
Spreading rumors


Ara clenched her fist tightly to control her rising anger. He'd bedded her?? She'd really deal with whoever the man was later!

The rumor was vicious and terrible than she had expected. Soon this would become a full blown scandal, and the rumors had even said Hamon was another victim of her seduction. The rumor would be difficult to handle with the fake witnesses Claire had gathered. Furthermore, if the king knew about such things, he wouldn't allow her marriage with the crown Prince.

_ This isn't right, I have to do something to stop the rumors from spreading further!_

If she wanted to prove that she'd been meeting with the crown Prince, nobody would believe it, they would see her as a liar. Since Claire had brought fake witnesses to back up her claim. Moreover, she wouldn't want to implicate Hamon in all this mess. She'd have to resolve this in a way that's not related to Hamon.

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