
Arch Demons

Standing in front of the door was a pale looking middle aged man. He had a long white hair which was parked in a neat pony tail hair style. He also wore glasses, and held a black walking stick.

"Carl, what an unexpected visit and it seems you brought with you a rather interesting fellow. Sorry, where're my manners, please do come in."

The man said in a calm voice. Inside the antique shop, had a more business and fancy like atmosphere than the outside. There were different precious, old and super expensive items and furniture, which were all neatly arranged in the shop.

"So tell me. To what do I owe this visit?"

The man asked Carl while staring at Kelvin deeply. Carl noticed this and gave a quick introduction.

"Kelvin this is George Harrison. He is a retired demon hunter and also a close friend of my late father. And George I'm sure you've noticed this, but my friend here has a complicated situation. He has a demon residing within him, but he still has his human consciousness. He just went through an awakening and somehow, killed all the demon hunters sent to his house to capture him, including his parents. So please George we are in desperate need of your help. We just need a place for him to lay low for a while until all this blows over."

After thinking for a while George sighed and looked Carl in the eye and said,

"I'm afraid this is not as easy as you think. Follow me."

He led both of them to a door that was positioned at the right hand side of the counter and also lead to a room within the shop. Entering the room, they saw it was neatly arranged; a book shelf with a reasonable amount of books was rested at the wall besides to the door; and sitting in the middle of the room was a table, with a porcelain kettle and a few tea cups on top of it. And surrounding the table were a set of chairs.

"Sit" George said making a gesture towards the chairs.

"Do you know why the demon hunter came to your place?"

He suddenly asked in a serious tone.

"It's my fault. I told Cassian about Kelvin's situation and he decided to capture him." Carl said.

"You're wrong. That is not the reason."

"Then why did they suddenly show up and try to kidnap me?" Kelvin asked.

"Carl, due to your low rank in the organization, I doubt you will know about this so let me explain." George said.

"The demons I'm about to talk about, though they've been forgotten throughout history, we demon hunters have been taught to remember them. Their names have been passed down from generation to generation of demon hunters. We call these demons the arch demons."

George paused expecting so kind of question, but when he received none, he continued.

"To understand what I'm about to say, you have to know the history of the first demon hunters. So I'm going to start at the very beginning."

George poured tea from the kettle into the tea cup and sipped a little before he continued,

"It is impossible to tell the first appearance of demons, because demons are as old as history it's self. At the time, the world was brewing in chaos, violence and destruction, which was all caused by the appearance of a single demon. This said demon considered a god to all demons, and with his words alone, nation after nation would fall. This demons name was Asmodeus. The frightening thing is the fact that he never showed the extent of his powers. He didn't have to lift a finger and that was because of the arch demons."

"I don't see how any of this is related to the demon hunters trying to kidnap me." Kelvin said.

Ignoring him George continued.

"The arch demons are seven of the highest ranking demons. They were the strongest demons in existence and they only listened to the command of their god, Asmodeus. The arch demons were named according to the power they possess. The first arch demon, which has the power to manipulate darkness, was called the arch demon of darkness. The second was called the arch demon of nightmares. The third, which had the ability to create living and powerful puppets, was called the arch demon of puppetry. The forth, called the arch demon of fear. The fifth one was called the arch demon of gluttony. The sixth, called the arch demon of lust. And finally the seventh, called the arch demon of blood. The arch demon of blood, is the demon, which is currently residing inside you." George said pointing at Kelvin.

"Wait I thought a demon has to posses a human and go through an awakening before they can use any kind of power?" Carl asked.

"You are correct, but arch demons are an exception to this rule. Arch demons don't need to posses a human before they can use their abilities; even if they do become posses a human, they always awaken the same abilities. This means that they came into this world with powers of their own." George explained.

"When the word was in the brink of destruction and everyone had lost all will to fight, there came a ray of hope; a light at the end of the tunnel. And humanities last chance of survival. Those pillars of hope were the first demon hunters. They were priests; five in number to be exact. They introduced special abilities called divine powers which they only trained to warriors they deemed worthy. These warriors trained, fought and killed demons. And for sometime it seemed like humanity had stood its ground against the demons. But no matter how hard they tried they couldn't kill the arch demons, much less touch Asmodeus. So in order to stop the bloodshed, and put a stop to the brutality of the demons, the first demon hunters decided to imprison both Asmodeus and the arch demons in a suppression tomb, using a holy chant called the divine retribution. They were able to trick Asmodeus and his arch demons to a specific location and with the first demon hunters surrounding them they began the holy chant. Now divine retribution, though it's a very powerful divine power, comes with a heavy price. It drains the life force of the user. In the end they succeed in the imprisonment of the demons, but it also cost them their life."

"Again, I don't see how this history lesson is related to my current situation." Kelvin said.

George took another sip of tea before he looked at Kelvin and said,

"It seems you don't get it. Let me point it out to you; after a span of a thousand years, the suppression tombs used to imprison Asmodeus and the arch demons is getting weak. And so far two arch demons have been able to escape; including the blood arch demon. The demon hunting organization is on high alert and is doing everything they can to capture the arch demons that were able to break free. You see, the demon hunters have a detailed record of all the demonic markings of the seven arch demons, thereby making it easier to find the arch demons in case something like this is to happen."

"What's a demonic marking?" Kelvin asked.

"A demonic marking is a symbol demons place on the body of the host they possess. Think of it like putting up a sign to tell other demons that the body is occupied." Carl explained.

"Yes. The scar on your left eye is the demonic marking of the arch demon of blood."

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