
A Minister's Visit

Draco had gone back to school a few days prior, and Hermione was spending all of her time with the Healers trying to learn as much as she could from them. When she wasn't watching the Healers, she spent time alone with her three babies. She could not believe the amount of love she felt for them. She knew as soon as she was born the love that Lily Potter, Molly Weasley, and Narcissa Malfoy all showed for their children. She knew that she would do anything and everything for her children. When she looked at them, she was happy about everything that she had sacrificed during the war to rid the evil from the world. It was a long hard journey to arrive where she is now, but she had three little perfect innocent children that counted on her, and she was happy that she fought for everything she did.

Draco would come every other night and check up on Hermione and the children; he hated being away from them. When he was away from Hermione, it was bad enough, but now that they were here, it was killing him inside every time he said goodbye. He couldn't even imagine leaving his family, and he tried to wrap his head around parents who did that. How was he going to let them go away to school when they are old enough? How would he ever let them out of his site once they are big enough to go out on their own? He thought about when Ara would start dating once, but it was too much for him to try and push it out of his mind. They were only a week old. He didn't have to worry about that yet. Plus, she was going to have two brothers to look after her. 

He did think about his past a lot. It was hard to imagine telling his children about all the terrible things that had been in the world before they arrived and how he was apart of that. He didn't want to lie to them, but he certainly didn't want them to hate him either. When they found out how their parents were matched together, he worried if that would cause resentment. He constantly worried now that he was a father, whether it mattered at that moment or not. 

Hermione was enjoying the quiet morning to herself. The Healers had taken the babies to have baths, and their photos were taken. Hermione was excited to see the pictures of her little ones. As much as she was enjoying the quiet, it wasn't going to stay like that for long. The Minister of Magic had just arrived at St. Mungos, and he was heading straight for her room. 

"Mrs. Malfoy," Kingsley Shacklebolt smiled at Hermione as he let himself in the room He had chosen this day specifically. Knowing that she would be alone. 

"Minister," Hermione was horrified that the Minister was standing in front of her. She was in her jumper and a nightgown, not really something she would want to talk to the Minister in.

"You're fine, Hermione, you've known me before this. No need to be proper about all that is going on,"

"Well, thank you, Sir. May I ask why you are here?"

"Well, I wanted to talk to you about what you were thinking about doing after you graduate in a few weeks?"

"Well, I was initially planning on spending time with my family. I wanted to stay at home for a while."

"I figured as much; how is Mr. Malfoy treating you?"

"He is wonderful. One day I will have to thank the council. Who would have thought we would work so well together,"

"I am glad to hear it. I was wondering how long you were going to stay at home?"

"At least through the summer, Sir,"

"Well, that is not too long,"

"Sir, why are you here?" Hermione knew there was an underlying reason he was asking her all of these questions.

"I want you to work for me," Kingsley knew that Hermione would want a straight answer eventually, "I would like you to work with me so that when I retire that you will be in a prime spot to take the position. You would make the perfect candidate, and I think most people would approve."

"Sir, I haven't even finished school yet,"

"I am aware; I don't plan on retiring for a few years. 10 more would be nice."

"What would I be doing for you? I know you have said before that you wanted me to work for you, but it was never in detail. And if I am being completely honest I wasn't sure if that would still be on the table since I didn't and won't be taking my NEWTs." Hermione was intrigued, she had wanted to work for the Ministry before this law, and perhaps this was perfect.

"I thought you could run a division in the Ministry. Perhaps be the Deputy Head? You are more that qualified for the position. You are a bright young witch, with a great mind, and I would consider it a personal triumph to have you on my team."

"Sir, much more qualified people should be in that position. Won't they resent me for passing them with no experience?"

"Hermione, people are asking to get you into the Ministry. Many older wizards are skeptical of this law and all that it implies. I couldn't do anything about it, but if you join the team. Someone that was directly affected. You are wanted by many. There is still much to be fixed within the Ministry."

"May I get back to you. I do feel the need to talk to my husband about this. I want to maintain the relationship I have with Draco, and secrecy is not the path I want to take."

"I would commend you for making the best of this, Hermione, and that is why I would really like you to take this offer. I am looking forward to your owl."

"Thank you, Sir."

Hermione didn't even have time to process all of the information she had just received before her three little ones were back in her room and waiting to be fed. 

Later that night, when Draco came by to visit, Hermione was acting strange, and Draco noticed immediately. He didn't want to pry; he wanted her to tell him herself. It didn't take that long before the tension in the room got to Hermione. The offer was eating at her, and she just had to get this over with. 

"Draco, the Minister visited me today,"

"Really, what did the two of you talk about?"

"He offered me a job," Hermione watched for his reaction. He smiled at her and waited for her to go on. So far, so good, "Well, he wants me to be Deputy Head,"

"Deputy Head? That is amazing, Hermione; what did you tell him?"

"Well, I told him I wanted to talk to you about it,"


"Because we are a team now, I wasn't sure how you would feel about me going to work and leaving the babies,"

"Well, I was going to stay home, I thought about it a lot, and I figured out that as much as I want to pursue a career, I would rather stay home and manage the family business and watch the three of them grow. I thought we talked this out already dear? I thought you knew that."

"Well, I wasn't' sure if it was still something you wanted or not. Plus I want to be able to stay home with the children as well." 

"So you don't have to take the job, sweetheart,"

"I know, but a big part of me knows I won't be able to stay at home forever. This is a really good opportunity,"

"Do it,"

"Draco, he wants me to be Deputy Head because it is a good stepping off point for when he retires so that I can become the Minister of Magic."

"Mrs. Malfoy Minister of Magic sounds practically perfect,"


"Of course, dear, you should be able to pursue what you were going to do before all of this happened. I know you wanted to work for the Ministry, mine as well be the Head of the whole thing,"

"Thank you, Draco,"

"I love you, Hermione,"

"I love you too, Draco Malfoy,"

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