
Three More Bundles.

The weeks flew by, and soon the triplets were done with their first year at Hogwarts, and they were at home again. Ara loved helping her mother and her grandmother decorate the babies' new rooms. Ara and her brothers moved into bigger rooms, and the babies took the old rooms they had been living in. Ara was excited to have such a new room. She had designed it all on her own, and she was proud of everything in it. Scorpius and Hyperion had told their mother and grandmother what they liked, though, and they picked out everything for them. 

"Do you think everything is ready for them to get here?" Ara asked her mother one morning. Hermione hadn't had to go on bed rest this time because of how relaxed she had been. This morning though, something seemed off to her; she was worried that the Healers would want her to start bedrest if this feeling continued. 

"I think so, dear." Hermione tried her best to have a genuine smile for her daughter, but she soon realized why she felt so off. She was standing in a puddle of water.

"Mother?" Ara looked at her mother, concerned about what was going on. 

"Sweety, could you please go find your father. Then I am going to need you to find Cissy and tell her that we are leaving." Hermione sat, anticipating the pain that was sure to follow. Ara did as she was told, and soon Draco was rushing into the room with the bag they had packed a few days earlier. Hermione had surprisingly made it almost two full weeks longer with this set of triplets than she did with her first. 

"Are you ready to be a mother of 6?" Draco helped Hermione up and then into the fireplace so that they could floo to St. Mungos. 

"Yes." Hermione kissed Draco on the cheek before they threw in the powder. 

Once they arrived, Draco rushed over to get a nurse to help him. Hermione seemed to be in much more pain than she was the first time. 

"Must be progressing quite a bit faster than last time, dear. Is it all coming back to you now?" The head healer calmed, talking to Hermione as she pushed her into a room and helped her onto the bed. 

"Draco, would it be too much to ask if you could, Ginny for me? It feels strange not having her here." 

"I will get her, don't worry." Draco looked at one of the newer Healers, who quickly got the message and went out the door. Soon enough, though, both the Healer and Ginny were back in the room.

"You are doing great, Hermione." Ginny squeezed her best friend's hand and wiped her face with a cold rag. 

"She is right, Mrs. Malfoy. You are going spectacularly." The Head Healer smiled. Soon Nova was out and crying wildly. 

"Is she alright?" Hermione breathed, laying down into the bed, trying to catch her breath. 

"Perfect, I would say." Draco was beaming again. This was the best day of his life. It was happening all over again. He loved being a father, and meeting his children for the first time would always be the greatest of his days. 

"Here comes baby B," The healer quickly handed one of the other healers, Leo. He didn't cry at first, and Hermione was becoming worried. The healer he had been handed to rubbed his back gently, though, and soon enough, he was crying alongside his sister. 

"One more baby, you can do it." Draco kissed his wife's head, and she started pushing again. It was only a few minutes later before Carina joined the world, and the babies were all together again. Crying rather loudly. 

"They are beautiful, Hermione." Draco had tears forming in his eyes. He was so happy.

"Would you like to meet them, Mrs. Malfoy?"

"yes, please," Hermione sat up some after they had cleaned all the babies off, measured, and weighed them. "They are so much bigger than my other three when they were born."

"Well, yes, they had more time to grow inside you, dear. Though your other triplets sure had made up for being so little when they were born. Perfect now, are they?"

"Yes, they are. I cannot wait until they can meet their baby brother and sisters."

The healers put all three in Hermione's arm, and she started to cry, looking at them all. 

"Leo might be the first Malfoy boy to not look exactly like every other Malfoy boy," Ginny giggled as she looked at the babies as well. He had a small amount of hair, but it was dark brown, and it looked as if it was going to be curly. When he finally opened his eyes, though, they were all Draco. Silver orbs that could look into someone's soul. 

"Yes, but look at these two little girls. You could pick them as Malfoy children even right now." Hermione laughed as she looked at her daughters. Now, most of her children looked like her husband. 

They both had light blonde hair and silvery eyes. However, Hermione thought that they might get darker like hers. They were already pretty dark. Much darker than their brothers, or Draco's. 

The next morning when Hermione had rested some and felt a little more up to it, Ara, Scorpius, and Hyperion came to the hospital to see their mother and the new babies. 

"Look how cute they are," Ara had tears forming in her eyes. She loved them so much. "I love you three. Don't worry me, Scorp and Hyperion are going to love you and keep you safe." 

Hermione started crying, listening to her oldest daughter, talk to her youngest. She was so proud of her daughter. She was an amazing young lady. 

"Mother, they are so little," Scorp climbed up on the bed with his mother and nestled in the crook of her arm. 

"Well, of course, they are dear. Your father and I told you they wouldn't be able to play quidditch with you and Hyperion for a couple of years at least." Hermione kissed his head and smiled at his innocence. 

"Can I hold Nova, Mother?" Hyperion turned around suddenly with hope in his eyes. 

"Oh yes, can I hold Leo?" Ara clapped her hands slightly at the idea. 

"I want to hold one of the babies too," Scorpius got off the bed and went over to Carina's cot and looked down at her. 

"I don't see why not, but you have to be very gentle with them." Draco helped each of his oldest hold the younger three. It was a lovely memory, both parents thought. When they first were told of this crazy law, who would have thought that they would be happily married with 6 children. It was the most magical feeling. 

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