

Merek walked towards Anne, then stopped a close distance from her. Anne, who was watching him with a stunned expression pinched her arm with all her might to make sure she was not dreaming. She grimaced and gave a cry of pain,


Merek looked at her in slight concern, "Are you all right?" He asked.

Anne quickly waved her hands, "Huh, oh yes, I'm absolutely fine." She said awkwardly, only then did she belatedly realize what she had done, she must look like a crazy woman hurting herself out of nowhere. The important moment could have been ruined because of her foolishness.

But she couldn't really help it. This didn't seem real_Merek standing in her kitchen...it seemed like one of her fantasies that would blow away like dust before her. Hence, she was forced to confirm if it was real by pinching her arm earlier. The problem was that once she had done so, she wanted nothing more than to disappear into the ground in embarrassment.

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