
The Seven Primordial Angels

(A/N: This chapter introduces one of the biggest differences b/w the WN and LN so you'll have to pay attention to what is written, by that I mean the Seven Primordial Angels)

Galahad sat up and yawned before standing up and stretching his arms, he looked around himself, "Oh right....I was on the moon." he muttered before his wings came out and he burst off towards the Great Forest of Jura. Within seconds he had arrived there, around him many angels were gathered but none attacked him and simply stood there, a certain 6 winged angel charged at him but Galahad dodged the hit and threw it to the side, he scratched his cheek, "How do these guys....keep finding me?"

A few minutes later Galahad had killed the Seraph and consumed it's blood and spirit core permanently killing it, to his knowledge there were quite a bit of Seraphim and while he could force them into submission they would never truly be loyal. Now that he planned to take over Heaven they were obstacles in his way though this was a long term plan because it involved waiting for Michael to actually show itself.

He no longer wore his purple armor, that was because it had become useless as his bare body provided more defense than it. His attire now was a baggy shirt and jeans that allowed for maximum comfort, his head turned towards a certain direction, there were several Seraphim in one place fighting against someone. He shot towards them.

With Luminous,

Luminous and her people had been fighting against the Angel forces for hours on end with Luminous herself leading the charge, while the low level angels weren't of much threat the higher ranked ones like the Cherubim and the Seraphim proved to be very difficult opponents. Right now she herself was getting overwhelmed by several Seraphim, "Accursed creatures!" she shouted and waved her hand shooting rays of blood magic which didn't do that much damage to them. She stomped her foot and concentrated her magic, "Fall!" she shouted angry blowing apart two of them or that was what she thought but they were mostly uninjured.

"Surrender to God." one of them said while charging up an attack, another added, "Give your measly life for the Greater Good." each of them firmly believed that what they were doing was completely right after all it was an effort to revive their creator. Luminous shouted back, "What Good?! All I see is you slaughtering my people!" she was angry, they had killed many. All of them shook their heads, not expecting her to understand and fired off many holy magics at her, they were dangerous for a creature of darkness like her, she tried to retreat but was surrounded so she gritted her teeth preparing to tank the attacks.

But they never came, "Sigh...Is this what Seraphim are supposed to be doing....and I refuse to believe something this cliche actually happened." Galahad muttered holding up his hand, he had formed a barrier over her completely protecting her from the attacks. She looked at him in disbelief, those attacks were powerful yet he stopped them easily. "I thank you." she said in a low voice. This time it was Galahad's turn to be shocked because she had a slight tint of red on her cheeks, "Fuck no.....just no...I can't deal with this shit..." he lazily said yawning while completely ignoring the Seraphim.

Galahad looked at the Seraphim who were silently staring at him and not attacking, he tilted his head in confusion these guys usually attack him at first sight while screaming about how great they are and how he's just a bug. His eyes widened, "Did you guys finally get a brain?!" he asked them before covering his mouth, "I said that out loud didn't I?" he asked Luminous who slowly nodded at him. They were however still silent, they had been staring at his golden wings since he came here.

Galahad stared at them silently as well wondering what was wrong but they separated in to a certain formation and started chanting. Galahad sat down, "Are they calling ....someone here?" he muttered in curiosity, he did feel like he had been forgetting something about the angels. Luminous walked over to him, "Should we not take this opportunity to destroy them while they are distracted?" she asked him curiously. Galahad glanced at her wondering why she asked him, usually she'd have done it by now, "I feel like....there's something I'm forgetting...."

She tilted her head in confusion but ultimately nodded and stood beside him watching on as they chanted forming a small gate. A few minutes later a man with long black hair and a mark on his forehead walked out, "Why am I here?" he asked, his voice filled with arrogance. Galahad's eyes widened in surprise, that's it he did forget something! The Seven Primordial Angels! Feldway,Gracia, Obera, Pico, Cornu, Zalario and Dino, in the LN verse they were a separate body and chain of command who ruled over the Phantoms as well as the Angels alongside Michael! They fell because they sought to destroy everything alongside the phantoms in order to revive Veldanava but that was against his will so they fell, but with Manas: Justice King Michael who shared their goals they could also exert control over angels who were beings that moved on orders.

He had three sets of wings except his wings were pure black, he looked down on everything in front of him, "How unsightly." he said looking at the rubbles. Galahad stood up, his wings coming out these guys were quite dangerous and were equal to Peak Level Awakened Demon Lords. "Welcome to...the human realm." Galahad said looking at the Angel, "Yes. I, Zalario have come here. It would do you well to submit." Zalario arrogantly said, he was strong beyond measure and he would kill everything here as revenge for their creator's death and to bring about his rebirth. (A/N: This is the Arch Angel who attacked the Dungeon in the beginning of the Tenma War, when Dino betrayed them, if you don't remember)

He waved his hand sending out a gigantic ray of Holy energy that completely obliterated everything it's path, Galahad quickly moved in front of Luminous she was necessary for the future, he couldn't have her dying now, she silently stared at him, "Why?" Galahad glanced at her, "Because...you're necessary." what else would he do it for? She nodded at him and looked to their attacker with hate in her eyes, "Oh you still live?" Zalario asked, he had to commend them for withstanding his power which he believed to be above all.

Galahad chuckled and scratched his cheek, "Oh yeah...this is the guy who thought he could trample over a True Dragon like nothing." the Primordial Angels who also worked as the Absolute Commanders of the Phantom Armies, the ones who were the true Seraphim not these guys that had been attacking so far but they weren't supposed to be here yet!

Galahad asked, "Why is one of you here?!" this changes a lot and it was his own fault, he had allowed one of them to cross over right now, that would make them wary of him if he killed or defeated this guy these guys were supposed to come here in the final war! Luminous tapped his shoulder, "What's wrong?" she asked noticing his strained look. Galahad bit his nail, now he would have to change plans again truly the butterfly effect was a motherfucker.

Zalario smiled, "I shall allow you the answer, I was called here because an interesting specimen was reported." that was why he was here, for some reason the Angels were reporting an unnatural existence. Zalario narrowed his eyes before they widened in surprise, "You! How do you exist?!" that was simply impossible! That was a law of their creator demons and angels just can't mix! "Even if you ask me that...how would I know?" Galahad asked bringing out Excalibur and Caliburn to see if Zalario would have a brain or not. Zalario thought for a bit and looked at his weapons, "How do you have those?!" those belonged to Dino a fellow arch angel, there was no way something like this could beat him.

But then again this guy was completely unnatural, Zalario chuckled and came to the ground, he held out his hand, "Join us, that is what I desire of you." he said confusing Galahad, Galahad knew Nephalem could pick a side but that would make him lose the control he could exert over demon kind so he shook his head in denial. Zalario pulled back his hand, "I see, a shame. For now you shall live because you amuse me but know that if you go against us I will remove you myself." he said arrogantly and without waiting for a response walked through a portal and returned to his home realm, the truth is they were already planning the invasion of another world and he had to get back to it before the Insectars or Cryptids could take over the wormhole they had found as such he didn't have much time to waste.

Galahad shrugged and stood up, he started dusting of his clothes completely unbothered that Zalario had mocked him, to him such things didn't really matter that much and it's not like the guy tried to force him or something only spouted some self righteous bullshit which Galahad just ignored and went away. He turned around and saw that Luminous was pouting at him, "Why did you let him trample over you?" she asked him annoyed.

Galahad yawned, "*Yawn* You and I seem to have a different take on trampling over someone." seriously he couldn't be bothered to get angry over stuff like that, he looked at the Angels which had begun retreating, he wondered if it was over already. He wasn't even annoyed because this worked in his favor, knowing Zalario and how much of a dick he was he wouldn't report it as such he could hide the fact that he can take over Heaven from Michael preventing any countermeasures that may be placed.

"But he seemed to think you below him! And you didn't say anything!" she angrily said, after all this guy was a First Generation Demon Lord and he protected her too, he was definitely stronger than that crow! "Him thinking that.....doesn't actually make me below him." Galahad replied his wings coming out, he wanted to check the damages caused by this Tenma War. Luminous nodded, "That's true....but still!" she wouldn't accept that! Galahad glanced at her and chuckled, "You don't need to get angry for me....." and blasted off not waiting for her response. Luminous stomped her foot and walked away, "Fine then!" she admired him because of how he had managed to stand off against two True Dragons and Three Demon Lords and he protected her too, was it wrong for her to be slightly annoyed when someone insulted him?! See if she cares then!


Mizari used a cloth to clean her hand and looked at the retreating Angels, "It appears to be over." Rein who was standing some distance off, "That it does." both of them had gotten a good idea of how strong being named made them and their devotion if it was possible increased even more, they were his and he could do as he wished with them. Rein clicked her tongue seeing the King who was approaching them, "The damn pig's here." that man pig annoyed her to no end since he looked at her weirdly.

Mizari put a finger on her lips, "You don't say that to their face, even if it is true." she said dusting her clothes off, it made their Master look bad if they insulted him so she wouldn't do it. Though she would find the first opportunity to kill that man whore as soon as she was granted permission.


I'm not increasing the Tensura power scale, this is the original one and it is broken. They are just that broken, it's not me overhyping it, just me paying close attention while reading it. If you don't believe me you can check the wiki.

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