

It was already Christmas, and everyone was converging on the Burrow for Christmas dinner. Ara was happy to be joining everyone again this year, and Scorpius was, of course, excited to be back at the Burrow to have some of Mrs. Weasley's food. 

"Mrs. Weasley!" Scorpius smiled at her as he burst through the door. She didn't think that anyone loved her food more than the oldest Malfoy boy. 

"Scorpius, come on over here," She smiled at him, and he waltzed into her kitchen. 


"You love my food so much, darling; I thought this year you could help me some," 

"Really?" Scorpius came closer to the counter and listened to the instructions carefully, and began his task quickly. Hermione laughed as she sat down in one of the chairs near the kitchen. She had always been apart of this family. Ever since she was little. With the law, though, she didn't know if she would continue to be. It was silly, of course, to think she wouldn't be. She loved it at the Burrow, and her oldest son shared the same love for it. It was a sight watching Scorpius cooking with Molly Weasley.

"Scorp, don't mess anything up. I am really looking forward to supper," Ara laughed from the living room. Her comment earned a glare from her brother, but she just laughed it off. 

"How do you think he is going to do?" Hyperion sat next to his sister. 

"Great, he cooks well enough at our house, and now with the guidance of Mrs. Wealsey, he might be really great at it," Ara helped her younger brother up onto her lap, and soon their three younger siblings covered Hyperion and Ara's laps. 

"Daddy!" Carina hopped off her sister's lap, though, when her father entered the Burrow. 

"Hello love," He scooped her up in his arms and hugged her before hugging Hermione and the rest of their children. 

"Well, this is new," He smiled, nodding toward Scorpius.

"It's great," Hermione sighed. She loved all love coming from the house. 

"Hello Draco," Mrs. Wealsey hugged Draco, and he hugged her back. It was like she was hugging all of the pain that he was carrying around away. She had that ability, and he was grateful for it. 

"Ara," James had just entered the Burrow, ring in his pocket. He had been antsy all day, and his parents were confused as to why. When he jogged over to her and pulled her into a hug, they figured it was just because they hadn't seen one another in a couple of days. They had no idea what was to come later in the evening. 

"Mother," Ginny gave her mother a hug and then her father. Ever since Cissy had died, the Weasley children spent more and more time at the Burrow with their parents. They didn't want to lose any time they had left with them. It was a reality check. Cissy was young and seemingly healthy.

"When is everyone else arriving?" Mrs. Weasley looked around at the lack of people in her house. 

"Not sure mother, I am sure they are going to be here soon. The boys wouldn't want to miss supper," Ginny laughed and then pulled Hermione into a hug. "How is Draco holding up?"

"This morning was hard for him, but he kept saying under his breath that she was sitting on her favorite bench in Paris with a young uncorrupted Lucius, and that apparently is bringing him some peace. 

"So mate," Hyperion was whispering to James as quietly as he could, "Are you doing it tonight?"

James just nodded, patting the pocket of his jacket. He didn't care how hot it would get in here with everyone. He wasn't going to lose the ring. 

"He's only been acting completely mad all day," Lily whispered at both boys. 

"I'm nervous alright," James sighed and looked around, trying to find where Ara had gone too. He figured after dinner was a good plan. Though if his cousins never showed up, he didn't know what he was going to do. This was his present to Ara, after all. He promised her, and he wasn't going to break that promise. 

"Sorry that I am so late, Mother, I was held up at work," Charlie had come in, followed closely by Percy, his wife, Audrey, and their daughter Molly. Bill, Fleur, Victori, and Teddy arrived with them as well.

"Hello dears, dinner is almost ready. Why don't you find a place to sit while we wait for everyone else." Molly wasn't starting dinner without her sons. Absolutely not. Soon after, Ron, Romilda, and their three children came in. Ron looked aggravated, and Romilda looked just the same. 

"Sorry, mother, Milly, and Margret were having some issues on what to wear." Hermione giggled at this, and Ginny joined in as well. They were matching exactly, and both women guessed that that was the issue. 

"Grandma, I had this on first," Milly stuck her tongue out at her sister. 

"Well, you both look amazing, so why don't you sit down." Molly was just glad they were here. She didn't care if they had pajamas on or a ball gown. 

"So that means we are waiting on George?" Arthur looked around the room to see if that was, in fact, all that was missing. 

"Seems like it," Ginny walked over to the clock that hung on her mother's wall. As she watched it to make sure it didn't say mortal danger, it changed to Home. "He's here," Ginny smiled as it changed. 

"Uncle Georgie!" Lily lept into his arms.

"Hello Lils," George kissed her cheek and then sat her down to hug his parents. 

"Quickly, everyone sits down; dinner is ready." Molly started levitating everything to the enlarged table. 

James and Ara talked to one another quietly. James was getting more and more nervous by the minute, and it didn't help that her brothers and Lily kept eyeing him. Ginny noticed the looks that they were all shooting at her son and wondered what was going on. Ara thought was oblivious to it was just happy to be back at the Burrow. 

"This is wonderful, Mrs. Weasley," She smiled at the older women, and a pang in her heart made her smile falter. She missed her own grandmother so much and wished she could be here to cherish this moment with them. 

"Now, before we all open gifts, I have made plenty of desserts, so everyone should have some." Molly waved her wand, and soon cakes, pies, and other desserts flew over the table and positioned themselves down in front of everyone. 

"This is amazing, Mother," Percy said from the other side of the table.

"Thank you, dear," She smiled at the scene before her and took a long breath. There was only one thing that could make it even better. But it had been almost 21 years since Fred had died. 

James watched as different people had different conversations. His parents laughed with his grandmother, and his aunts and uncles rejoiced in another Christmas. He wondered how shocked everyone was going to be when he stood up and started talking. It certainly wasn't like him, and he didn't think he could be any more nervous. But he knew it in his heart that he was ready to spend the rest of his life with Ara, and he couldn't wait to ask her. 

He stood up, palms sweating, "Um..." He tried to calm himself down, but everyone had looked at him. Many had skeptical faces, "I just wanted to say a couple of things, and I figured right now was a good a time as any," Scorpius, Hyperion, and Lily had giant grins on their faces. He was happy to know that at least they were excited about this, "First I just wanted to tell Grandma how perfect everything was, and how happy I am to spend Christmas with her and everyone else. I love you guys a lot, and I wanted today to be filled with love and our family," He was rambling and had no idea what to do next, but when he looked in her eyes, it was like the rest of the world melted away. She was looking at him intently and with a small smile spreading across her face. Her eyes sparkled in the light, and he didn't know if she had ever been this beautiful, with her maroon sweater with a giant knitted A across it, "Ara, you are the most incredible person I have ever met, and you make me so incredibly happy. I know it is unexpected, but I made you a promise, and I never want to break one I make to you," He kneeled, and his mother made an audible gasp. Hermione had a stunned look on her face. Molly started to cry, and Draco didn't even know how to react, "Ara Jean Malfoy would you do me the honor of becoming my wife," He ignored the shocked expressions and gasps from his family. All he could see were the tears forming in her eyes. The smile was spreading across her face. 

She pulled him into her and kissed him hard. This was the most amazing Christmas she had ever had. "Yes!" She said when they were released from one another. He kissed her again and pulled her into another hug. It was only then that they looked around and saw the faces of everyone else. Ginny and Hermione had started crying. They saw this coming, just not so soon. How were their babies going to get married? 

"James," Harry was the first to speak. What was he even supposed to say?

"Dad, I know we are young, but we both want this. We've talked about it." James pulled Ara in close. They both knew nothing was going to break them apart. They were better together. Harry sighed. His son was so stubborn. He got that from Ginny, and he couldn't help but smile. He pulled them both into a hug and held them close. Who knew this would heal the last ache in his heart from the war. They had made it. 

"Ara," It was Hermione's turn to speak. She was stroking Draco's hand. He was in complete shock. Draco didn't dare speak. He was afraid only tears would come out. That is his baby girl. She is going to be married. His mother should be here to see it. 

"Mother," Ara just smiled at everyone. Everything James had said to Harry was the truth. They had talked about it, and they both wanted to be married. She had told him so at that party. 

Hermione looked at the young couple that stood in front of her. Like Harry, she couldn't help and motion for them to come over to her. She and Draco pulled them into a bone-crushing hug. She couldn't be upset with them finding love and happiness. She just couldn't. Watching all parents approve, everyone else's faces turned into smiles, and they started offering up congratulation. 

"Your grandmother would be so proud," Draco kissed the top of his daughter's head. His mother loved James, and he knew that she would have loved bringing him into the family. 

"Finally, a sister!" Lily hugged her brother and then Ara. Ara felt so loved. She knew she was part of the family before, but now it was going to be official. 

"We now outnumber the girls, nice going James!" Hyperion slapped his friend on the back while his brother shook his hand. 

"Does this mean that there is going to be a wedding, sissy?" Carina had a huge smile on her face. 

"Yes, Carina,"

"I've always wanted to go to a wedding," The young girl twirled around the room, and Ara laughed. 

"Welcome to the family darling," Molly pulled Ara into a hug, and Arthur shook James's hand. 


"Thank you, Grandpa," 

"To James and Ara!" Teddy raised his glass and winked at James. James smiled at his brother. He was so happy that everyone was so supportive. This could have gone a totally different way, but they were in love, and he knew that everyone saw that. 

"James and Ara," Everyone repeated. 

James kissed Ara's cheek. 

"I love you, James," 

"I love you, Ara," 

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