
Welcome to Sorcery Academy

They flew into the sky, passing by clouds and forest beneath them. Kia was amazed by what she was experiencing that moment, it was far better than an airplane she thought to herself. The rider was quiet throughout the ride, only tilting her head at times to see her direction. Kia became curious about him and wanted to ask some questions but was afraid to receive a harsh reply, Kia suddenly became suspicious after receiving an unexpected ride from this person, that means some people must be expecting her especially the argument within the stone people and the descendant thing?! then she became highly suspicious.

"Who are you and where are you taking me?"

"My name is Ariya and I taking you to Sorcery Academy."

"Wait? what!! you're a girl?"

The rider turned her head to Kia and frowned at her. Kia gave her a childish meek smile and the rider turned her face to the view ahead.

"Yes, I am"

"But what this Sorcery Academy and why are you taking me there?"

"Sorcery Academy is a place where Sorcery is learnt and explored and I'm taking you there because I was ordered to"

"But you haven't t told me the exact reason I'm here or been taken to this 'school'"

"Isn't this reason enough for you or you just like talking to much?"

Kia was taken aback, this girl is rude!.

"I was just asking a question you know!"

"Well don't, why? because some people just don't like talking" Ariya answered sarcastically

"Like you for instance!" Kia spat at her.

Kia could sense that Ariya wanted to say something back at her but instead she kept her mouth shut, it's was for the best at least. Kia herself didn't want to talk at all, but worry couldn't leave her alone, the strangeness of the premises made her fear and with Ariya not telling her anything, it became a frightening experience.

They flew through mist and three mountains, and then passed to through an invisible wall, Kia could fell the shock of it in her bones and then came the most beautiful view ever. A big castle, very mighty castle on a mountain cliff by the ocean, there were waterfalls falling from the sides of the mountains, it has many towers, with a large open area covering the ground, there were two other mountains extremely close to the castle and there were continuations of the other castle on those mountains. The view was a magnificent sight, Kia wished she was with her phone so that she could take a picture from up here, the rider flew faster towards the castle, Kia though they would be landing on the open grounds but instead, the rider threw her off her bird, Kia fell with her butt on the hard floor and the rider flew off.

"OUCH!!!" she yelled as she shifted and felt pain in her butt, pains were all over her body "No need to be that rude!!", she yelled into the sky, she stood up and dusted herself and looked around, the place was empty, confused at the place she decided to take a look around the place.

Kia walked towards her frontal view which consisted of many pillars and a very long hallway, she walked into the hallway and looked at the architectural structure of it castle. The walls and floors were marbled and the ceilings were decorated with paintings, Kia was marvelled by the sight of it. She continued to walk towards the darkness in the hallway and came between two paths in the hallway, she decided to follow her right and continued to walk the path.

Kia then came across a staircase lead downwards, she decided to go down there so she walked and walked, her already aching feet ached her the more and she got tired, as she walked towards the pitch darkness, she missed her footing and fell down the stairs rolling towards the door in front of her, Kia felt a liquid tickling down her forehead and touched it, she discovered that it was blood, she stood up, discovering that she has broken her leg and wrist, she got up from the floor, grunting in pain in the process and tried to open the door, luckily the door opened into an office, Kia was marvelled by what she was seeing, so she stepped into the office, the back of the door was a shelf of books like in a library, there was a heath in the room with fire in it, the office looked ancient but had a touch of modernization in it like the laptop and microphone on the table, Kia began to explore the the office and came across a picture on the wall, she went closer to it and saw a lady in it. It looked like a graduation ceremony and the short lady in the middle reminded her of someone, with her long brunette hair and emerald green eyes, she studied it for a while but still she couldn't remember who so she turned to leave the office true the right exit and saw the panther woman standing there, her eyes widened and she panicked, the woman smiled at her and came forward towards Kia.

"I didn't expect you to come so soon" she said as she walked to her seat with elegance and sat down. She looked at Kia and continued.

"I'm Helen, your guide and mentor in this world, do you know why your here?"

'Nope', Kia answered but I'm her mind

"Alright then, since you don't know I'll tell you but not now" she said as she looked at Kia up and down, Kia felt so small under her gaze and wanted to leave the room but she didn't have the courage to do so.

"Why don't you tell me now since you say that your a friend of my grandma" Kia spoke after a few moments of silence.

"Of course I'll tell you, it's my duty to but not right now, you look tired and hungry and you need rest, so what I'll do now is to take you to the guest quarters so that you rest" Helen said as she stood up and walked towards Kia.

Taking her hand, she said 'impiri teleporto' and they vanished from the office.

So guys I know it's been really long I updated but it's not my fault, my phone got damaged and now I'm using my mom's phone which is hard to get, anyway, I'm no longer in the competition, cause I know I'm not going to win but still I'd like you guys to share and comment on the book, it help. My other book is still on though and we'll writing is fun, just like I said it's not my fault, I would have been in chapter ten by now. The book has no editing so pls correct my anywhere there's a mistake.

Chioma_Emmanuel_63creators' thoughts
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