
An Awful Day

The months started flying by for Hermione, and before she knew it, it was two weeks until Christmas. She would work until the end of this week and then be off until the beginning of the year. She was glad that she had been given such a long stretch of time off to spend with her family. She loved the holidays and couldn't wait to have the triplets experience their first Christmas. 

They had changed so much in the last few months, and they were almost one. Hermione could hardly believe it, but she was glad they were growing and slowly becoming their own person. Ara was already walking, and Hyperion had not been far behind her. Scorpius could stand up and walk, holding on to things, but he hadn't really walked by himself yet. Honestly, Hermione couldn't believe they were doing that already and was so happy she was there when they took their first steps. 

It had been on a Saturday night. They were all sitting in the family room reading and talking about things that had happened over the course of the week when all of a sudden, Ara had stood up from playing with the boys and walked over to Draco. He looked as if he was going to explode with pride when she did. Hermione had the camera ready and managed to record most of it. Hyperion had walked a week or so after that. 

All three were also saying little words. Mama and Dada mostly. Scorpius, though, had managed to figure out the word no, and it seemed to be the only word he ever wanted to learn. They were all so smart and cute. Hermione could barely wait to get home at the end of the week so that she could spend some extra time with them and Draco. 

"Hermione, your next appointment is here. Can I send them in?" Hermione broke away from her thoughts as she heard Marcus's voice ring into the room. The two had grown close and had become good friends. They were similar in a lot of ways, and Hermione had found out he was actually older than her, though they had been at Hogwarts during the same time. He had only been hired as an intern because his NEWT scores were so low, but Hermione had made him her full-time assistant. He really was true to his word and organized, and it helped her. She tended to get stuck on one project and completely forget about everything else she was supposed to be doing that day. She had even invited him to the Manor a couple of times for dinner. Draco seemed to approve because he was true to his word and made sure she was eating lunch every day, and Draco had thanked him for that many times. 

"Do send them in, Marcus," Hermione called back, smoothing her skirt out. She liked being presentable, and the person she was going to meet deserved her best. 

The Minister was sick today and was supposed to be in for this meeting, but since he was out and they couldn't possibly reschedule, Hermine was taking full reign and having the meeting alone. 

"Prime Minister, how lovely to meet you." Hermione stuck out her hand to England's Prime Minister, and he shook it willingly. Shaklebolt had told her that he was still apprehensive about everything magic, and he thought Hermione might be able to warm him up to the idea. 

"How is everything going now, ma'am?" Hermione knew he was referring to the war, and she noted how he had got right to the point. She stuck her hand out and gestured for the chair that he could sit down in and sat across from him. 

"Tip-top, I would have to say. As you requested, I had a meeting with our head auror to pull some of the records from this past year. The wizards and witches in question from the end of the war have been properly dealt with. There have been no other signs to this point that anyone would try and make another attempt at starting a war, though we are taking every precaution in dealing with those who would have in the past," Hermione paused to see if he had anything to say.

"Well, I appreciate everything that you have done; I feel as though I can rest assured that you are handling it." He started to get up leave; Hermione knew that she needed to make a good impression, but the way he had said that made Hermione feel as though he would take matters into his own hands. 

"Sir, I assure you that we are making every effort to right this wrong. Did the Minister not tell you who I was? I was under the impression you knew who you were meeting with today," Hermione had let the irritation slip into her speech, and she mentally kicked herself for it.

"No, I know that you are the Deputy Head. I assume that one day you will make an appearance to my successor and explain who you are." He had risen out of his seat, and his arms were cross. Hermione took a breath before continuing. 

"Well, I am Hermione Malfoy, formally Granger. I am a muggle-born—someone who is born to two parents without magic. I grew up in England, idolized the Queen. Knew all about Parliament and the Prime Minister's job. I was an only child, and my parents kept me very well informed about the workings of the government. They were dentists and absolutely thrilled when they found out that I was a witch. I studied hard in school got top marks. I wanted to prove to the people that I thought I wasn't supposed to be there because I was a muggle-born who deserved to learn about magic. But then the war came, and I had to alter my parent's memory, so they wouldn't know who I am so that I could keep them safe. I didn't want them to be harmed from the war because of who I was. Because of who my friends were. I wanted to keep England safe. Keep everyone safe, so I fought in a war beside my best friends. Don't you think I would want to rid the world of the evil that took my parents from me? I never got to see them again because they were killed in a car accident before I could restore their memories. I never got to see them again, and now it is my job to make sure that I make the world safe, so another little girl never has to go through that again. So I very much appreciate your visit to check upon us, but I assure you we have it fully under control. I am making sure of it." Hermione was honestly surprised she wasn't yelling at the man in front of her. She would never think to go into his office and insinuate how to run his government. And Hermione was damn sure not going to let him do that to her. 

"Well, Mrs. Malfoy, I apologize that I doubted you. I didn't know that people who worked so high up here had such a connection to my world. I am honestly relieved to know that you are. I hope you have a wonderful holiday. " The Prime Minister shook Hermione's hand as she took a relieved breath that she hadn't just started an all-out pissing contest, and when he left, she sunk into her chair. Kingsley could handle that meeting next time. 

"Hello darling, how was your last day of work before your nice long break?" Draco was waiting at the door for her as was usual, and she smiled and sank into his hug when she walked in. 

"Trying," Hermione giggled, "I practically yelled at the Prime Minister." 

"You did what?" Draco didn't know why he was surprised, half of the things that she had told him about what she did in school were against so many rules, but still, she surprised him. 

"He basically insinuated that he was going to come in and make sure we were dealing with the aftermath of war correctly. I told him, though. I have it fully handled, as do Harry and Shaklebolt. Not that they were in the meeting. I don't know if they would have approved of my methods, but he feels better now, so I guess that is all that matters. I am just glad to be home to start the holidays." 

"So am I; I am so excited for the triplets' first Christmas I can hardly contain myself." Draco kissed Hermione and twirled her around the room. It wasn't very often that they were alone, and Hermione missed moments like this.

"Mama," Hyperion and Scorp were walking toward her now, and Hermione got tears in her eyes. Scorpius was walking!

"Draco, look at Scorp!"

"I know, don't worry, I recorded it. He did it this afternoon in the garden. Mother was thrilled." 

"I'm sad I missed it," Hermione picked up her son and kissed him on the cheek. She was so proud."

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