
Romantic Dinner

Chloe moved the phone away from her ears and stared at the contact with disgust. "What does this raving lunatic mean by, a tsunami has struck?'" she pondered. "Had she finally gone insane? If there was a forecasted weather change or natural disaster, wouldn't it be televised on all channels? How did I ever come about keeping such a low-life friend?"

"Silvia!" Chloe's forehead furrowed and her nose crinkled in disgust. "Are you feeling well today? Do I need to check you in a psychiatric ward? Please speak English or any other language I understand. Right now, I don't have the patience for any stupidity!"

"You think I am insane right?" Silvia was riled by Chloe's remark.

"Point of correction, I do not think! Rather, I know you are mad at the moment." Chloe shot back impatiently. "And like I said, I do not have time for your grotesque sense of humor. I have other important matters to handle."

Chloe was about to end the call when Silvia dropped the bombshell.

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