
Chapter-28 A surprising truth ...

David was still thinking about Era and Eva so he couldn't sleep. He called Ben , " Come to the usually place" he said.... "Hey wait a second...🤨🤨.. is this an order?... or you are asking me out?... though it didn't looked like one, infact I was about to call you, it's good you called yourself 😏" Ben said. David was serious and said " Ben ... cut the crab....you wanna come or not👿?" . Ben knows David's personality and that he won't ask him out unless it is something serious, so he said "well that's fine with me 😋 but let's meet at my place, you won't drink anyway" ... Before Ben could say anything else he hang-up the phone. After an hour, the door bell rings, Ben went to open the door, David came in with his hands empty , Ben said "hey I thought you are bringing food.... uhh I am hungry.. you bring it always ... then what now?😤 ". David sat on the sofa and said "I planned to go out ... but you insisted on being home... of course you have to prepare something 👿" it was a very casual response...." ok fine.... let's order something" Ben fetched his phone to order something, "I don't like take away food" David said seriously. Ben was now frustrated 😠 "what..!!??, .. ok fine...then cook it yourself" he said frustratingly...." who said I know how to cook ... Ben" David said seriously, ... Ben was now furious that he wants to hit him and David was just sitting there calmly 😐, not even a single expression. Ben said "l got it now... David ....you are here to eat ...me? .... ugh.... why did I called you here 😭, ok .. fine I'll cook but come help me with vegetables" . Ben went to the kitchen, David got up, removed his coat , and followed him to the kitchen. Ben kept all the vegetables before him and said , "you are a thoracic surgeon of course you'll be good at cutting,😄, " ... David didn't say a word, he took the cucumber washed it, took the cutting pad , hold it on position and was about to cut .... Ben was really impressed to see David, cutting professionally, he was curiously waiting to see him do so... but when David started doing it he was shocked,😵🤪. David held the knife as a Scapel and was cutting the cucumber as if he is operating someone. Ben took the knife from his hands and said, "before the patient dies let me do it please, ...I am sure you never cooked, David ...then what do you eat everyday ", David looked at him and said "I hired a maid to do such things , she cooks , cleans the house and does the laundry for me" . Ben started murmuring, David said " if you can't say it out,.... then better shut up" . Ben said " it will be hard for you to find someone because girls like those who know how to cook, just like me😁😁" .. David stared at him and said "I will prefer the one who will do that for me" he remembered Era again, she used to bring him lunch box back then. He was disturbed again, Ben noticed that and asked him sit on the sofa to watch TV. Ben continued with his sandwiches and David went to the living room and started roaming, where he saw a photo frame with a cartoon. He smiled and asked, " Ben , Where did you get this ?it looks more like you" , Ben bent forward to see what David was talking about and came running, and took the frame from him and said " you don't remember it, do you?", David thought for a while and said " Is it the one that Eva drawn.. so those were yours ... and you really framed it .. that's interesting Ben ". Ben started laughing and said " not really, there were some more .... and those were more interesting,😁😁, I couldn't take it , or I would have framed it much bigger, and gifted to you" .. David was thinking, that why he said that... Ben went back and brought the food to the table. David brought the other things . They both sat for eating, Ben asked "so, .. what is it this time?" .. David sighed and asked "Do you believe in souls, life after death... or being possessed 👻👻?? "... Ben coughed the food out🤪🤮 , "David did you just say possessed!! ghost 👻👻... a... soul !!... What is with you? Are you fine ? Are you dipressed?" he said shockingly. David looked at him seriously "Do I look like depressed to you Ben? ..., I just want to ask , I read an article recently, it was written in it that 'a girl, who did many things that she never did before and told many words she never heard before' do you think it's possible? " he asked.. Ben thought for some time and said "These kind of things may happen but those are just psychological disorders that are rare. But what makes you ask this?"... David silently started eating his food , Ben clearly understood that he won't get his answer from him, so he took out a bottle of wine and poured in a pair of glasses, and offered to David. David took the glass and drank it , Ben filled the glass again ... he made him drink five glasses of wine . David was a little out of mind so he couldn't see through Ben's trick. When David was almost drunk, Ben started asking, " So, what made you this tensed David ... what are you worried about?", David sat silently for a while and then start talking "I am confused .... how could someone act like someone else or being possessed ? why do I keep thinking about her ? why did she resembles her so much that I can't forget her? why ?? " he slept saying this. Ben rushed to wake him up ,as he was even more confused by his words now. But David was completely drunk , Ben thought ' I think I did that a little more, uhh .. wait ... about whom was he talking ....? ' ,He tried to ask David again "David who reminds you of her .. David ... Who is possessed.... hey" but David was asleep. Ben got up to get a blanket, David started murmuring, Ben came near and asked again " Who is that David ? Who is possessed?",... David murmured softly and said only one word " Eva " , that made Ben aghast 🤪🤯. He tried to wake him up again but couldn't, he started thinking 🤔 ' What 'Eva'? why he said Eva ? is he interested in her?... no that can't be .. he can't do this to me... then what..is Eva possessed 👻🤪🤯.' Ben keep thinking about What David said ... and couldn't sleep a blink..😢😢🤔🤔🙄🙄. David slept soundly 😴😴💤 and Ben spent whole night thinking about that. .....

The next day morning Eva and Lara went to the spa that Steve arranged. They both relaxed and were having fun... it was soo good that Eva and Lara were so happy . Eva completely forgot about her tensions, problems. Steve called her , Eva lifted the phone and said" Hey bro.... thanks 😊 for this l love it ..", Steve relaxed a bit and said "thank god ... you are fine now... so you are not angry anymore.. you won't ask me who I am now.. .??". Eva started laughing, and said," no Steve I won't" ,Steve was about to ask her about the photo, but someone in the office came to him and he hung up the phone saying "bye I'll talk to you later". Eva got busy relaxing her self .

Ben couldn't sleep for whole night, he sat beside the sofa staring at David. When David opened his eyes, he was frightened to see Ben staring at him. He asked " what's wrong ,Ben ,why are you staring at me like that" , Ben annoyingly looked at him and said "it's all because of you... I can't sleep all night 😭😭😓" ,David asked," wait did I told you any ghost stories ..Ben , but ... why am l here ? Did you make me drunk again Ben?". Ben silently got up and said "just freshen up and leave, I am going to sleep now". and went into the bedroom and slept on his bed...

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