
Picnics in the Park

James took his parent's advice and didn't tell Ara how much he loved her the entire rest of the term, but it was getting harder and harder. She was just amazing, and he thought she was just perfect. Today they were going on a date to the park. James had packed a picnic and was excited to spend some alone time together. 

"Hello James," Ara was wearing a sundress that flowed around her legs as she walked. James kissed her cheek and took her hand. 

"Are you excited about our picnic?" 

"Oh yes, I cannot wait to see what you packed," Ara laid out the blanket on the grass and sat down on it. She was hungry and couldn't wait to share some time with James. 

James pulled out all the food that he had packed. It looked as if they were going to feed the whole park with the amount of food he had brought. He didn't want to forget anything. 

"Butterbeer?" Ara smiled as he pulled it out along with two glasses. Ara loved butterbeer and was excited to have some. 

"I hope that this is all alright," James pointed to all the food in front of them, and Ara started to giggle. 

"It's wonderful, James."

They ate and talked for a little while before James packed everything back up, and they started walking around the park. It was a muggle park, and they sat and watched as the muggle couples did things without the magic that could be done so easily with magic. 

"They don't look so different from us, huh," James said after awhile.

"No, not at all. Does it make you wonder why anyone would want to keep people like my mother out of our world?"

"Yes, it's horrible."

"Father still has a hard time with it," Ara sighed and tried to hold back the tears. 

"What do you mean?" James pulled her in and rubbed her back to comfort her.

"Well, he feels so guilty sometimes. I've heard him and Mother talking about it. It is only everyone once and a while, but it still happens. She always tells him that he didn't have to live with so much evil to give up now. That he survived just like her, and that is payment enough."

"I don't understand how they all went through that, yet they all still see the best in everyone and everything. I don't think I would be able to do that." 

"I think you could." Ara took him, and they kept walking. 

"Hello," Ara frowned slightly at the girl that was blocking their path. She looked around her and James age, or slightly older. She was taller than Ara, and Ara thought she was quite pretty. 

"Hello," James looked at the girl, confused. He looked at Ara to see if she knew her, but from the look on Ara's face, she didn't. "Can I help you?" 

"Well, I just wanted to introduce myself. I live around here, and I have never seen you before. I just wanted to be your friend." The girl batted her eyelashes at James, and Ara groaned to herself. 

"Oh, well, I am James, and this is my girlfriend Ara." 

"Oh." The girl frowned as she shook James' hand, "I'm Tara. Where are you from?"

"Well, we live close by, but we just don't come to this park often."

"Oh, how come I have never seen you before at school?"

"We go to a private school," Ara spoke up for the first time, and she didn't care that she sounded incredibly rude. 

"Well. I know all of the private schools; my father owns most of them," She smiled brightly at James again, "Which one?"

James and Ara looked at one another curiously. What were they supposed to say?

"Ara!" Ara whipped around and sighed as she saw Teddy walking toward them. 

"Teddy, we have been looking everywhere for you," He smirked and got the message. 

"I am sorry, I was late getting out of work. You two ready to go?"

"Yes," James and Ara started to follow him. 

"Wait, you didn't answer my question," Tara had caught up with them. 

"Ma'am, we are late." Teddy took Ara's hand and sped up. How were they going to get out of this? 

"Oh," She frowned, and James shot her a sympathetic smile before jogging to catch up with Ara and his brother.

"How did you know that we needed out of that situation?" Ara finally asked as they reached an alley. 

"I have talked to her before. She is nosy, and I think she might know something about magic, but I'm not sure. Anyway, grab on." Teddy put out his hand, and both did as they were told. It was like being sucked through a cold tube, and as soon as Ara's feet hit the ground again, she turned and threw up everywhere. 

"Sorry, I should have warned you, but I didn't want her to follow us." Teddy pulled out some chocolate from his jacket and handed her a small piece, "Eat it." 

James thought he was also going to get sick, but he just made sure Ara was alright. 

"Ara?" Hermione was rushing out of the house, and Scorpius was following her with a glass of water. 

"Sorry, Ma'am, that girl was not living them alone. I didn't know what else to do."

"Thank you for bringing them here, Teddy. You are welcome to stay for dinner. James, you are too, of course."

"Thank you, Mrs. Malfoy." James held Ara's glass of water and rubbed her back as she spit out some of the water. 

"Sorry," She whispered. He just shook his head and helped her inside. 

"So Teddy, do you think I need to send someone to take care of it?" Hermione asked.

"I think someone should definitely observe her. I just have a bad feeling about it." 

"What is going on?" Ara looked up at her mother.

"Teddy is working for the ministry. He is making sure that muggles are not finding out about us. He has been on Tara's case for a while now. 

"Since I got out of Hogwarts," Teddy added. 

"What will happen if she knows something?" James asked.

"Well, her memory will be altered, unless of course, she is permitted to know. Like if her parents are wizards and she happens not to be."

"She told us her father owned private schools in that area." Ara thought this might be helpful. 

"Well, I think she makes things like that up. She told me that she had never met her father." Teddy looked at Ara with sad eyes. 

"Maybe she just has a problem with lying mother, and she just wants to make friends." James smiled at Hermione. She certainly thought that could be a possibility. But still thought it better to check it out. 

Ara walked James to the door after supper and smiled at him when he pulled her into a hug. He didn't want to let go. 

"Thank you for the wonderful day, James,"

"I hope you feel better, Ara. I had a great day too. Promise me you won't think about that girl."

"I promise, James." James smiled as she said it and pulled her into another hug before he left. He didn't want her to obsess over it. Girls came up to him all the time. Normally it was at school because they knew who his father was. The fact that random girls were doing it now made him worried. He didn't want Ara to feel jealous, but he knew she would. He just wanted her to be happy. He loved her. Maybe he should tell her. 

"I'll see you when we all go to Diagon Alley next week," Ara kissed his cheek, and he smiled at her and nodded before leaving. 

The beginning of the date was perfect, he thought. She really was perfect, and he just wanted to tell her. He turned around, thinking about going back to do just that, but she was already inside. He shrugged; maybe it was for the best. It could wait. 

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