they looked at it. but contrary to her small waist, her ass and hips were big.

big enough for a few men to even shamelessly turn around and look at. but her hips didn't make her long legs lose any of their charms, though.

she was slightly tall for a woman, though. about the same but still a little lower than the man beside her who looked to be 6 feet tall.

but who would complain about it when it added a certain kind of beauty of its own to her already charming look.

and she wasn't just tall, even though it wasn't much, she was definitely packing some muscles under those slim and beautiful limps.

the beautiful lady who looked to be in her late teens, about 16 or 17 just like the protagonist but slightly older looked at the man beside her with a raise of her perfect eyebrow :"so, Federico, wanna explain to me what's going on already?"

yup, that's right. these two are the Auditore siblings, Federico Auditore and the legendary Ezio Auditore but female form!

Federico shook his head with a chuckle at her :"patience, sister, patience. about a few days ago, word got around that a kid is going around and challenging others to fights.

but not just normal people nor into normal fights. he himself challenges only the people who have a reputation for being a good fighter... or just a stronzo (asshole).

and he bets against them. putting a pretty good sum of money on the line along with a sword or a dagger, which each of them is extremely beautiful and deadly.

and the interesting part is, he has never lost a single fight! he always does all of his fights with an audience so that they won't say he's cheating.

and after the word got around, some people got interested in this mysterious kid who is so good at fighting and just randomly popped out.

so they went looking for him. and apparently, seeing that it was true and the rewards are real, they got interested.

so now, people go looking for the kid rather than the kid going around and looking for the people!"

a smile appeared on her beautiful face as she listened to him and as they continued to walk :"oh? but don't they know of his record already? and they still choose to bet and fight against him?"

Federico shrugged at her :"sigh, you know how people are. with the reputation that he has built up in a matter of days and people who he has fought and won against, they thought that they would become famous fast.

so the idioti (idiots) took their chances and decided to challenge him. and I can't blame them either.

they say the money is good, there is a pretty good weapon on the line, and you can get famous. fame and riches if you beat one person!

but well, no body has been able to beat him until now. and his record is going up everyday. oh, and I just remembered something!

they say that everytime he wins a fight and a bet, he adds the money to the already won florins and the winner will take it all!"

Ezio looked at him with a surprised look as her eyes went wide :"wait, seriously?! with how much you're saying he has fought and won, he should have a lot of money already!"

Federico nodded at her with an impressed face :"yeah, you're right. and that's how he manages to pull even more people in to fight.

he is rumored to be wild, very, very wild in a fight. like an animal. but because of how smart he is in handling the way he does his little business, more people come running at him even if it means getting beaten up."

Ezio kept her eyes on the road but her focus on her brother as she walked :"aspettare (hold on), if he is that rich, he will definitely invite some unwanted trouble. hasn't anybody caused some yet?"

he chuckled at that :"well, baby sister, there has been an idiot who tried to be smart and steal his money.

but he just became a practice dummy and an example of what would happen to those who try to steal from him.

and well, nobody had the balls to try and mess with him like that again."

Ezio raised an eyebrow again with confusion :"what? what does that mean? what did he do for the idiots of the Venezia to get scared?"

Federico shuddered as he rubbed he responded :"apparently, he cought the idiot, tied him up, and hang him by his legs.

and in front of the entire audience, he beat him to near death with a murderous look. he threatened that he will cut of the fingers of anybody who tries that kind of stunt afterwards."

Ezio clearly didn't expect that as a surprised look took over her features :"damn, didn't think that would happen. so, what does it have to do with us?

where are we going? don't tell me it's the location that these fights take place in. are we going there to watch the show?"

Federico chuckled with a sigh :"sister, please have some patience. yes, we are going to the place that these fights take place in.

and no, we aren't going these to just watch. we are going there to participate in these fights! and who know, maybe one of us will win."

Ezio stopped in her tracks as she looked at him as if he's retarded :"w-wha-? what? you JUST called the people who challenged him idiots! and now you want us both to fight him. what kind of idiot does that make you?"

Federico turned around and looked at her with fake pleading eyes :"come on, sorella (sister), this seams really fun.

don't tell me that you don't also find this exciting. I know just how much you enjoy to make trouble and fight.

so you would definitely enjoy this. and besides, just like I said, fame and fortune in one victory! it would be a serious waste if we didn't take the chance.

and I know you can fight him. everybody knows how Ezio Auditore isn't just about the looks but also has muscles."

Ezio narrowed her eyes at him before sighing and chuckling charmingly in defeat :"alright, you've got me. fine, I will fight. but what about you? where is your money for the bet?"

Federico gave a tight smile as he pleaded :"I... will make it up to you after I win the fight? just let me borrow from you this once?"

Ezio crossed her arms under her big boobs as she looked at him with an unimpressed expression :"and let me guess, you spent all your money on wine and women again, didn't you?"

he opened his arms as he shrugged :"hey, I'm a perfectly healthy guy. so of course I'm gonna spend some money for my needs."

she sighed as she rubbed her temples frustratingly :"fine, I will lend you some money, idiota (idiot). and you better remember to pay me back. now, let's go and see what this guy is made out of already."

he made a fist of victory with a low :"yes!" after she started walking again :"hey, wait up! let me catch up!"

Ezio :"so, do we know anything about this guy? does anybody know?"

Federico shook his head in denial with a thoughtful expression :"no, I don't. he is just like a ghost, he just randomly showed up one day.

nobody knows of him more than I already told you nor does anybody know of his origins. as I said, he just randomly showed up and challenged good fighters one after the other."

Ezio scratched her fragile chin :"he really IS a mysterious guy, huh? just shows up and starts fighting. guess he really like to fight."

Federico looked at her and snorted with a smirk :"and I guess that's another thing you have in common other than being wild. although I don't think you are as wild as him."

she sent a glare at him which made him back off and hold his arms up in a surrendering gesture :"vai a farti fottere (go fuck yourself)."

he rolled his eyes at her and his ears suddenly perked up as he heard loud noises :"sbrigati (hurry up), I think we're there."

"let's see what you've got, kid." Ezio murmured under her breath, but had a small smile on her face which was the result of her feeling like this is gonna be interesting.

when the two siblings finally reached the place which was behind a few building and they had to go through an alley or two, they saw quite a few people standing or sitting aside while cheering.

spectator number 1 :"come on, come on!"

spectator number 2 :"Picchialo (beat him up)!"

spectator number 3 :"you better win, bastardo! I bet my money on you!"

Ezio looked at the tens of viewers all watching and nodded with an impressed look :"damn, I didn't think it would be this popular. count me impressed."

Federico patted her shoulder and nodded upwards towards a direction when she looked at him :"check that out. guess the person that we're looking for is already beating someone up."

as she followed his line of sight, she saw the most handsome guy that she has seen in her life. he had smooth black hair which was swinging around and dancing with the wind because of all his movings.

his eyes were as red as blood, as if they would bleed any second now. there was a flame like passion in those eyes which was shared with the wild and predatory smile and look ok his face as he attacked relentlessly at his opponent.

but even though she was impressed by his looks, she was Ezio Auditore. the girl rumored to be the most beautiful girl in all of Firenze.

so of course she had met a lot of men who wanted to make her theirs. but failed miserably as she didn't like any of them.

all kinds of people asked for her hand in marriage, powerful soldiers, rich nobles, intelligent inventors or such and etc.

but all of their fates were the same, rejection. and nobody could try anything funny either because of how strong and talented she was in fighting.

so they all had to give up. but this guy in front of her eyes struck a certain and unique nerve. she had never met anyone as handsome and good looking as him.

it would be a lie to say that she wasn't mesmerized by him as Federico beside her talked :"guess the rumors are true, he fights just like a wild animal. powerful and unwavering."

but when he didn't get a response, he looked to his sister with a look of confusion that turned into a meaningful and teasing smirk as he shook his hand in front of her and got her attention :"ah~, don't tell me that my baby sister has finally grown a crush on someone. well, can't blame you. he is really handsome."

Ezio smacked his hand away as she gave him a glare before focusing back on the fight :"Levati dalle palle (piss off).

{guys, I'm doing all of these from Google translate, alright? so forgive me if there is a mistake or something.}

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