

"Ara?" James could barely find his voice. It was like someone was sucking all the air out of him. 

"James, they always go around you. They don't care about me. You clearly don't care what it does to me. I'm angry, and I don't want to discuss it right now."

"How can you say I don't care about how it makes you feel. As soon as you left the hall, I came out here to find you to make sure you were alright. I care about you more than anyone else." James had never really raised his voice at her, and they were both shocked when it happened. It only made things worse, though.

Ara didn't care at the moment about the aftermath of any of this. She was just angry and confused, and she didn't want James to care. She figured it would just make everything easier if he didn't.

"I don't want you to care about me, James. I don't care about you right now. You are making me so angry." Tears were rolling down her face, and she ripped the locket he gotten for her at Christmas off. She didn't want it by her heart. His heart was broken right now, and she didn't understand why. 

James picked the locket up off the stone floor and frowned at the girl in front of him. He was angry now too. Why was she doing this? He loved her. He didn't want anyone else, just her. 

"Fine." He got up and started to walk away. Maybe they could talk about this in the morning. 

"That's what I thought." Ara had gotten up and was yelling down the hall. "I knew you wanted all of those girls as friends over me." Ara's hands were turning white. They were clenched so tightly into fists. 

"What are you talking about?" James was walking back toward her. 

"You can have them. You can have all of them." Ara kept yelling at him. He was standing right in front of her, now taking everything in. Was this really happening?"

"Ara," James didn't know if he would be able to stay standing if she said what he taught she was going to say.

"We are over!" Ara threw herself at the ground and started crying even more. It felt good to say it, but as soon as it came out, it felt like someone had been beating her for hours. She couldn't even look up.

James just stood there with a blank expression on his face. Tears going down his face at a rapid pace; what the bloody hell was going on. They were perfect for one another. 

"Fine, if that's what you want, Ara, then we can be over. Just know that you just broke my heart, and it will never be over for me. I don't want anyone but you." He walked away and went straight to the Gryffindor tower. He needed to be alone before he completely broke down. 

A couple of minutes passed, and Ara heard some footsteps. She hadn't calmed down and figured whoever found her was in for a really bad time. 

"Ara?" It was Scorpius's voice.

"Scorp?" Ara stood up and ran over to her brother, throwing herself into his arms. She started crying harder than before into his shoulder.

"Well, well, I guess this means that Potter is ours' girls." A girl that had been sitting near James was looking at the two Malfoy children with a smirk on her face. Several other girls had the same look. 

"Go to hell!" Ara yelled at them. Scorpius just shot them a glare before picking up his sister and walked her to their common room.

"What happened?"

"We broke up." Ara didn't care that that was not the whole truth. She wanted Scorpius to be on her side and not his best mates. Regardless Scorpius probably would be on her side, but she wasn't thinking clearly. 

"How did you break up?"

'I just got so angry I threw my locket to the ground." Ara stopped at this point in the story. Her locket. What if someone found it. She needed it back. "Scorpius, you have to find my locket."

"Ara, if you wanted it so badly, you shouldn't have thrown it on the ground." Scorpius knew that it was the wrong thing to say as soon as he said it, but it was too late now.

"I wasn't really thinking clearly now, was I?" Ara started to cry again, "I broke up with the one person that understands everything about me."

Scorpius pauses, realizing that his sister had been the one to break things off. This was going to prove difficult. He wondered if this was going to make cracks in the friend group. Naturally, he and Hyperion would probably now spend more time with their sister. Mary would never desert her best friend. But Lily, Albus, Molly, Fred, Hugo, Margret, Milly were all related to James. That would leave Lucus, Lysander, and Lorcan to either choose sides or take neither side. 

Hyperion had seen Scorpius pick up his crying sister and take her to the Slytherin common room. He presumed that he had that under control, so he marched his way up to his own common room and tried to find James. 

"James Potter, why the hell is my sister crying in a puddle of her own tears in the middle of a corridor?" Hyperion was angrier than most people had ever seen him, but James just looked at him with his own tear-stained face and stared. 

"She broke up with me." He finally said. 

Hyperion was caught off guard by the answer, and his friend was so upset about everything. He looked at James as he clung to the locket that he was used to seeing hang from Ara's neck. 

"Mate," Hyperion had calmed down quickly and was talking low.

"She threw this on the ground. She told me I didn't care about her. They told me I should be with all those girls. I don't want that. I want her." James stood up in anger and walked to his room. He was angry now. How could she throw away everything they had. 

"Please, Scorpius, let me go see him!" Ara was fighting with her brother about going to the Gryffindor tower. 

"Ara, you need to calm down. You don't want to say something you'll regret."

"I already regret all of this," Ara sunk to the floor again and started crying. Scorpius really didn't know what else to do, but he didn't think that going up there to see him was a good idea.

"Hyperion, I should just go down there, break down the wall to get into the common room, and tell her everything so that she knows that I love her."

"Mate, just because you love her doesn't mean you should do that. You need to give her space to figure out why she was so upset in the first place. She needs time."

James laid back down in bed. Scorpius helped Ara off the floor and into her bed. They were both torn apart, both heartbroken and wanting the other. But worst of all, they were both stubborn and wouldn't admit that to one another. 

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