
Chapter 88: Kage Summit Summon

Support me on my Patre@n at patreon.com/JoshRichie2 for Vol 3... 100+ Chapters ahead. It's just $5. Also, I just began Volume 4. Which is Naruto Arc. I'm a couple chapters, I'll be finishing this FF. Stay tuned.


Title: Kage Summit Summon


Zetsu POV

Everything was going well... The plans were all aligning together. With that abominable human out of the way in his little Island, I had all the time in the world to plan things out to suit my goal.

It was all reaching its peak. I had revised the warning Hagoromo left for his descendants just for this reincarnation of Indra. But still, it seems like fate has something against me, and doesn't wish for my mother's release.

But... This wouldn't be the First time and neither will it be the last.

I had spent the past few centuries after that human came back to influence the general ideology of nearly every clan around the world and the constant strife was all that was needed.

With this strife and constant battles, they would kill themselves off and there would be little to no hindrance in the long run.

As if fate was smiling on me, again, the current reincarnation of Indra was someone who cherished peace too much for his own good, hence the reason he was easily deceived by the prospect of true and Eternal peace.

Unfortunately, he still died at the hands of Ashura's reincarnation. What a pity indeed.

Well, I guess I should check out his body... Perhaps his Sharingan may end up doing some good in the future.


Thinking this, Black Zetsu sank into the ground and moved towards the location Tobirama had placed and sealed off Madara's body.

As someone who was older than even the oldest human now, Shun, he had a good grasp on seals but as he couldn't be affected by anything made of chakra, it was easy for him to simply ignore them and phase right through.

At the moment his head came out of the ground, he saw something that brought a smile to his face for the first time in centuries.

It was as though fate was siding with him this time around.

In front of him was Madara in the flesh, there was no sign of injuries on his body, safe for the white eye that was supposed to be the Eternal Mangekyou Sharingan.

'The Izanagi... I see.' Zetsu thought and sank back into the ground and into Madara's Shadow.

There was still a lot to do... Madara didn't disappoint. So far, he was and is the only puppet that had met his expectations... He couldn't wait to see the point hell reach with him pulling the strings.


Madara POV

Yare. Yare. Seems like it was a good idea to install the Izanagi ahead of time. Although I expected it, I didn't expect to die by a blade from behind.

Seems like it wasn't only I that changed... The Hashirama that I knew wouldn't have done something like that, but alas... This world's darkness has even reached him.

Creating a blood clone, a technique he had gotten from the two ladies that had manhandled him as a token of apologies and appreciation, he made it lie in the Coffin that was housing his body before.

After that, he sank into the ground using the [Earth Release: Hiding in Rock Technique] and proceeded to leave the area so as to begin the next phase of his plans.

Minutes later, Madara arrived at his home and base underground, after taking a short rest, he brought a metal bowl and placed in front of him.

Plunging his fingers into his mouth to trigger his gag reflex, he vomitted out the chunk of flesh he had bitten off of Hashirama in their last clash.

He had used his chakra to preserve it and prevent hsi body from digesting it, so it was still mixed with Hashirama's blood.

Without wasting much time, he began grafting this chunk of flesh into his, through his wounds.

Although primitive and with no previous proff, he believed this was a way to reach the level of strength he needed to achieve peace.

If Hashirama was the noble hero, he would be the hero that bears all the hatred... As far as he achieves the dream.. the dream of a True and Eternal Peace.


Six months had passed since the battle of the end and Shun had just received a letter of summons from the Hokage, Hashirama Senju, personally sent over by none other than Tobirama Senju.

Whether as a mean of respect or just formalities, no one knew but the other captains weren't too pleased by it.

For a new village to arbitrary summon a village such as theirs on their whim was disrespectful on so many levels.

Shun however had no outward reaction which Tobirama noticed and trained his eyes on him, directly ignoring the captains.

It wasn't that he was confident in his strength, No... He was just confident that the current Hanakage wasn't just all muscles and no brains.

This was their first diplomatic summons so it wasn't something that had to do with strength, it was all about the thought..

"Interesting idea your brother got there... But if I might ask... Where will this meeting hold and what are the requirements for my attendance." Shun said directly silencing the captains.

Tobirama's breath hitched for a split second due to the Hanakage's open mentality and said. "It is meant to hold in Konoha as for the-"

"No..." Shun interuppted. "It can't be held in Konoha. I believe you're a smart man Tobirama unlike your brother... Should these Kages be invited to your village, it is tantamount to saying you could call us anytime you wish."

Shun gave a smile and asked. "Do you think I can be invited anytime you wish?"

Tobirama frowned as he understood where this Kage was coming from.

"Then do you have any suggestions?" He asked.

"Of course." Shun said and then tapped the table, activating a seal that showed the layout of the entire Shinobi world.

Pointing to an area in the country of wind, Shun said. "This here is the country of Rōran. A country of only civilians and I'm sure you're aware of the richest family in the world right now, right?"

Tobirama nodded.

"Well, this is where he lives, and that's where I propose this meeting should hold." Shun concluded.

"Any reasons why?" Tobirama asked.

"Of course. Barging in there without permission will activate a seal that will cut off your access to chakra, and no matter how strong you are this seal will affect you." Shun said with a reminiscent smile.

This was Ria's work. In a bid to not have her little kingdom embroidered in the Chaos of battle, she created it. In this way, should you sneak in, you'll be nothing more than a slightly stronger civilian... Physically.

"So with permission we will get to keep our chakra?" Tobirama asked.

"Of course... Also, any form of violence is prohibited in there even when you're given access. Breaking that rule will also activate the seal." Shun said. "But then, all the present Kages are strong physically too, so I dread what will happen should a Battle break out."

"Dread?" Tobirama asked.

"Of course... A country that can create that type of seal must also have contingencies in case people like Hashirama with his abnormal physical strength breaks in, no?" Shun asked.

"Umu... I once did enter there and although I have no need for chakra and rely only on my physical strength, I was made to experience a torture I wouldn't even wish my enemies to experience." Toshiba said with a melancholic tone.

"Exactly... It was torture." Kageno, the expert assasine said.

"I understand. I'll relay your thoughts to the Hokage." Tobirama said and turned to leave.

"Mm... When you do send the summons to the four other villages, make sure to pen down that, 'Konoha and Hanagakure.' not only Konoha. I believe my little island has a level of pull in this world at large." Shun said with a prideful voice.

"Mm." Tobirama nodded and flashed out of the room.

"How rude." Yuri who had been silent throughout this entire discussion said.

"Him replying with a 'mm' or him leaving in that manner?" Mikoto asked.

"Both." Yuri frowned as she said that.

"Anyways, I gotta plan for this meeting. I wonder how the First generation Kages will be." Shun said as he stood up.

"Ah! In less than two years now, I'll be stepping down, so I would like you ten to have a vote amongst yourselves for who'll be my successor. I'll be taking him or her to the meeting." Shun said as he flashed away too.

"How..." Yuri wanted to say but kept her mouth shut as she felt the gazes on her. "Flashy..." She completed.

Standing up too, she proceeded to leave the room but was stopped by kazuma. "Didn't you here what the Kage said? We are going to chose someone to be his successor, where are you going?"

"Eh?... It's such a pain... I have no interests in things such as that... I'm too selfish to be the Hanakage so I'll elect Mikoto-chan a she successor.." Yuri said. "That's one vote to her from me, hehehe."

After that, she simply skipped and left the room despite the glares she was receiving.

"Well, I also vote for Mikoto..." Kageno said but that didn't elicit much surprise from the eight other captains.

"Mikoto-dono is strong and has a domain to boot, but this is a matter of absolute strength. We need a deterrent force to guard our village. Similar to Hanatoro-sama, Kuchiki-dono would likely leave and reside in Rōran after his retirement, cutting off all ties to us. Due to that, I vote for Chinioke-dono." Kazuma said, getting some nods of approval.

"Eetoo... I couldn't care less on who becomes the next Kage, as far as they can best me in combat, I'm willing to vote for you and pledge my loyalty." Toshiba the muscle brained Captian said.

"Me too..." Yoruichi Tsubachi said. He was the captain of the defense squad. The captain in charge of deploying qualified Shinobi around the entire island to curb out threats that would affect the Village.

In short, he was Commander of the army.

"As far as your prowess is more than mine, I'm willing to vote for you. I need to have an assurance that as I'm defending the village outside, someone capable is here to protect it from what I can't protect." Yoruichi said and closed his eyes.

Everyone nodded. This mad had so much respect. Shun have him a kind of feeling that everything would be alright even if the entire world was against them.

He was so strong that the captains had to fight him together for him to go all out.

That was what he needed from his leader.

"I'm merely into investigations and analysis so I just hope the next Kage is intelligent enough to solve some shit I can't..." Itsu said with a gloomy air around him.

He was like crazy scientist of the group. Intelligent, smart and cold blooded when needed.

"That's a rather steep requirement, Itsu-dono... You're like the most intelligent person on this Island safe for Kuchiki-sama." Asaka said.

She was the person who took over office from Hinami after her retirement. Although her major job had been taken over by Yuri, she still gathered necessary information from outside.

As for her strength, she was good at escaping which was the reason Shun recommended her to the post.

In this world, surviving was everything. Every other thing like courage, bravery and shit, are all lies.

After all, it take a good amount of courage and bravery to see people around you die, and you still manage to escape.

Although some captains disdained her for that trait, they still have her due respect as she was a captain.

"Then I guess my vote will go to who ever is able to answer a riddle of mine.... When the top candidates emerge." Itsu said and also closed his eyes.

"Fufufu... I see." Asaka laughed salociously. "I think I'll be voting for Chinioke-dono too. No offense Mikoto-nee."

"Non taken." Mikoto said with a smile.

"So both Chinioke-dono and Mikoto-dono has two votes each, adding to theirs, three each." Kazuma said.

"Then I believe we should take this meeting to the training grounds, no?" Kageno who say beside Mikoto held her hand underneath the table and said while giving her a reassuring smile.

"I think we should..." Toshiba opened his eyes and said as he stood up.


"Look at them go. Who do you think will win?" Shun asked no one in particular.

"Normally, I'd say Mikoto but I believe Fujirawa has a better chance of winning." A female voice said beside him.

"Is that so? What makes you say that?" Shun asked.

"Well, they all have relatively the same amount of Chakra and physical strength and in a protracted battle, Mikoto is sure to win..."


"But she isn't smart enough."

"Eh?" Shun asked in confusion... How did this turn from battle prowess to smartness?

"Say she defeats those two, and Fujirawa does the same... Who do you think has the higher possibility of answering whatever Itsu will ask?"

"Oh... I see." Shun said in realization.

"But you know, Yuri, this is tantamount to calling your big sis an idiot." Shun said as she looked at the lady beside him with a teasing smile.

"Heh... That's what it is... I've been in this line of work for many years and have seen things she hasn't so from my perspective, she's an idiot." Yuri said.

"That's my cousin you know?" Shun said with a pout.

"So? Aren't I you lil sis?" Yuri asked with a smirk

"Fair point." Shun nodded.


"Before the fight starts, I'm just going to give you two my riddle right now... I can bring tears to your eyes; resurrect the dead, make you smile, and reverse time. I form in an instant but I last a lifetime. What am I?" Itsu said and went to sit by the side leaving everyone in confusion.

"Interstate riddle." Shun said from beside him greatly shocking him and the other captains.

"How long have you been here, Kage-sama." Itsu asked.

"Pshh.. dispense with the formalities. As for how long, I never left the room in the first place, and neither did Yuri." Shun said with a smirk greatly shocking the Captians.

"So we were all caught in a Genjutsu?" Kazuma whispered.

"No... It wasn't a Genjutsu, and it wasn't your fault, may chakra control is just on a level higher than yours... Now about that riddle... Any of you two got any idea?" Shun asked.

They both shook their head. "Well, maybe the battle you'll both experience now would jog your brains a little."

"Now... Mikoto, Fuji, come here." Shun said as he arrived at the center of the training ground.

As they both reached him, he said. "Pick a side, head or tail."



Fuji and Mikoto answered respective.

"Hmm." Shun said and then threw the coin up. As it landed on his palm, it showed a head.

"Yosh... First round, Fuji verse Toshiba." Shun declared as he directly teleported everyone out of the field except for The two he had mentioned...

"Now then... Begin!"

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