
V5 Chapter 82 Hang on Apartment!

" *Laboured breathing* I ... can't... *sharp inhale."

Amon struggle to say, his face turned so pale and his hands shook from the cold, even though he was covered in sweat.

" Among... Come on. You're so close you're doing great."

Philomel encouraged as she shifted his weight to get a better grip on him. She continues to keep Amon on his feet as they travel through the forest. They made very little progress from the exit of the mine since Amon kept tripping over his own feet and Philomel started struggling under his weight but at least the mine was out of view. Little One sat quietly upon Philomel's shoulder, staring back where they came from, wanting to catch another glimpse of the mines and his new friend but the trees were in his way.

Amon stumbles forward as his body started shaking, he trips on his own feet, falling down to his knees and dragging Philomel down as well. Philomel fell on her left knee but stood, slightly bending her right knee for support. Since she was carrying both Amon's and her satchels, the weight of the two bags made falling on her left knee much more painful but she ignored it.

" Amon! Amon! Come on, Amon, look at me. You can make it through this."

Philomel worryingly said as she slap his face trying to keep him from blacking out. Amon's eyes suddenly rolled back as he cough out blood onto the ground. The blood that was coughed out, fell in the perfect shape as the summoning rune. In that instance, black liquid flowed from Amon's right hand and Darzirak slowly appear.

" *Laughing* Freedom at last!! You should have known better than to deny me! Now to kill me a dragon!"

Darzirak heckled with a proud grin. Amon slumped over, his head hung from his neck.

" Amon!!"

Philomel cried out as she quickly pull his head to lay on her shoulder. Philomel struggle to turn Amon's body, laying him down on the ground with his head on her folded lap.

" What's wrong with him?"

Darzirak questioned with more confusion than concern as he scratches himself with his back leg.

" I don't know. I don't know. I already gave him two health potions, yet he is like this. Amon, please don't do this to me. I need you, please stay with me. We're almost to the village."

Philomel begged with a wavering voice. Little One noticed that Philomel was feeling something but he couldn't recognize the feeling of desperation. He could tell it was bad but it wasn't sad and was extremely confused by it.

" He looks like he lost a lot of blood but I didn't even use that much. It was just a few bleeding nails and coughing out blood. That's less than a coin pouch if a coin pouch could hold water."

Darzirak deducted as he examined Amon.

" I don't care how much blood you used! Please! Get him to a healer or a doctor or anyone who can help!!"

Philomel urged as she grabbed Darzirak's paw.

" Very well, lay him down under the shade. Make sure the shadow of the tree is covering his whole body."

Darzirak ordered as he started stretching himself. Philomel nodded and quickly did as he said. Darzirak pulled himself so thin that he could have been mistaken as a shadow, then he slipped right under Amon and stretched himself into a teleporting rune.

" Shadow Territory Teleport."

Darzirak cast the spell and his whole body glowed a dark purple under Amon as the teleporting rune came out, shadow hands that grabbed onto Amon, slowly dragging him down within the shadows. Philomel watched in amazement as Amon's body was slowly sinking into the ground like it was water.

Roll_ 5 + 5 experience ( fail)

The shadow hands stopped appearing and Amon's body was also coming back up to the surface.

" Shadow Territory Teleport."

Roll_ 8 + 5 experience (fail)

Darzirak could feel his body slightly shrinking.

" Damn, I'm out of magic and it's eating into my body. Curse you useless spell!! I spent 20 skill points to get you!! Work damn you! Shadow Territory Teleport."

Darzirak growled, Philomel held her hands to her lips, praying for it to work.

Roll_ 12 + 5 experience (fail)

Darzirak could feel his body slightly shrinking, Amon's head was right behind Darzirak's head and he knew that if this doesn't work, he would have run out of enough body to teleport Amon safely.

" If only Amon was as big as that baby! Then I'll have enough body to try another 10 times!"

Darzirak cursed in his head.

" Shadow Territory Teleport."

Roll_ 14 + 5 experience

The purple light burst out of the teleporting rune as the shadow hands clawed at every part of Amon until his body was covered in shadows and his body sunk into the ground.

Darzirak finds himself moving quickly through the forest, shifting from the shadows of the bushes to the shadows of the trees until they reach the village and Darzirak started shifting through the shadows of houses and shops.

" Hang on Apartment! We are almost there! "

Darzirak informed as he teleported Amon right into the bedroom of the village head.

" What in the world?!"

The tall skinny middle age man exclaimed as he backed right into his coffee table, causing his cup to fall off and smash upon impact with the ground. Darzirak stretches out into the same shape as the man's shadow, pulling himself slightly taller, and towering within the darkest corner of the bedroom. Darzirak's ruby-red eyes shine from the warped shadow of the village head.

" Cure this man and I promise you my people won't slaughter every last villager in their sleep. Do it well and I might reward you with a pleasant..."

Darzirak trailed off as he pulled apart right at the mouth area to smile at the village head with the biggest grin as he snapped the shadow's head right off its neck.


Darzirak howled out, causing a huge gust of wind to blow from the shadow, causing all the open windows and doors to swing on hinges wide enough for all the violent wind to breeze past.

" Y- yes!"

The man yelped as he ran right out the door. Darzirak warps back to his smaller dog shape and sits next to Amon's shoulder.

" Don't worry descendant of Zord. Help is on the way."

Darzirak reassures as he nuzzles against Amon's shoulder, not willing to let the last of Zord's legacy fade away. Not willing to allow Zord's bloodline to end there.

" If it's blood you need I'll slit the neck of everyone in this village. As long as it means you'll get better. "

Darzirak whispers to Amon as he rests his head on Amon's shoulder.


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