
Dress Shopping

It was finally time to go dress shopping, and the girls were excited to find something to wear to the ball. It had been a long time since any of them had bought new dresses to wear. It was exciting. They were all going as a group to Hogsmeade this weekend together. It was Mary, Ara, Milly, Margret, and Lily. The five of them could barely hold the excitement in as they entered the store. 

"Welcome, girls." An older lady smiled at the group. They were recognizable anywhere. Between Lily, Margret, and Milly, the red hair gave it away that they were a Weasley. Lily, of course, was a Potter, but she had her mother's hair and eyes. Ara looked just like Draco; Mary was the only one that didn't really have the looks to give it away who her parents were, which she loved. "If there is anything I can help you with, just let me know."

"Ara, look at this!" Mary was holding up a silver gown with flowers all over it. It was beautiful. Ara had to have it. "You have to wear this, at least try it on." The other girls nodded in agreement, and Ara smiled at her best friend. It was an amazing dress. 

"Don't you want to try it on? You are the one that found it."

"No, I want a gold dress. Plus, this is perfect for you. No one else could wear that better than you." 

"She's right, Ara." Margret smiled in agreement. 

"James will die," Lily said with a huge smile on her face. 

Ara smiled at the girls and tried it on. It was perfect, she thought. She was so particular about dresses; not having even to look was amazing. The last time they did this, she was the last one to find something. What a nice change of pace, she thought. 

"It's perfect." Mary declared as Ara stepped out of the dressing room.

"I have to agree," Milly was jealous; Ara could make anything look more beautiful than it was already. 

"It's see-through at the top," Ara was unsure of the top part of the dress.

"It's sheer. You can pull it off perfectly." Mary wasn't going to let her best friend leave without the dress. It was made for her. 

Ara looked in the mirror. She imagined James standing next to her, the goofy grin on his face, and she smiled. Mary was going to get her way. It was a perfect gown. 

"Alright, you all win. I love it." Ara smiled at the girls. They clapped gleefully. 

"Who's next?" Ara looked around. No one else had picked anything out. 

"Well, we should all go look probably." Lily smiled, and the four girls that were left went through the racks. Ara changed back into her clothes and paid for her dress before helping the girls find something. 

"You know there is a whole row of gold dresses back here, Mary," Lily yelled from the other section of the store. Mary went to where she was and started going through the dresses. She pulled out a dress with beading on the top and spaghetti straps. Ara was happy that hers was sheer in the middle too. If they both got sheer dresses, maybe their dads wouldn't be so upset.

"It's perfect," Mary said, coming out of the dressing room. "I don't think I am going to have to try anything else on. 

"Now we both have sheer," Ara said happily. 

"That's true," Mary laughed. The girls hadn't spent much time together since the beginning of the year, and they were both happy to be spending quality time together. 

"You are going to have to stay the night before the ball. We can get ready together like we used to. I miss it." Ara smiled at her friend. 

"And they after we can all stay over, and watch movies and have popcorn," Mary smiled. 

"The boys could stay with my brother's and the girls could stay with us. It would be amazing." Ara hopped up and down. She loved that idea; she was going to have to owl her mother about it. 

"Guys, I think I found some." Milly came back with approximately 20 gowns that were floating behind her. Ara giggled to herself. They were going to be here a while if she wanted to try all of those on. 

"Milly's father wouldn't allow you to wear half of those dresses, plus most of those are not appropriate for a ball." Margret frowned at her sister. Milly got rid of the ones her sister disapproved of, and she went into the fitting room with around 10 dresses. Ara thought that was still a lot, but at least it was more manageable. 

She came out first in a red dress that no one liked. "It looked better on the hanger," Milly said after frowning in the mirror. Then she came out in 3 black dresses in a row. All three, everyone agreed, were too old for her. A purple dress that Margret had told her clashed too much with her hair. She was on dress 6 and getting upset. It was a green silk dress with spaghetti straps and a slit up the side. It was simple yet beautiful on her. 

"Amazing," Margret declared for the group. 

"I agree," Ara smiled at her friend. 

"I love it," Milly smiled and spun around in it. It was beautiful on her. 

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