
Chapter 199 - The Tunnels(Part 1)

Well, today's the day...it's the 18th of Martius, 2020, around 1 PM in the afternoon, and we were currently about to embark on the mission to eliminate the source of the Monsters that have been appearing here in the Haven. 

In the end, the Elders decided that they themselves should shoulder the greatest proportion of of this problem, leaving out almost all of the other Demi-Humans. Of course, my friends and I will be helping too. 

Besides the four of us, the Elders who are going to be a part of this include Oberr the Light Elf Elder, Arofri the Dark Elf Elder, Tania the Fairy Elder, Conda the Lizardman Elder, Howll the Werewolf Elder and Sinia the Felinian Elder. 

Two others are included too, Iefyr, the Light Elf we first met when we came here, and another Felinian, named Amber. The pattern on her cat ears and tail, as well as her hair, resembled that of a cheetah, she's apparently one of the strongest individuals in the Haven after the Elders themselves. 

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