
A Compartment for Two

It was time to go back to Hogwarts and begin a new term. James was still confused about everything he had been thinking about, and everyone else was just excited to finally be going back. They found a large compartment so that all 14 of them would fit in it. They all held conversations with one another and traded candy when the trolley went by. It was nice for a while. The only two that didn't take part in any of the conversations were Ara and James. They both sat across from one another and looked at one another. James desperately wanted to have the conversation right then. He wanted to kiss her and tell her he would always love her, no matter what. He just needed to tell her. 

"James," He was pulled from his own thoughts and looked at her, a soft smile appearing on his lips as he did so. 

"Yes, Ara?" 

"Can we go somewhere private to talk?" Ara couldn't wait a moment longer; she needed to tell him that she was sorry. She had already, but she needed to tell him again. For herself, she needed to move on if he was going to move on as well. She needed to know that he was okay so that she could be okay.

"Yes," James stood up, and they both got some curious eyes from their friends, but they didn't take much notice. They only focused ahead. Trying to find a compartment that the two of them could talk in. Alone.

"Here," Ara pulled open the door, and both walked inside. When they sat down, James was going to tell her everything, but he didn't get the chance.

"James, I know you told me everything is alright, but I need you to know again how sorry I am for everything. I messed up so much, and I hurt you terribly, and it haunts me every day. I need you to know that I'm sorry. I am just glad to be your friend again, that I hope you're happy with everything you do. I just..." She was rambling on, but she couldn't finish her thoughts. James Potter was kissing her, and she melted into the kiss when she realized what was going on. He pulled her in closer, and she smiled under his lips. He had never been happier than that moment. She was clinging to his waist, and he was holding her tight. He had forgiven her that very first night in the hospital, and how could she not know.

They both let go and tried to catch their breath. Ara stood there, face blushing widely. James had a giant grin on his face, and he grabbed her hands softly. 

"Ara, I don't ever want to hear you apologize for that ever again. It's in our past, and we can both move on from it now. I love you." James paused. He didn't imagine it like this. He imagined it quite a bit differently, actually, but he couldn't help but smile when he saw Ara's face light up at the statement. 

"James," She didn't know what to say. Her heart was beating so fast; she could barely remember what she had been saying before. She felt the hotness of his lips on hers, and she wished that she could kiss him again. 

"Ara, I have always loved you; I am sorry I never told you before. I will always love you, and I promise to tell you every day." 

"James, I love you." Ara hugged him tight and buried her face in his chest. She was so incredibly happy. 

He lifted her chin off of his body, stroked her cheek with his thumb, and kissed her again. They were both whole again. With one another, they could accomplish anything. Everything in the past was petty and didn't matter. She needed to realize that, and he would never mention it again. It was behind him, and now it was behind her. Together they could only go forward. 

When they finished kissing, they sat together in silence for a bit longer before either spoke, "Ara, would you like to be my girlfriend?" 

"Yes," Ara kissed him on the cheek, and he kissed her forehead. This year was already shaping up to be better than the last one. 

It had been almost an hour since they had left, and both figured it was time to go back to the other part of the train to keep their friends from coming to look for them. That wouldn't be necessary; they both thought. 

"Do you think everything is going alright? Should we have sent someone with them?" Scorpius was freaking out the most. Hyperion had a great feeling about all of it, and everyone else besides Lily seemed far less interested. 

"We shouldn't have sent someone with them because they are old enough to speak alone, Scorp. I'm sure it's fine." Hyperion was trying not to slap his brother. He had been going on like this for a least a half-hour, and he couldn't stand it any longer. 

"Scorpius, I am sure everything is going to be fine. See, look here they come." Lily smiled, being the first one to see that they were holding hands again. She had been opposed to them getting back together, but after James told her about his talk with mother, she was coming around to the idea, and she was glad that James would be happy again. 

"Oh, thank god." Scorpius quickly took his seat and tried to come down. Hyperion was already upset with him, and he didn't want Ara to be upset with him as well for worrying so much. 

The couple sat down next to one another, and Ara thanked Lily with her eyes for taking the spot that she had been occupying before they left to speak. Lily winked at her brother and then went back to talking with Margret and Milly. 

"So," Mary was eyeing the couple and wanting answers. Obviously, the fact that they were holding hands was a dead give away, but she still wanted to hear them say it aloud.

"So what?" James looked at Mary, and she frowned at him. He knew exactly what. Ara giggled and whispered something in her best friend's ear. Mary's face changed into a smile, and she sat down triumphantly, having gotten the answer she wanted. 

"What?" Ara was now looking at her brothers. Was she going to have to do this with everyone?

"Nothing," Hyperion just smiled at his sister and figured he and James would talk about it later. There wasn't much to talk about, he thought. They had clearly gotten back together and worked everything out, which was fine by him since that is what his sister had wanted from the beginning. 

"Scorpius, why are you staring at me?" Ara did not like it one bit. 

"Are you going to tell all of us what happened?" 

"No," James answered for both of them. Why did they have to? How was it not obvious?

"Ara," Scorpius looked at her. 

"You are so thick," Margret sighed before Milly picked up where she left off.

"They are dating again. It's so obvious." 

"Well, no, I got that thank you," Scorpius wanted to know-how. 

"We've worked it out, Scorp," Ara said, leaning into James and closing her eyes. She missed the way he held her and how he smelled. She didn't want to leave his side. 

Scorpius shrugged and gave up. No one else cared enough to ask what had happened when they left the compartment. It wouldn't have been a good story anyway. What had happened was bound to happen. They were perfect for one another. It had always been so, and it would always be so. It just took a minor bump in the road for them both to realize it. But now that they had, they weren't going to take one another for granted. They would love eachother and cherish eachother for as long as time allowed. It was inevitable that Ara Malfoy and James Potter ended up together. Since the day they were born. 

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