
I Have A Job To Do

Aláine's Point of View

When we arrived at the police station, Kristof parked the car across the road. There were plenty of parks and not many people about at this stage of the day.

"I'll lock up and pay for parking," said Kristof, "and then I will come in too. There are some pack members that I wish to talk to."

I looked at him before trying not to smirk. The first thing that popped into her head was the K9 unit. It was rather speciest if that was even a word, and I had no intention of letting him know that. No intention at all. Kristof gave me the side-eye, so I tried to smile naturally before giving him a kiss on the cheek.

"How many?" I asked.

"Just a couple," was the answer, "I want to see if we can get any information on Viktor. At least we now have a name."

"See you soon," I replied and went in.

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