
Hope Mikaelson In Mystic Falls.

He didn't look at them, and zoomed out of the house.

"She'll come," Cami was standing at the door, "You know that!"

She had found herself having a deep respect for Caroline Forbes-Salvatore, and she understood why Klaus respected and loved her. She was a beacon of hope for everyone.

Klaus Mikaelson zoomed to the small house in the middle of the city, Damon Salvatore's house.

She was standing outside the house, she was looking in the window.

"I thought I'd find you here, Caroline." He smiled.

She turned around. Her face was covered with tears.

"What did I do, Klaus?" She cried. "I….how could I…..?"

"I am sorry, Caroline." He had no idea what to tell her. He hugged her. "I'm so sorry, Caroline!"

"I don't know what the hell is happening to me!"

She took out a tissue from her blazer's pocket.

"I have tried so hard….."

"Sometimes….It's better to let things run their course, Caroline." He said gently, leading her away from the house. "In a few years, people will forget about Damon Salvatore, then, you can always recover their memory."

"You think so?" She looked hopeful. Her eyes lit up.

"I know so." He led the way.

She smiled. It was hard for her. Her previous life was fading away, slipping away from her. And...she wanted to hold on. So badly. The more she held on, the more it slipped away.

Klaus Mikaelson looked away from her, and moved a few steps back. A tear ran down from his face. He didn't know why he was so hurt with this. Damon wasn't his friend. He didn't like Elena.

"You'll be fine, Caroline." He whispered. "The universe can't do this to you."

"Goodbye, Sweetie!!"

Caroline sat down in the car, and put Hope in the passenger seat.

"Goodbye, Mom."

Her family waved to her.

"Goodbye." Caroline looked at them once, "I'll...keep in touch, Hayley."

She nodded.

"I'll see you at the vampire support group?" She looked at Cami.

She nodded.

"And…when you guys come to see Hope?" She looked at Klaus.

He nodded.


Caroline Forbes got in the car, and started to drive.

"Are you okay, Ms. Forbes?" Hope asked.

"It's Mrs. Salvatore." Caroline corrected her. "I am Mrs. Forbes-Salvatore."

The car sped into the long and open road. It was clear and empty. After a few hours Hope fell asleep, and she didn't stop until the crack of dawn. Hope wanted to stop, she didn't. She wanted to get away from the two people loved, the ones that had no idea who she was.

But, she stopped the car, for Hope Mikaelson. She and Hope shared an early breakfast together in a diner almost an hour away from Mystic Falls.

Hope Mikaelson was put straight to bed when they reached Mystic Falls.

"Aren't you going to sleep?" Hope asked her. Lying in the guest bedroom.

"No…Sweetie." Caroline smiled. "I have to work."

Hope was surprised. She knew Caroline hadn't slept all night, and hadn't slept the day before since she was helping Cami.

Caroline wanted to rest, but she knew she couldn't. The school was led in a systematic way just because of Caroline. She had to go to school, because everyone needed her there, so she went.

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